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by David Devlin

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Equivo-Lock by David Devlin

Equivo-Lock is David's version of Seven Keys to Baldpate by Annemann. An ungimmicked padlock and seven keys are given to a spectator. The spectator tries all seven keys and finds out that none of the keys will open the lock. The performer now produces an eighth key, which does open the lock. The spectator now relocks the padlock, and the keys are placed into a wine glass. The keys are then mixed. The spectator now uses her powers of intuition to eliminate all but one of the eight keys. The selected key is tried in the lock and the lock opens!

The lock is not gimmicked and maybe completely examined. No switches of any kind. The keys are always in full view as is the padlock. Only one key will open the padlock, yet the spectator will always select it. Any brand of lock may be used.

David uses this when he wants to prove to a spectator that she has psychic abilities too.

[Note: As the name implies this effect is based on equivoque. If you are an experienced user of equivoque there is little new here. If you are struggling with the successful application of it then you will get here David's script and a better understanding of why it works. With equivoque every word you say is important and can make your performance that much stronger or weaker. And that word for word script is what you primarily are purchasing here.]

1st edition 2008, 4 pages.
word count: 926 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text