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ESPespcially Yours
by Stanton Carlisle

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ESPespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle

1st edition 1980; original 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Dedication
  3. Foreword
  4. Preface
  5. One Out Of Five?...It's THIS One!
  6. Living And Dead Test....No.1,269!
  7. Prelude To The Classic Book Test
  8. The Classic Book Test
  9. Brain Echoes
  10. The 'Escee' Bluff Switch
  11. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 1
  12. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 2
  13. The Master's Miracle Reading
  14. Conclusion

word count: 16616 which is equivalent to 66 standard pages of text