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Four Brides for Four Brothers
by Satish B

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Four Brides for Four Brothers by Satish B

This is a cheeky trick to perform when there is a request for "one more". The magician starts by telling a story. The spectator gets involved in the action and turns "matchmaker". This trick is free of any sleights. The spectator invariably cuts to the four queens in an impossible way.

The performer removes the four Kings openly and lays them face down next to each other. The deck is shuffled and a card is dealt face down in front of each King. The performer continues to deal cards into four piles. When the spectator stops him, the performer places the face up King on the pile stopped at and continues dealing cards onto the other piles. This is done until the spectator calls stop on all the four piles. The four piles with the face up Kings are assembled together along with the rest of the cards. The four Kings along with the cards facing them are removed. To everyone’s amazement, it is found that the spectator has managed to find the four Queens and match them to the respective Kings.

1st edition 2020, PDF 10 pages.
word count: 1323 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text