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The Art of Mentalism 1Bob Cassidy
"Art," according to Webster's New World Dictionary, is the human ability to make things - the creativity of man as distinguished from the world of nature. It is set apart from "craft" in that the latter applies to a lesser skill involving little or no creative thought.
The performance of mentalism is necessarily a creative process. To be successful the performer must tailor each presentation - not only to a particular audience but to the individual volunteers he uses in his program. No two performances of a mentalist are exactly the same. He must always be ready to capitalize on unexpected... | ★★★★★ $25 to wish listPDF |
The Art of Mentalism 2Bob CassidyA complete performance of mentalism exactly as performed by Bob Cassidy in nightclubs and lounges all over America. This ebook is intended for the advanced performer who is well versed in the basics of the art.
- Part One
- An Overview of the Act
- The Logic of the Program
- Part Two
- Performance Details
- The Psychological Forces
- The Book Test
- The Three Envelope Test
- Card Memory
- Part Three
- The Challenge Tarot Card Reading
- The Card Through the Window
1st edition 1995, revised 2003; PDF 45 pages. | ★★★★★ $25 to wish listPDF |
Techniques of MentalismBob CassidyThese are the 2002 lecture notes by Bob Cassidy. As the nature of lecture notes often is, not everything is necessarily explained in detail, but many things are. For example, you will learn why Bob always has black lipstick in his go-bag, and many other wonderfully practical and effective methods and routines, some with detailed patter.
- My Mentalism Kit
- The Black Lipstick
- The Psychokinetic Pen and Keybending
- The Rainbow Pad
- The Three Envelope Test - the inside dope
- Card Memory
- The Enigma of #23
1st edition 2002, PDF 16 pages. | $15 to wish listPDF |
Fondamenti Di Mentalismo ProfessionaleBob CassidyEdizione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini.
"Lo considero il mio libro migliore che abbia mai scritto" - Bob Cassidy
Le fondamentali basi del Mentalismo, raccolte da un assoluto genio moderno dell'arte di leggere la mente. Acclamato come "una risorsa definitiva per tutti coloro che sono interessati al mentalismo e probabilmente per la maggior parte degli appassionati di magia in generale".
La lista dei 39 libri più importanti da leggere consigliati da Bob Cassidy, inclusa in questo libro, è di per sé molto preziosa; non solo sarete indirizzati ad una lista di autentici classici ma saprete anche... | $29 to wish listPDF |
Ipnosi da Scena - la vera arteBob CassidyLa serie italiana di Bob Cassidy, a cura di Matteo Filippini, continua con un libro molto importante della produzione del Master Mind Reader: “Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” .
L’ipnosi dimostrativa e da scena, oggi tanto di moda, analizzata da un autentico colosso del mentalimo internazionale, Mr Bob Cassidy!
“Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” svela i fondamenti per una dimostrazione ipnotica di successo e lo fa in modo diverso rispetto ad altri lavori del genere. Ad esempio, molti altri scritti sull’ipnosi da scena iniziano spiegando cosa sia l’ipnosi, fornendo poi delle... | $25 to wish listPDF & MP3 |
Il Libro Nero del MentalismoBob CassidyA Joseph Dunninger è stato spesso attribuito il merito di aver detto: "Ogni volta che si aggiunge un oggetto di scena al vostro spettacolo, il vostro cachet diminuisce". Il suo ragionamento dovrebbe essere ovvio - ogni orpello aggiuntivo indebolisce l'illusione di ciò che appare come "vera lettura della mente". E, come Bob ha fatto notare molte volte nei suoi precedenti lavori, anche ogni ulteriore forma di mentalismo che viene dimostrato (telepatia, precognizione, psicocinesi, chiaroveggenza, ecc). Recentemente un "mentalista" ha sfidato Bob su tale punto: "Quanto è divertente dimostrare... | $25 to wish listPDF |
Un Viaje por la Cuarta DimensiónBob CassidyComo Bob Cassidy escribe, quizás el "Viaje por la cuarta dimensión", basado en una invención de Theodore Annemann, sea uno de los mejores efectos de todos los tiempos: tres espectadores escriben otras tantas informaciones que nadie más puede conocer y sellan sus papeles en sendos sobres. El mentalista, mediante su concentración, es capaz de leerles la mente sin fallar. Y, por primera vez en este efecto, todos se pueden llevar sus papeles a casa de recuerdo si quieren.
Este libro es posiblemente el más completo en la materia: el estudio en profundidad incluye la historia del efecto y... | $35 to wish listPDF |
Destrezza nel MentalismoBob CassidyDall'introduzione del libro:
"Perciò che mi riguarda la destrezza di mano (o qualsiasi altro altro artificio del genere) ha un solo scopo: stabilire con convinzione una falsa premessa che ritengo essere il fondamento di tutte le illusioni e gli inganni convincenti. Più tale premessa viene stabilita in modo convincente, più incredibile apparirà di conseguenza l'effetto.
Le sottigliezze e gli approcci psicologici del mentalismo possono, quando arricchite dalla destrezza di mano, fornire immediatezza e chiarezza all'effetto che, così spesso, manca nelle routine mentali. Il fatto che... | $25 to wish listPDF & MP4 |
Il Pendolo del DestinoBob CassidyTutto ciò che avete bisogno di sapere sul pendolino:
- Il principio del movimento ideomotorio
- rabdomanzia col pendolino
- Utilizzo del pendolino nel mentalismo
- Il pendolino orizzontale
- Mikame Blue
- Flipchips
- Un topo nel deserto
Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini
1a edizione 2004, edizione italiana 2019. 22 pagine | $25 to wish listPDF |
Tecniche con L'unghia ScriventeBob CassidyLo "Swami Gimmick" conosciuto anche come "Nail Writer", "Thumb Writer", "Ghost Writer" e "Medium's Secret Device" è stato spesso considerato come uno dei dispositivi più utili di tutto il mentalismo. E lo è di sicuro, ammesso che nessuno sappia che il mentalista ne stia facendo uso.
Sebbene l’esistenza dello Swami sia ampiamente nota, pochissimi performers lo usano davvero regolarmente e ancora di meno hanno imparato ad usarlo a regola d’arte.
Usato a dovere, anche coloro che hanno sentito parlare di unghia scrivente (o “quel pezzetto di mina sotto l’unghia del pollice”)... | $25 to wish listPDF |
Juegos MentalesBob CassidyEl legendario Bob Cassidy solía terminar su famosa actuación de mentalismo con una demostración que dejaba boquiabiertos a propios y extraños: era capaz de memorizar una baraja realmente mezclada por los espectadores en menos de quince segundos.
Este breve manual es la síntesis de décadas de trabajo para lograr ese efecto, al alcance de cualquier persona con unas capacidades mentales estándar. El sistema que aquí se describe permite memorizar secuencias completas no solo de cartas, sino de palabras nombradas al azar por espectadores, listas de objetos o cualquier otra información... | $5 to wish listPDF |
I Trentanove Gradini del MentalismoBob CassidyIn "39 gradini del mentalismo" Bob Cassidy ci accompagna per mano attraverso 39 testi fondamentali nella biblioteca di qualsiasi mentalista che si rispetti.
Cassidy offre la sua visione e le proprie preziose raccomandazioni circa i testi di grandi maestri del Mentalismo, tra cui Annemann, Corinda, Thompson, Bernstein, Banacheck, T.A. Waters e molti altri.
Perché proprio 39 e non 40 ad esempio? Sarà Bob stesso a spiegarvelo ...
Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini | ★★★★★ $5 to wish listPDF |
Pseudomentalmente VostroBob CassidyContinua la serie italiana di Bob Cassidy con Pseudomentalmente Vostro, il primo libro pubblicato da Cassidy nel lontano 1977 come supplemento n.2 della rivista Invocation (fondata dall'intrattenitore del mistero Tony Raven e dedicata principalmente a mentalismo e bizarre magick).
La quarta di copertina della prima edizione recitava:
"Una raccolta di inganni psichici originali creati per i mentalisti semi-professionisti o professionisti. Cercando di soddisfare il bisogno di potersi esibire virtualmente in qualsiasi condizione, l'autore ha sviluppato dei principi che rappresentano l'approccio... | $25 to wish listPDF |
But Stranger StillBob Cassidy
- Doctor Bob Live and in Persona!
- A Day at the Movies
- Doctor Bob's Opening Routine
- Doctor Bob's Killer Miller Caps
- The Billet Reading Portfolio
- Smear and Hear
- BONUS: Questions and Answers about Dr Bob and his important message to you!
1st edition 2002, 17 pages. | $20 to wish listPDF |
Mind GamesBob Cassidy
- A Brief Biography
- The Instant Memorization of Objects, Lists and Playing Cards
- Learning to Link
- The Peg System
- Playing Cards
- How to Know Which Cards Have Been Played
1st edition 2000, 12 pages. | ★★★★★ $5 to wish listPDF |
Strange ImpressionsBob Cassidy
- The Enigma of #23
- Epilogue to 23
- Interlude - The Reverend Dr. Bob's "Bank Nite"
- Signed Twice
- The Art of Pre-show: Creating the Best Impression
- BONUS: THE Ultimate Mind Trip
1st edition 2002, 20 pages. | $25 to wish listPDF |
La Vera Arte Del Cold ReadingBob CassidyBob Cassidy, autentico genio del Mentalismo del XX secolo, offre la sua visione a proposito del Cold Reading, uno degli strumenti più potenti a disposizione degli intrattenitori del mistero. E lo fa a suo modo!
Non solo propone la sua «review» critica circa molti dei testi riconosciuti come autorità, spesso demolendo (in modo assolutamente costruttivo!) alcune autorevoli voci del settore, ma fornisce al lettore decine e decine di suggerimenti, finezze e segreti derivanti dalla sua decennale esperienza nel campo.
Chiunque proponga Mentalismo avanzato (Q&A, one on one, lettura di biglietti,... | $25 to wish listPDF |
Il Tarocco PsichicoBob CassidyIl Tarocco Psichico, è il saggio del maestro Bob Cassidy sull'uso dei tarocchi nel reading: significati delle carte, finezze e segreti di uno degli strumenti più affascinanti in ambito magico.
Nel libro Cassidy espande il sistema numerologico presentato in La Vera Arte Del Cold Reading, fornendo un sistema dettagliato di interpretazione che verrà accettato da coloro che abbiano una certa familiarità con la lettura dei tarocchi. Il sistema è più semplice e più pratico dell'approccio tradizionale di memorizzare il significato specifico per ogni carta e di sicuro più flessibile.
Si... | $25 to wish listPDF |
Exclusive RoutinesBob CassidyThese are three of the best routines Bob Cassidy has ever created:
- Q and A 2000: A very strong sealed message reading routine employing several methods each one to disguise the other methods used.
- The Medium's envelope test: This is basically Bob's own "Test of the White Dwarf" combined with George Kaplan's original preparation of the envelopes.
- A Remote Peek: Bob originally sold this with his limited edition peek wallet which is no longer available. However, it may be performed with any Jaks style peek wallet, or, if you prefer, a slit pay-style manila envelope.
1st edition 2003, 15 pages.... | $35 to wish listPDF |
The Messing EffectBob CassidyWolf Messing (1899 -1974) is often said to have been the most talented mind reader in the world. A native of Poland, Messing moved to Russia just prior to the outbreak of World War II. His decision to emigrate followed a performance, during which he predicted that Germany would be defeated and Hitler would die if Poland were invaded. Hitler, a devout believer in psychic phenomena, showed his appreciation for Messing's psychic gifts by placing a bounty of 200,000 marks on his head. After the war he worked for many years as a performer, and it has been suggested that he was one of Josef Stalin's... | ★★★★★ $50 to wish listPDF |
The Wadcutter CatchBob CassidyWarning: Performing a Bullet Catch or Russian Roulette type of effect is extremely dangerous. Several people have died attempting such stunts. If you use any information from this ebook you are voluntarily and free willingly taking on any liability and risks to your, your helper's and your audience's well being.
It is one thing to read about such stunts. It is entirely different to actually do them. If you want our advice: Don't do them!
Bob Cassidy is a professional performer who has practiced and performed these type of effects and stunts for many years. In this ebook he shares his advice... | $50 to wish listPDF |
The Messenger DisksBob Cassidy
- How to give readings with the disks.
- Effect: The two “Owl” disks are shown and their meaning explained. The mentalist
next exhibits the “Hand” disk with the darkened edge and the sticker on the back. The
spectator is asked to write a number, a short word, or a small picture on the back of the
“hand” disk (on the sticker). This is done while the performer’s back is turned. The
“hand” disk is turned face down, hiding the writing, and the disk is sandwiched between
the face-up owls. (The darkened edged of the “hand” disk subtly proves that the “hand”
disk remains...
| $15 to wish listPDF & MP4 |
The Bottle of TruthBob CassidyYou will learn how to prepare and gimmick two different kinds of bottles which allow wonderful lie detector and murder mystery effects or which can be used as adjunct in a one on one 'psychic reading.' With typical Cassidy genius one bottle allows you to glimpse colored marbles dropped in and the other bottle allows you to force a certain color of marble dispensed from the bottle. This opens the possibility for many routines. Bob describes two.
1st edition 2002; 4 pages plus video | ★★★★★ $15 to wish listPDF & MP4 |
Pseudo-Mentally YoursBob CassidyThis was Bob Cassidy's first publication and appeared in 1977 as the second supplement to Invocation. You will find a great photo of a very young Bob Cassidy from 1973. The ebook is a reflection of who Bob was way back then. It contains the seeds of the ideas that gradually evolved into the act he presents today. A real treat for all Cassidy fans and anybody interested in mentalism.
1st edition 1977; 22 pages.
Table of Contents
- Presidential Portraits
- The 35mm Die Can Test
- A 35mm Triple Test
- The Telepathic Diary
- Beating The Book Test
- A Brief Diversion
- An Experiment With Time
- Ultimate...
| $25 to wish listPDF |
Artful Mentalism: SéanceBob Cassidy & Michael Weber Bob Cassidy, one of the most respected and influential mentalists of our time, turns his attention to the topic of the seance and will show you just how simple it is to perform! In fact, most everything you need is contained within this ebook. Plus you get a recorded teleseminar that Michael Weber hosts where Bob talks about seances. On top of this you get the exclusive post-seminar notes and a copy of Behind the scenes with the mediums as PDF.
You'll learn:
- a 12-step outline for conducting a successful seance
- the first rule of all effective seances
- how to do a seance without communicating...
| ★★★★★ $29.90 to wish listPDF & MP3 |
The Heathen DevicesBob CassidyBob Cassidy teaches a three part routine where each part's method cancels the other to leave the audience without a clue to how this is possible. One of the methods used is an adaptation of a Royal Heath idea. Thus the name of this ebook. The methods are very general and can be adopted to many personalized and customized routines.
"I believe that The Heathen Devices are my greatest contribution to close-up mentalism." - Bob Cassidy
Here are just a few of the limitless applications made possible by the Heathen techniques and devices:
A spectator is handed several dice - anywhere from... | $50 to wish listPDF |
The method used in Puzzled is completely original with Bob Cassidy. It is based on an "out-of-left-field logical disconnect" that will positively fool anyone who sees it.
The premise of the effect was created by the late English mentalist, Romark, back in the 1970's. A few years ago there was a minor hissy fit in the magic world about the creation and ownership of a jigsaw puzzle effect involving an image of the Mona Lisa. (But apart from the fact that the effect used a jigsawed version of... | ★★★★★ $50 to wish listPDF |
Unified Remote Viewing: A Fly on the WallBob CassidyURV is a remote viewing presentation involving complete audience participation. In a series of tests replicating actual remote viewing experiments the audience is able, under what appear to be strictly controlled conditions, to perform amazing accurate remote viewings of hidden target photographs.
Such effects are rare in mentalism and have an extremely powerful impact. They not only provide a unique experience for any intelligent audience but serve to greatly enhance the mentalist's credibility.
Two versions of the routine are described. One is designed for use with a single participant... | ★★★★★ $50 to wish listPDF |
21st Century Q&ABob CassidyThe Question Answering Act - or "Audience Reading" as it is more commonly called today - has always been the major effect in mentalism. Q&A, while arguably the most powerful and memorable effect in mentalism, is rarely seen today because it does not fit into the "body language/perceptionist" persona and style - its only explanations would appear to be pure mind reading or, as it was originally presented, communication with the spirits.
Here, in this ebook for the experienced mentalist - is a complete collection of original modern methods and, more importantly - presentations - for this classic... | ★★★★★ $45 to wish listPDF |
Artful Mentalism: Three SecretsBob Cassidy & Michael Weber The outstanding success of the historic Artful Mentalism Seminar convinced Bob Cassidy to do another similar seminar covering different topics. Michael Weber is again the host and skilfully keeps the discussion focused and informative. If you could not attend the live seminar you can now own and listen to the entire 2 hour and 20 minute recording plus receive two ebooks.
The topics Bob and Michael cover are:
- A short recap of the last seminar with the major points repeated.
- Whom do we seek to deceive?
- Peeks, Steals, Switches, Center tears, etc.
- Bristol board applications
- A Pocket writing Subtlety
- On Impromptu...
| ★★★★★ $29.90 to wish listMP3 |