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Furst Time
by Ken Muller


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Furst Time by Ken Muller

Glimpses into the mind of one of mentalism's pioneers.

"Arnold Furst taught me a thing or two back in '59 that you ought to know - about presence and timing, charity and goodwill, and keeping an audience on its toes. Oh yes, Magic, too."

Six effects and related stories about Arnold and his mentoring of young folks. Some methods are very old with a new approach. Others will be new to the reader. Something of value for every mentalist and entertainer.

JUST A MAGAZINE: An impromptu Mental Effect with a 'found' magazine, anywhere, anytime. Ideal for small groups, sales training or teaching environments.

WALK IN THE PARK: Techniques for "non-contact" mind-reading. No preparation, just trust. Best after a parlor setting demonstration of magic. Closed room quite essential. Any magician friends will leave talking in whispers.

ETHEREAL: A "Spirit Bell" type of mentalism with an ethereal quality. Impromptu in anyone's home or office. Requires some "fortune-telling" skills. Beautiful and entertaining.

IN SILENCE: A mentalism demonstration performed without saying a word. Ideal after performing some other mind-reading effect like a "book test." So astonishing no one will applaud - or dare ask how it is done.

FINE CONTACT: A discussion of Hellstromism-type demonstrations of "Contact Mind-Reading." Some "do's and don'ts" advice to a group of eager teenagers by a master. Sage advice for anyone doing mentalism, divination, or psychic experiments.

1st edition 2009, PDF 15 pages.
word count: 4070 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text