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Stanton Carlisle

Stanton Carlisle

(Britain: 28th January 1928 - 14th June 1990)

His real name he insisted, despite the unlikely coincidence that it is same as the mind-reader protagonist in William Lindsay Gresham's fine novel of carnival life, Nightmare Alley (1946). In fact his real name was Ronald Frederick Parrott. Born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK.

Learned as a boy from an Ernest Sewell magic set he swapped for with a school friend. After RAF service turned pro magician c1948, working music halls with a standard act plus kid shows, both as "Rinaldo". Then pro mentalist since 1950s as "Stanton Carlisle". AIMC 1990.

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Stanton Carlisle
Puppetrix Supreme by Stanton Carlisle

From the introduction by Edwin Hooper:

Stanton Carlisle is well-known for his many articles on mentalism which have appeared in The Magigram Magazine. Stanton is more than a mentalist, being a general all-round magical performer who has played practically every type of engagement - not only with mentalism but with magic, ranging from sophisticated Night Club dates to children's parties. At these parties, puppets have played their part.

We are delighted that Stanton has released some of his very excellent routines and bits of business for those children's entertainers who are thinking of adding a puppet or puppets to their...

Stanton Carlisle
ESP Erimenti Per Te by Stanton Carlisle

Se sei appassionato di mentalismo e desideri materiale pratico, testato e professionale, allora questo ebook è per te. Le routines che vi trovi al suo interno sono frutto di studio e di prove, quindi non dovrai fare altro che cominiciare al più presto ad usarle nel tuo spettacolo e avrai un sicuro successo.

Questo grande Maestro del mentalismo ci presenta nelle 66 pagine riccamente illustrate di questo ebook, con dovizia di particolari le seguenti meraviglie

  • Una Su Cinque?...E’ Questa!
  • Test di Vita E di Morte....No.1,269!
  • Preludio al Book Test Classico
  • Il Book Test Classico ...
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalismo Deluxe by Stanton Carlisle

Ecco finalmente la prima opera di Carlisle in Italiano . Carlisle ha scritto diversi libri di ottimo mentalismo e questo non è da meno. Lo stesso titolo mostra che si tratta di ottimi effetti. Il libro inizia con la descrizione di una duplicazione di un disegno liberamente scelto. Prosegue con una stupenda versione del gioco delle 7 chiavi ( con sei chiavi) di cui Carlisle dice : "Finora abbiamo attentamente salvaguardato questo metodo poiché non richiede attrezzature truccate, gimmick di sorta o manipolazioni. ...". Il libro prosegue con una effetto in cui il mentalista indovina oggetti...

★★★★ $20
Stanton Carlisle
Master Mentality by Stanton Carlisle

Master Mentality is an important addition to the rather sparse literature available on the little-known subject of contact mind reading.

Contact mind reading is generally believed to be almost impossible to practice and hard to learn. Stanton Carlisle demonstrates that this is not at all the case. His instructions share all the secrets of a successful performance and the techniques to learn and master this art.

I consider this the most important work of Stanton Carlisle. He shares many bits and tips of the business of mentalism in general, not just the techniques and methods to become...

★★★ $9
Stanton Carlisle
The Magic of ESP by Stanton Carlisle

Here are 25 tricks with ESP cards. Some are impromptu (marked below with a single star), some require a bit of preparation (marked below with two stars), and a few require more involved preparation such as gimmicked cards (marked below with three stars).

Most are suitable for jumbo ESP cards as well as regular poker or bridge sized cards. And most use only a single deck of ESP cards.

1st edition 1978; original 29 pages; PDF 32 pages.

  1. Dedication
  2. Contents
  3. Author's Preface
  4. Foreword
  5. Guessing Gordon*
  6. Psycho-Symbol*
  7. A Five Star Miracle**
  8. The Magical Match-Maker**
  9. Mental Simplicity*** ...
Stanton Carlisle
ESPespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle

1st edition 1980; original 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Dedication
  3. Foreword
  4. Preface
  5. One Out Of Five?...It's THIS One!
  6. Living And Dead Test....No.1,269!
  7. Prelude To The Classic Book Test
  8. The Classic Book Test
  9. Brain Echoes
  10. The 'Escee' Bluff Switch
  11. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 1
  12. The Astromental Prediction, Mark 2
  13. The Master's Miracle Reading
  14. Conclusion
★★★★ $12
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalism for Connoisseurs by Stanton Carlisle

After Stanton Carlisle retired due to a back injury he wrote this book and shared his professional mental routines. Carlisle has performed all of these effects many times during his professional career. They are well polished and worth your time of study.

1st edition 1980; original 53 pages; PDF 56 pages.

  1. Dedication
  2. Contents
  3. Foreword
  4. Author's Foreword
  5. Thoughts Winged Flight
  6. Mind Control ... In Action
  7. Psycho-matic
  8. The "Bent Medium's" Switcheroo
  9. Money Making Mentalism
  10. Astrological Signs and Symbols
  11. How to Tell Fortunes with Dice and Dominoes
  12. The Day for Any Given Birthdate Formula ...
★★★★★ $9
Stanton Carlisle
Mentalism De Luxe by Stanton Carlisle

Eight strong and wonderful mentalism routines.

"Key Caper" for example is a completely ungimmicked version of Annemann's "Seven Keys To Baldpate". The method is simple and easy, a piece of beautiful clever mentalism.

"Music in the Air" makes use of a cigarette lighter that plays a tune when lighted. I have never seen such lighters. They are probably out of fashion these days. However, the effect could very easily be modernized and used together with a ring-tone on a cellphone. The effect is the following. You show a packet of cards, each one has a different song title printed on it. Your...

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