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Satish B

Satish B

I am a hobby magician from India. I love to perform for my family, friends and colleagues at work. My card trick has been published in the international magic magazine, Genii. I love writing books because I love reading books. When I am not doing my day job as an Animation Trainer, I am a doting father, avid cyclist and an amateur bird watcher. I spend my spare time studying, inventing and performing magic tricks.

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Satish B
Conduction Simplified by Satish B

This is an entertaining, commercial trick bearing a mystery card plot, with the spectator playing the magician and a color-changing finale that packs a wallop.

The spectator shuffles and selects a card from a blue deck under test conditions. This is the prediction. The magician shuffles the red deck, chooses a card, and signs it. The signed card miraculously matches the prediction. As a kicker finish, the magician causes the signature to jump from the red card to the blue card.

1st edition 2021, PDF 11 pages.

Satish B
Couples CAAN by Satish B

ACAAN (Any card at any number) is regarded as the holy grail of card magic. Every magician out there has a version or two of his own. Couples CAAN is my addition to the plethora of work already existing on the subject. This trick is best done for a couple on any special occasion such as their anniversary or birthday. John chooses a card from the deck and Nancy thinks of a number. The chosen card is shuffled back into the deck and lost. The cards are dealt one by one. John’s chosen card is found at the number Nancy is thinking of. The magician congratulates the couple on being well connected. ...

Satish B
Girl Power by Satish B

This is a woman empowered card trick. The spectator (preferably a woman) randomly selects a group of cards from the middle of the deck and deals them into four face-down piles. The top card of each pile is turned over to reveal the four Kings. Suddenly she finds the matching Queens. Sounds familiar, right? But this routine goes one further. When all the cards under the Queens are spread, they are of matching suits. This trick is free of any sleights.

1st edition 2021, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★ $10
Satish B
Sandwich Mr. Daley? by Satish B

The four aces are openly removed and tossed onto the table. A card is chosen by the spectator and lost in the deck. The spectator chooses either the red or black aces to proceed. Let us assume he chose the red aces. The magician proclaims that as he waves the red aces over the deck, the chosen card will appear sandwiched between the aces. After a couple of attempts, nothing happens. Then the red aces turn into two jokers. When the deck is spread, the red aces are found reversed with the chosen card sandwiched between them. As a parting shot, the chosen card is found to be predicted on the back...

★★★★★ $5
Satish B
Decepticon Aces by Satish B

The ace assembly effect is a plot that has been done to death in the annals of card magic. The following is my version of an ace assembly effect with a twist at the end. The method is so simple that even a beginner can master and perform it.

Four aces are dealt face down next to each other. Three indifferent cards are added to each pile. The magician says that he will attempt to move all the aces from the different piles into one pile. After some mumbo jumbo, the aces have disappeared from three of the piles. When the fourth pile is turned over, to everyone's surprise, it contains ... the...

Satish B
Factory Seconds by Satish B

This is a fun card trick with multiple climaxes. It starts off as a 4-Ace production trick, then it goes wrong as 4 random cards are produced instead of the 4 Aces. Next, these random cards are shown to be predicted on the magician's Facebook page. Not to be outdone, the magician also produces the mates of the 4 random cards. At last, the magician produces the 4 Aces. Of course, the best part is that the deck is face-down almost the entire time and it is handled by the spectator.

1st edition 2020, PDF 8 pages.

Satish B
Four Brides for Four Brothers by Satish B

This is a cheeky trick to perform when there is a request for "one more". The magician starts by telling a story. The spectator gets involved in the action and turns "matchmaker". This trick is free of any sleights. The spectator invariably cuts to the four queens in an impossible way.

The performer removes the four Kings openly and lays them face down next to each other. The deck is shuffled and a card is dealt face down in front of each King. The performer continues to deal cards into four piles. When the spectator stops him, the performer places the face up King on the pile stopped at...

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