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Royal Progress
by George Ernest Arrowsmith

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Royal Progress by George Ernest Arrowsmith

All the court cards are found in a borrowed deck repeatedly and genuinely shuffled by the spectators. The performer first produces the Kings, then the Jacks, and lastly the Queens.

The deck is shuffled by a member of the audience. The cards are inserted in a trouser pocket. One at a time the Kings are produced. The spectator shuffles again the pack of cards. The performer puts it behind his back and produces the four Jacks. Again, the cards are genuinely shuffled by the spectator. After making the spectator check that his pocket is empty, the performer inserts the cards into it. Despite all the performer produces the four Queens. Immediately all can be examined.

Well, that is the effect. Skillful? Not a bit of it - "Elementary, my dear Watson!" Please notice these points which should be emphasized when performing the feat:

  • A borrowed pack can be used.
  • The pack has not been previously seen or handled by the performer.
  • It is genuinely shuffled each time before the court cards are produced.
  • Everything can be examined before and after the trick.
PDF 6 pages
word count: 1312 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text