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by Steven Palmer


(3 reviews, 23 customer ratings) ★★★

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Exhale by Steven Palmer

Exhale is a utility technique / force that enables the performer to force a card on a spectator as the spectator shuffles and cuts the deck. It is a combination of ideas and techniques from the literature that have been streamlined and added to. Included are several routines I have used the technique with. The exhale technique is essentially self-working and seems impossible to the spectator as the spectator does all the work.

1st edition 2020, PDF 21 pages.
word count: 3300 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Brad Smithart (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Friday 13 December, 2024

Exhale is a shuffle force using a gimmicked card. It is designed to allow locating the force card by both touch and sight. The product includes directions for building the gimmick, as well as handlings for various situations. It then follows up with some example performance uses.

Reviewed by Howard Port (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 25 March, 2023

This is a great book and I would say that even if it wasn't free. It uses a number of subtleties, some of which are new to me, and which are quite clever and makes the spectator think you couldn't have any knowledge of their card or its whereabouts while in actuality the magician is always in control. He gives some especially good ideas on the interlaced shuffle which is good, I find, for younger folks as not everyone knows how to shuffle cards anymore. I would think a $10 to $15 price for this would have been more than reasonable. As for me, I'm a hobbyist now with a main interest in close-up, especially cards. I haven't been performing a lot recently but used to work quite a bit, including a couple of years at the Forks Hotel with Eddie Fechter.

Reviewed by Stuart Millward (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 01 January, 2023

Needs proofreading badly.