$10(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
A deck is shuffled. While the performer's back is turned, one spectator selects and remembers a card, which he then loses into the deck. No one knows where this card is. Its identity is known only to the spectator. Now, a second spectator merely thinks of a number. The performer mixes the cards further, and spreads them face up to show the cards to be completely mixed. The second spectator now, for the 1st time, reveals her thought of number. The spectator is handed the deck. She deals the cards one at a time until she reaches her thought of number. The card arrived at is the card being thought of by the 1st spectator!
Based on an effect by Larry Jennings, this has been a favorite of David's for many years. David has used this to fool both laymen and magicians alike. It is impromptu and can be done with a borrowed deck. And best of all, it is nearly self-working!
1st edition 2008, 7 pages.
word count: 1616 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Michael Cook (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Monday 17 August, 2020Was looking for a good simple ACAAN. I thought maybe this would be good. Nothing really good about it. To much dealing and counting. It’s just too confusing. Way to much procedure. Not recommended. There are better ACAANs out there this isn’t one of them. The Untouchables by the same author is the same convoluted ACAAN.