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Arthur Herzog
The Town That Moved To Mexico by Arthur Herzog

A shallow earthquake slides a California town full of bigots into Mexico. The Mexican mayor of the town across the border declares the Americans "drybacks" and won't let them leave. The two countries verge on war.

The small towns of Hinchville, CA, and La Lacrimosa, Mexico, dispute ownership of a small strip of land on the border between them. When an earthquake causes a bizarre landslide, and several of the houses in Hinchville end up in La Lacrimosa's town square, the minor dispute becomes an international incident.

The Mexican mayor turns the tables on the Americans by forcing them...

Arthur Herzog
Aries Rising by Arthur Herzog

A man gives an innocent lie about his birthday and ends up with astrologer-crooks and a girlfriend.

Philip Castle, newly separated from an adulterous wife and afflicted by middle-age doldrums, is a professor at the University of Chicago off to the Caribbean for a relaxing vacation. But life is far from restful. His first day on the island he watches a small plane crash, piloted by a man who looks disturbingly like him. He then meets Marie-Celeste - a fabulously beautiful and provocative young woman with whom he makes love - only to find that she is the mistress of the powerful and mysterious...

Arthur Herzog
LSITT - Take Over by Arthur Herzog

A handsome CEO attempts to acquire another company whose CEO is a beautiful woman.

A marvelously authentic novel of startling dimension that transforms the headlines of corporate wars and takeovers into the flesh and blood behind-the-scenes manipulations of a conglomerate head who begins a distinctly unfriendly corporate merger with an unwilling female C.E.O.

In the world of "white-knights," arbitrageur middlemen playing both sides against the middle, of self-serving corporate lawyers and carnivorous investment bankers, Steve Berg, armed with the inelegant but accurate rallying slogan...

Arthur Herzog
The Craving by Arthur Herzog

A celebrity diet doctor gains an alarming amount of weight and kills himself.

IT WAS THE ANSWER TO A MILLION PRAYERS...It was the miracle everyone had waited for: Sovwren - incredibly nutritious, indescribably delicious. Millions of Americans went for it, lived on it, lost weight on it - became the slim, lithe creatures of their most glamorous dreams. They tasted happiness…until an appetite for something more began to stir. Small at first, it grew and became a hunger nothing could satisfy. And then they were swept into the deadly nightmare of obsession - trapped in the ravenous jaws of…

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