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Arthur Herzog

Arthur Herzog

Arthur Herzog is an award-winning novelist, non-fiction writer and journalist, renowned for his best-selling novels The Swarm, Orca (both made into popular movies), and IQ 83, hailed by the British press as one of the best science fiction works ever written.


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Arthur Herzog
The Edge of Reality by Arthur Herzog

Third ebook of short stories by Arthur Herzog. Other ebooks in the series Body Parts and Beyond Sci-FI.

1st edition 2014.

Arthur Herzog
The Town That Moved To Mexico by Arthur Herzog

A shallow earthquake slides a California town full of bigots into Mexico. The Mexican mayor of the town across the border declares the Americans "drybacks" and won't let them leave. The two countries verge on war.

The small towns of Hinchville, CA, and La Lacrimosa, Mexico, dispute ownership of a small strip of land on the border between them. When an earthquake causes a bizarre landslide, and several of the houses in Hinchville end up in La Lacrimosa's town square, the minor dispute becomes an international incident.

The Mexican mayor turns the tables on the Americans by forcing them...

Arthur Herzog
Imortalon by Arthur Herzog

A prize-winning scientist has a formula to conquer aging but it's stolen and becomes a blockbuster drug, Imortalon, which produces negative effects.

It was possibly the discovery of a lifetime: a drug that would reverse the effects of aging, seemingly indefinitely. The tests were all positive, first on rats, then monkeys and other large animals, and finally, on humans. It was a dream come true, the promise of a healthy, happy life, with all the benefits of youthfulness, including energy, vitality, and sex drive, for 200+ years or more. Tens of millions clamored to be among the first to take...

Arthur Herzog
Aries Rising by Arthur Herzog

A man gives an innocent lie about his birthday and ends up with astrologer-crooks and a girlfriend.

Philip Castle, newly separated from an adulterous wife and afflicted by middle-age doldrums, is a professor at the University of Chicago off to the Caribbean for a relaxing vacation. But life is far from restful. His first day on the island he watches a small plane crash, piloted by a man who looks disturbingly like him. He then meets Marie-Celeste - a fabulously beautiful and provocative young woman with whom he makes love - only to find that she is the mistress of the powerful and mysterious...

Arthur Herzog
The B.S. Factor: The Theory and Technique of Faking It in America by Arthur Herzog

A lecture, really, on American deception and hype. If written now, it would have concentrated on the war in Iraq.

Fakery and hypocrisy in American communications are the subjects of this outspoken - and hilarious - ebook. Uncovering our thought-pollution problem for perhaps the first time, Arthur Herzog exposes Executalk ("name of the game" for "point" or "purpose," "ball-park estimate" for "rough guess"), Quote Facts (opinions made to seem like facts by virtue of being quoted), and Complex Complex (the compulsion to make things more complicated than they need to be), to mention only a few...

Arthur Herzog
17 Days: The Katie Beers Story by Arthur Herzog

Katie Beers, a young girl, was hidden in a secret cellar for two-and-a-half weeks. Except for the cops, she might have died.

On December 28, 1992, two days before her tenth birthday, Katie Beers disappeared. She had left for an outing with a close family friend, John Esposito, and her whereabouts remained mysterious as the year drew to a close and her family grew frantic, fearing the worst. On January 13th, Katie was found alive in a secret, dungeon-like vault beneath Esposito's Bay Shore, Long Island house. Families nationwide followed the story of Katie's heartwrenching ordeal, as she bravely...

Arthur Herzog
The Village Buyers by Arthur Herzog

A real estate woman succumbs to a male buyer only to learn he and his clan are from outer space.

Sally Edwards is the only realtor in the sleepy Hamptons town of Bayville, New York. Business is slow, and Sally is beginning to wonder if she will be able to make ends meet, when she receives an offer that seems to solve all of her problems. Her little company is bought out by Millennium 3, a large, multi-national conglomerate that has a mysterious history. Executives from Millennium 3 take over her office, and Sally is charged with the responsibility of purchasing as many homes in the community...

Arthur Herzog
Polar Swap by Arthur Herzog

Four Americans seek refuge from skin cancer which has become an epidemic in the US. They meet in Canada where one has rented a gothic house close to the Eskimo village which add to the trouble. They fear the earths magnetic poles will trade places and exterminate the human race.

They try experiments that simulate a magnetic pole reversal. Then the polar swap actually happens. Will these engaging characters survive?

Arthur Herzog
Body Parts by Arthur Herzog

Short stories ranging from sci-fi, humor and horror, based on various body parts.

From imagination to materialism, the provocative stories in Body Parts cover the bases. Can brains survive without bodies? Will the love modem result in romance or homicide? Should a loose tongue reveal its secrets? Would a guru who brings bliss be killed by the government? What's to stop pigs being raised to provide artificial hearts from revolting? Could a rowing machine be used to commit murder? What happens when a fat woman sits on a lap dog and kills it? What's wrong with kidneys from Texas? Can feet lead...

Arthur Herzog
The Church Trap by Arthur Herzog

A study, of the decline of organized religion.

Churches today are caught in a sociological trap. Parishioners want to keep comfortable status quo organization. Churchmen feel the pressure to modernize, to "get where the action is." This ebook is a provocative and zesty analysis of the problem.

Dishonest to God? The churches have followed corporations in emphasizing fat figures and solid annual growth. If religion were sold like stocks you would have the "high fliers" like the booming Southern Baptists and the Roman Catholics, the "blue chip" denominations - Episcopalians, Congregationalists,...

Arthur Herzog
Earthsound by Arthur Herzog

A geologist predicted a major earthquake in an unlikely place (Rhode Island) and it happens.

You are an expert on earthquakes and you fear their awesome power to the point of insanity. Now you are sure that an earthquake is building below your very feet. Your house, your family, your friends, your town, are about to be destroyed.

The cracks appearing in the walls…the "accidental" deaths of local people…the strange movements of inanimate objects - all increase the certainty of your belief and the urgency of your warnings to those around you. The trouble is, there are others who have...

Arthur Herzog
Glad To Be Here by Arthur Herzog

(The sequel to Make Us Happy.) The renegades try to govern but discover they need the computer.

Returning in triumph to New York City to announce their victory, the revolutionaries, Bil and Alce, the very, very old Ralp Nadir and the very, very sexy Dian Toffler, find that no one has noticed the revolution, and no one cares. Everyone just wants to keep on jogging, safe and secure and uninvolved.

Finally, the message of freedom breaks through the nearly fatal apathy of the people, and the painful, stumbling process of reinstituting democracy begins, with Bil as the new President. Then suddenly, it's...

Arthur Herzog
McCarthy for President: The Candidacy That Toppled a President, Pulled a New Generation into Politics, and Moved the Country tow by Arthur Herzog

Written during Eugene's campaign the book attempts to portray the movement's excitement and potential.

McCarthy for President: the words recall an endeavor both brash and quixotic, unpredicted and unpredictable, a political campaign of permanent interest to voters and historians alike. Even in defeat the McCarthy movement racked up considerable success: the dramatic toppling of the President, pressure to initiate the Paris peace talks, the political involvement of most of the young generation, and a massive re-examination of the Democratic Party.

Arthur Herzog's account is no mere chronicle,...

Arthur Herzog
The War-Peace Establishment by Arthur Herzog

An early review of the strategies of the military intellectuals, from maximum to minimum deterrence. The author chose minimum, today's American stance.

There has come to exist in the United States, as a result of the cold war, a body of specialists accustomed to dealing with issues of war and peace which may be described as a war-peace establishment. It is clear that there are important divisions of viewpoint in the United States, especially among those who have concerned themselves most with it, on the question of what to do about the threat of thermonuclear war. To some, risks must not...

Arthur Herzog
Robert Vesco: the king of white collar crime by Arthur Herzog

The adventures of the fugitive financier - accused of looting a quarter of a billion bucks - who fled south of the border, engaged in the drug trade and wound up in a Cuban prison where he languishes.

Today's high-flying, high-rolling conglomarateurs and corporate raiders are a tame lot compared to their immediate predecessors. The most notorious of these is Robert Vesco, the Kingfish himself, who in 1973 fled the United States accused of looting $250 million from Investors Overseas Services. Now, in this riveting account, noted author Arthur Herzog tells the astounding story of this high...

Arthur Herzog
How To Write Almost Anything Faster And Better by Arthur Herzog

Whether you are an experienced or novice writer, How to Write Almost Anything Better and Faster! will be an indispensable addition to your library.

  • Would you like to improve your writing skills and become the writer you know you should be?
  • Are you simply frustrated with your own writing, knowing deep inside you could be, and should be, producing much better work?
  • Does the fear of writing, or perceived lack of ability, cause you to break into a cold sweat when you have been assigned a project due in a few days?
  • Do you want to become a professional writer?
If your answers to any of...
Arthur Herzog
The Third State by Arthur Herzog

Police Detective Mike Boyle is called to the scene of an apparent double-homicide. As he waits for his partner, Detective Yvonne King, he has difficulty connecting to the circumstances he finds himself in. When Yvonne arrives, he discovers that he is not alone in his uncertainty. But he must press on through the fog of his confusion, in order to solve the most important case of his life.

Why was he in denial? What was it that he couldn't face? Something terrible had happened. He felt terrible.

It's nothing, he reassured himself. Everything's okay.

Still, he felt discombobulated as if...

Arthur Herzog
The Woodchipper Murder by Arthur Herzog

Richard Crafts, an airline pilot, killed his wife and tried to conceal the remains by chopping them up. Failing, he was convicted of murder.

In The Woodchipper Murder the Newtown, Connecticut police listed Helle Crafts disappearance as routine, but a private detective and a sheriff suspected murder with a dreadful machine.

Even though the Newtown, Connecticut, police listed Helle Crafts' disappearance as a routine missing person case, Keith Mayo, a private investigator, knew the Danish-born mother of three hadn't skipped town nine days before Thanksgiving. Rita Buonanno remembers the words...

Arthur Herzog
Beyond Sci-Fi by Arthur Herzog

Beyond Sci-Fi is a collection that includes a novella and several short stories filled with eccentric characters caught in strange circumstances.

"The Ark of Arrogance" is the story of refugees living on an ark as means of survival due to a massive flood on Long Island. Escaping on the ark doesn't provide safety, but instead brings catastrophic results, including mayhem, martial law, looting and murder. Other stories in the collection include jealous tennis rivals and a group of bloggers who all die mysteriously. The characters in each story are unusual, their circumstances unique.

Arthur Herzog
IQ 83 by Arthur Herzog

A cure is found for a children's disease but it proved to lower intelligence, starting with the scientists who devised the cure.

"A world lapsing into imbecility…true horror!" - New York Times

You are Dr. James Healey and last week you were a genius. That was before the DNA experiments. Before the accident you said could never happen…

Since then you have felt your mind decaying a little more each day. You have watched your wife slip into imbecility. You have seen the crowds growing murderous with animal terror, the President of the United States babbling and drooling on TV… ...

Arthur Herzog
Icetopia by Arthur Herzog

An Army Corps of Engineers officer discovers a lost, under ice, community in Greenland, intended to be a utopia. He almost surrenders to its secrets.

Col. Joseph Pike was planning for his early retirement from the Army Corps of Engineers. He had the bungalow in the Caribbean picked out, and all that was left was to put in his notice, make the down payment, and pack his bags. Then he was called in for one last assignment.

An Army encampment from the late 1960's, a city built under the ice of a glacier in Greenland, was originally designed to be a one-year experiment, using volunteers to...

Arthur Herzog
The Swarm by Arthur Herzog

Killer bees from Africa attack the US with astonishing results.

MARYVILLE, N.Y. Sept. 26 (AP) - A family of five on an outing in an isolated spot by a stream were attacked by bees here. Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson died as the result of bee bites. Their three children were also attacked, one, Karen, age 12, severely. The local coroner, Dr. David P. Znac, speculated that both adults had allergies to bee bites, which can be fatal. About 30 deaths a year in the U.S. are attributed to bites from bees, wasps and hornets. What caused the bees to attack is not known.

This was the beginning,...

Arthur Herzog
Heat by Arthur Herzog

Global warming begins. An unusual method is found to stop it. Will the scheme work?

With uncanny skill, Arthur Herzog, best-selling author of The Swarm and Earthsound has blended fiction and fact into a terrifying and highly plausible story of the near future: a time when tensions mount as ecological doom beckons.

Lawrence Pick, engineer, gathers startling evidence that the world's weather may be rapidly changing, as a prelude to a fundamental alteration in global climate. In a secret underground laboratory, he and a team of equally skilled scientists learn that the level of carbon dioxide in the...

Arthur Herzog
A Murder in our Town by Arthur Herzog

How pristine Salisbury, CT., almost surrendered to local hoods.

In the early morning hours of October 23, 1986, Earl Morey was shot to death in a small town in the Northwest Corner region of Connecticut. Salisbury, Connecticut, a seemingly calm, pastoral and peaceful community, has a sordid, evil underbelly. The lavish weekend homes of wealthy New Yorkers stand only short distances from the dilapidated homesteads of the local working class. This is both a story about a murder, and a revealing study of the juxtaposition of the "haves" and the "have-nots," in small-town America.

Arthur Herzog
Make Us Happy by Arthur Herzog

Computer equipped artificial intelligence get control. A group of renegades attempt to foil them.

A thousand years in the future, society is run by computers, with not a gesture or activity unnoticed by their all-seeing detectors. Spacescrapers - three miles high, 1,000 stories, 1,000 people per floor - house 1,000,000 people. The divorce rate having climbed to 100 percent, the computers have made marriage almost illegal but adultery compulsory, with a resultant zero divorce rate.

In this setting, Bil and Alce meet, marry, and, their sense of history whetted by a few old books and photos,...

Arthur Herzog
LSITT - Take Over by Arthur Herzog

A handsome CEO attempts to acquire another company whose CEO is a beautiful woman.

A marvelously authentic novel of startling dimension that transforms the headlines of corporate wars and takeovers into the flesh and blood behind-the-scenes manipulations of a conglomerate head who begins a distinctly unfriendly corporate merger with an unwilling female C.E.O.

In the world of "white-knights," arbitrageur middlemen playing both sides against the middle, of self-serving corporate lawyers and carnivorous investment bankers, Steve Berg, armed with the inelegant but accurate rallying slogan...

Arthur Herzog
The Craving by Arthur Herzog

A celebrity diet doctor gains an alarming amount of weight and kills himself.

IT WAS THE ANSWER TO A MILLION PRAYERS...It was the miracle everyone had waited for: Sovwren - incredibly nutritious, indescribably delicious. Millions of Americans went for it, lived on it, lost weight on it - became the slim, lithe creatures of their most glamorous dreams. They tasted happiness…until an appetite for something more began to stir. Small at first, it grew and became a hunger nothing could satisfy. And then they were swept into the deadly nightmare of obsession - trapped in the ravenous jaws of…

Arthur Herzog
Orca by Arthur Herzog

Orca - the killer whale - is one of the most intelligent creatures in the universe. He hunts in packs, like a wolf. Incredibly, he is the only animal other than man who kills for revenge.

He has one mate, and if she is harmed by man, he will hunt down that person with a relentless, terrible vengeance - across seas, across time, across all obstacles.

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