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Entertaining by Magic
by Hermann Pallme

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Entertaining by Magic by Hermann Pallme

Not a trick in the ebook, but contains more real information on how to entertain with magic than you can get by reading a hundred others. Gives details so frequently neglected. Invaluable to any magician, for not only must one know how to do tricks, but he must also understand how to make his tricks entertaining.

  • Preface
  • Hermann Pallme
  • Foreword
  • CHAPTER I. History Of Magic
  • CHAPTER II. The Literature Of Magic
  • CHAPTER III. Educational Value Of Magic
  • CHAPTER IV. Magic As A Profession
  • CHAPTER V. The Study And Practice Of Magic
  • CHAPTER VI. Concerning Deportment
  • CHAPTER VII. The Dramatic Element
  • CHAPTER VIII. The Monolog
  • CHAPTER IX. Music
  • CHAPTER X. Costume And Character
  • CHAPTER XI. As A Social Advantage
  • CHAPTER XII. Magic For Profit

1st edition 1906, 63 pages; PDF 48 pages.
word count: 13109 which is equivalent to 52 standard pages of text