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Illusive Three Card Monte
by David Devlin


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Illusive Three Card Monte by David Devlin

The performer shows three cards: two jokers, and the queen of hearts. The queen of hearts is the money card. All the spectators have to do is follow the queen. No matter how hard they try, it just isn't possible. The queen is anywhere but where they think she is. Finally, in an effort to make it easier to follow, one of the jokers is set aside. The queen is mixed with the one remaining joker. Instantly, the queen has vanished leaving only two jokers in your hands. The "joker" that was set aside, and has been in full view the entire time is turned over and is found to be the missing queen. The last phase will have even magicians rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

1st edition 2011, 9 pages, photo illustrated + video

word count: 1432 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video