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Forces, Peeks, Stacks and Gaffs
by Scott Creasey


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Forces, Peeks, Stacks and Gaffs by Scott Creasey

Should a Mentalist use playing cards?

Good question and one which has been raging among Mentalists since Annemann was still going strong. In this book Scott has addressed that question and put together some of his favourite Mentalism card routines, covering effects with borrowed decks, stacked decks and gaffed decks.

You'll find no knuckle busting sleight of hand here; instead Scott has included some of his own routines taken straight from his professional mentalism repertoire, many of which no other magicians have seen until now. Some of the ideas are based on old effects given a new twist, but others are exclusive to Scott and were designed using tried and tested methods.

Welcome to the world of Forces, Peeks, Stacks and Gaffs - Mentalism with cards.

  • The Psychology of Cards in Mentalism: A Discussion
  • Borrowed Deck Effects
    • Singled Out
    • Two’s Company
    • The Un-Tossed out Deck.
    • Just Think Me
  • Stacked For Stand-up
    • Blindfold Card Calling
    • Trilogy
    • The Giant Un-Tossed Out Deck
  • Gaffed Effects
    • Memory Integrated Selective Trigger
    • Doppleganger

1st edition 2016, 31 pages.
word count: 12467 which is equivalent to 49 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 16 June, 2016

Here's another ebook from the amazingly prolific Mr. Creasey. It shows you some non-knuckle-busting sleights that you can apply to mentalism. I like books like this because they allow you to expand your horizons and, as I've mentioned about Scott before, "think outside the box." He has put together a useful collection of sleights and gaffs and routines using them. While this book doesn't fall into the category of "essential," I would rate it as "nice to have." For example, a peek explained here is similar to a one that I learned as a teenager back in 1974 when I first read it in The Amateur Magician's Handbook by Henry Hay. (Here's another review of mine with a familiar refrain: Buy that book, Bob Cassidy's favorite too. Nuff said!) I've lost track of how many times that I've used it, and I've always gotten away with it. Never been burned. Not once. And it's not that I'm an A-student sleight-of-hand worker. Trust me, I'm not. It's just one of those sleights that on paper looks like absolute garbage--fishy deck handling with lots of heat when the peek is taken--until you try it. And to be honest, as a kid, I didn't really pay much attention to nuances like doing things on the offbeat. But it didn't matter. It worked. It always worked so I just stuck with it. I realize that everybody's different and things are all subjective. What works for you might not work for me. What works for me might make you think that I'm an idiot. That's OK too. But more mentalists need to realize that something that sounds stupid--like using a weird card peek--or looks bad on paper might just be what you need. Or as the Rolling Stones said, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, well, you might find you get what you need." You need to experiment and find your own path. Scott's good little book is a first step.

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

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