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Fun With Magic
by George Brunel

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Fun With Magic by George Brunel

Amusing Experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Geometry

The title is a little bit misleading, because there are no real magic tricks in this book, at least not the kind that a magician would assume. It is essentially a book of 'kitchen' science experiments. Some of these experiments can of course be presented like a magic trick. But the majority of them are simply interesting or surprising science experiments which can be done at home with a little bit of preparation.

From the preface:

The sole aim of this little book, aside from its purposes as a source of profitable pastime, is to show that a number of scientific phenomena can be verified in the home without the use of costly apparatus.

The experiments presented are all simple, and may be readily performed with the use of common objects. While some are a little more complicated than others, they are nevertheless practical, and in the event of their proving too difficult, may easily be dispensed with from among so large a number.

[This book was originally published by Jamieson-Higgins. James McKinney & Co, who printed the famous Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase did print most of the books for Jamieson-Higgins and thus is the likely printer for this book.]

1st edition 1901, 175 pages; PDF 83 pages.
word count: 18793 which is equivalent to 75 standard pages of text
