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Genii Volume 06 (Sep 1941 - Aug 1942)
by William W. Larsen

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Genii Volume 06 (Sep 1941 - Aug 1942) by William W. Larsen

September 1941 - August 1942
Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages and Magigals
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors

476 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 1 - September 1941 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Caryl Fleming Memorial Issue
  3. Caryl S. Fleming - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. Any Drink Called For - Caryl S. Fleming version
  6. Success - poem - Harry Opel
  7. I Spell Your Card - Gerald Kosky
  8. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  9. Flower Fantasy - Jack Trepel
  10. The Inverted Cigarette - Dr. Ervin
  11. Just Paragraphs - Herman L. Weber
  12. Wallace Lee - memory feat
  13. The King Can Do No Wrong - Gerald L. Kaufman
  14. Genii Juniors - Billy Larsen, Jr., editor
    • Editorial
    • "Die's Again" - Bob Koller
    • Novel Coin Production - Billy Pitts
  15. The Society of Indian Magicians - Jehangir
  16. cartoon/advertisement
  17. The Facts - Cold But True - Of "Finding Your Place in Magic"
    • Part Three
  18. Magic To The Rescue - Winston H. Freer
  19. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  20. Highlight Magic During Past Year
    • Fred Rothenberg [Redhill]
    • Cardini
    • Dai Vernon
    • Dr. Jacob Daley
    • John Scarne
    • Dr. Ray Beebe
    • Sam Horowitz
    • Jack and Mary Trepel
    • Jack Chanin
    • Russell Swann
    • Jim Wobensmith
    • Gerald and Marie Kaufman
    • Jack Gwynne
    • Ade Duval
    • Terry Lynn
    • Sigurd Nathan
    • Dolf Rudin
    • Winston Freer
    • W. O. Jackson
    • Charles Carrer
    • Patrol Office Estes
    • John Booth
    • Eugene Homer
    • Bert Allerton
    • Maldo
    • Loring Campbell
    • Rolland Hambien
    • Jimmy Stoppard
    • Robert Morris
    • Jean Hugard
    • Harvey Long
    • Frank Herman
    • Roy Benson
    • Dell O'Dell
  21. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • The 409th Meeting
    • The Show After the Meeting
  22. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • National Council Notes
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Cleveland Assembly No. 10
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Demons Club Assembly No. 6
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Royal L. Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Rouclere Assembly No. 25
  23. Kanter's Komments
  24. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  25. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  26. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  27. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  28. I.A.S.M. - David E. Swift
  29. cartoon/advertisement
  30. Los Magicos ... Legerdemain - Tim Ryan
  31. Now and Then - re: Leo Rullman
  32. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  33. Seattle News - Charles N. Smith
  34. Billet from Buffalo - Bob Weill
  35. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  36. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  37. Scatted Shots - L.O. Gunn
  38. Everything's in Readiness for the Ninth Annual New England Convention of Magicians - Dr. I. R. Calkins
  39. Magic Notes from San Jose - Theron Fox
  40. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  41. The Mystic Circle
  42. Detroit News - Harold Sterling
  43. E-Columizing the Ladies - Gerrie Larsen
  44. Pasadena Magicians Guild - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  45. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 2 - October 1941 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Harry Houdini King of Cards
  3. Harry Houdini - King of Cards - biographical notes
  4. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  5. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  6. The Princess and the Little Green Frog - John J. Crimmins, Jr.
  7. The Shrine of Osiris - Dariel Fitzkee
  8. An Impromptu "Bank Night" - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  9. Ninth Annual New England Convention of Magicians - George J. Ellsworth
  10. It's the Little Things - Milbourne Christopher
    • Up in Flames
    • Cafeteria Close-Up
    • Wintery Wind-up
    • Propaganda Payoff
    • Magical Marksmanship
    • Silent Fourth
    • Chalk One Up
    • Moral
  11. Genii Juniors - Billy Larsen, Jr., editor
  12. Red Flannels - Bascom Jones, Jr.
  13. Care of Baby Chicks - Norman Howard
  14. Piff Paff Poof Takes on National Complexion - Charles Arbuthnot, III
  15. How to Make the Most of Your Magic - Winston H. Freer
    • Part I
  16. A Letter from the PCAM President - Ray Gamble
  17. Magic Notes from San Jose - Harry Shaw
  18. Keynote to Success - Harry Houdini
  19. Houdini Club of Philadelphia Stages Annual Contest
  20. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • The October Meeting
    • After-Meeting Show
  21. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • National Council Notes
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Philadelphia Assembly No. 4
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
  22. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  23. Pasadena Magicians Guild - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  24. cartoon/advertising - Walt Kaeber
  25. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  26. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  27. Kanter's Komments
  28. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  29. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  30. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  31. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  32. Billet from Buffalo - Bob Weill
  33. Seattle News - Charles N. Smith
  34. Los Magicos ... Legerdemain - Rudy Miller
  35. Dante - photo and show notice
  36. Magigals
  37. In Memoriam - Lloyd Jones
    • Vincent Lynch
    • Robert Bailey
    • Charles Silva
  38. Scattering Seeds - poem - Harry Opel
  39. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 3 - November 1941 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Raymond L. Beebe
  3. Raymond L. Beebe - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. The Trick of the Vanishing Aces from Under a Person's Hand - J. N. Ponsin - translated by Jean Hugard
  6. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  7. Water and Wine - Pierre Roubalski
  8. Magnetic Divination - Orville Meyer
  9. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  10. Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper - Fred Rothenberg (Redhill)
  11. Flash!! - Jim Sherman
  12. Off the Record - Roger Barkann
  13. Houdini Said - quotation
  14. The Vanishing Deck of Cards - Harry Mendoza
  15. Just Paragraphs - Herman L. Weber
  16. How to Make the Most of Your Magic - Winston H. Freer
    • Part II
  17. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  18. Bits from the Life of Fox (W.O.) Jackson - Jim Grigsby
  19. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  20. Los Magicos ... Legerdemain - Rudy Miller
  21. Thumbnail Sketched - Wm. (Bill) Van Berkel
    • Hans Hjorth
  22. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • Family Night
    • The November Meeting
    • The After-Meeting Show
  23. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • National Council Meeting - November 1, 1941
    • Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
    • Valley Conjurer's No. 17
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
    • Washington Assembly No. 23
    • Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Philadelphia Assembly No. 4
  24. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  25. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  26. Impressions of Dante
  27. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  28. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  29. Kanter's Komments
  30. The Spokane Magic Club - E. V. Klein
  31. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull
  32. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  33. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  34. Billet from Buffalo - Bob Weill
  35. The New York State Tenth Annual Conclave - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  36. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  37. Magigals
  38. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  39. Lynchburg Get-to-gether - Julian J. Proskauer
  40. Now and Then - re: Loring Campbell

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 4 - December 1941 - 56 pages
  2. Cover - Christmas Edition
  3. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  4. At the Parent Assembly Reception for Mrs. Houdini
  5. A Letter to Santa - Bill Larsen
  6. Merlini Mentor [Clayton Rawson] Recuperates
  7. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  8. Carlyle's Evolution of a Rabbit in a Hat - Carlyle
  9. Slayton Finds Svengali [U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office)
  10. Birth of a Trick - Walt Kaeber
  11. Cards Together - from the notes of Caryl S. Fleming
  12. The Hindu Liquid Trick - Jack Gwynne, Jim Conley, Frank Herman, Fred and Helen Rickard & the Editors
  13. Trapping the Spy - Julian J. Proskauer
  14. The Tibetian Priest's Prayer Chain - Caryl S. Fleming
  15. New Zens Trick Free!
  16. Excuse Us Please [corrected price of Al Baker book in ads]
  17. Headliners - Francis Marshall
  18. Soldier Sorcery - 1st Lt. T. J. Roberts
  19. Magigals - Welcome Home Party for Mrs. Houdini
  20. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  21. How to Make the Most of Your Magic - Winston H. Freer
    • Part 3
  22. A Letter From the P.C.A.M. President - Ray Gamble
  23. Knights of Magic - Lew Dick
  24. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  25. Los Magicos ... Legerdemain - Rudy Miller
  26. Master Robert Bamberg - photo
  27. Kanter's Komments
  28. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  29. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  30. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  31. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  32. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  33. Pasadena Magicians Guild - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  34. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull
  35. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  36. San Jose Mystic 13 - Theron Fox
  37. Christmas Cheer - poem - Harry Opel
  38. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  39. I.A.S.M. Show Program
  40. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • The December Meeting
    • After Meeting Show
    • Ladies' Night
  41. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • Important Notice!
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Rouclere Assembly No. 25
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Central City Assembly No. 14
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Washington Assembly No. 23
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
    • Late Dispatches

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 5 - January 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - William Arenholz
  3. William Arenholz - biographical notes
  4. The Magician - poem - Paul Morris
  5. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  6. A Comedy Cow Trick - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  7. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  8. Ball and Silk Transposition - Leslie P. Guest
  9. Merlini Rides Again - Clayton Rawson
  10. A Few Magical "Ifs" - Milbourne Christopher
    • It Shrinks
    • Dolling Up the Doll House
    • Fancy Finish
    • Clear Count
  11. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  12. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  13. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  14. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  15. Los Magicos Legerdemain
  16. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  17. San Jose Mystic 13
  18. To The Rabbit - W.W.L.
  19. Edythe Arenholz - bio and photo
  20. Magigals
  21. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  22. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  23. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  24. Kanter's Komments
  25. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  26. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  27. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • January 1942 Meeting
    • After-Meeting Show
  28. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Queen City Mystic Assembly No. 11
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
    • Washington Assembly No. 23
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • From National Vice President Herman Hanson
  29. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  30. Magicians Defy Superstition: Thirteen Form New Club - Topeka Daily Capital
  31. Los Angeles Society Magicians
  32. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull
  33. I.B.V. [International Brotherhood of Ventriloquists] - Madam Pinxy
  34. The Magic Album - photo of "Dante" and "Mom"

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 6 - February 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - C. James McLemore
  3. C. James McLemore - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. Things, Gadgets and Stuff - Roger Montandon
    • To Hot To Handle
    • Noisy Cards
    • Fire Cracker When Ready!
    • Big Balloon
    • The Rabbit and the "Hare"!
    • Card Heap
  6. Tips on Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
    • Single Stamp
    • Cigarette Holder to Silk
    • Suggestion
    • Scotch Finish
    • And How
    • Opening Lines
    • P.S.
  7. The Ray Gamble Cash Award - Edward Saint
  8. Ponsin Revival - translated by Jean Hugard
  9. "And I With An Empty Creel" - poem - Chalidenig
  10. Al Baker Says - news and quotes
  11. A Fast One - John J. Crimmins, Jr.
  12. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  13. A Bizarre Event - Fred Braue
  14. Los Magicos Legerdemain - Rudy Miller
  15. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  16. Looking Ahead - Lloyd E. Jones
  17. I.B.M. - You Are Invited to Our Party - Ren Clark
  18. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  19. San Jose Mystic 13 - Theron Fox
  20. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull
  21. Kanter's Komments
  22. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  23. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  24. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • Ladies' Night
    • The February Meeting
  25. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Rouclere Assembly No. 25
    • Cleveland Assembly No. 10
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Syracuse Assembly No. 14
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Washington Assembly No. 23
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Valley Conjurer's No. 17
    • Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
    • Late Assembly News
  26. The Magic Album - photo of Ted Annemann
  27. Review of "Tarbell Course in Magic" - Frank Stratton
  28. Los Angeles Society Magicians - D. E. Swift
  29. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  30. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  31. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  32. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  33. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 7 - March 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Harry Rouclere
  3. Harry Rouclere - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. The Canfield Set-Up - Gerald L. Kaufman
  6. Die Box Variation - Bill McCaffrey
  7. 4 Card Production Routine - Sigurd Nathan
  8. The Hexagonal Rabbit - Herman L. Weber
  9. Jim Sherman Reports from Florida
  10. In Reply - Dr. E. G. Ervin
  11. Carl James Honored By Tribute Dinner
  12. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Magigals
    • I'll Do It Again - Helynn Boyar
  13. cartoon - Walt Kaeber
  14. A Few Magical "Ifs" - Milbourne Christopher
    • Getting the Bird
    • Sagacious Rabbit
    • Rope Openings
  15. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  16. Genii Juniors - Billy Larsen, editor
  17. "Tapes Cut and Vulcanized - Stewart Grant
  18. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  19. Elmer P. Ransom: A Lifetime in Magic
  20. Highlights of the S.A.M. Annual Show in New York - photos
  21. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • The Annual Show
    • The March Meeting
    • After-Meeting Show
  22. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • Notice of the National Council Meeting
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Stamford Assembly No. 33
    • Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Queen City Assembly No. 11
    • Philadelphia Assembly No. 4
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Valley Conjurers Assembly No. 17
    • Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
    • Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
  23. To Press We Must Go - late news
  24. The 11th Annual Columbus Magi-Fest - Evan Lloyd
  25. Convention Spotlight - Frank (Franau) S. Naugle
  26. On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
    • Soldier Sorcery - 1st Lt. T. J. Roberts
      • 2nd Lt. John Goodrum
      • Bud Gywnne
      • Tom Prideaux
      • James Lee Hawkins
    • Gob Gets Guys' Goats [Sid Fleischman]
  27. Spokane News - E. V. Klein
  28. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  29. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  30. What Shall It Profit A Man - W.W.L.
  31. At the Carl Jones Dinner - photo
  32. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  33. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  34. St. Louis Briefs - Paul S. Limerick
  35. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  36. Kanter's Komments
  37. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  38. photo of Dai Vernon in hospital with Sam Horowitz
  39. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  40. Los Angeles Society of Magicians - Dave Swift
  41. Detroit News - Bill Heisell
  42. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  43. Los Magicos ... Legerdemain - Rudy Miller

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 8 - April 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Cardini
  3. Bagdad
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. Avenge Pearl Harbor - Dr. Raymond Beebe
  6. The Mystic Balls - R. M. Jamison
  7. Now You See It - Milbourne Christopher
    • Sock Finish
    • Patriotic Bunny
    • Into the Stretch
    • Rubber Covers
    • Cigarette Tips
  8. cartoon - Tom S. Lawless
  9. Strip Tease - Al Baker
  10. A Coin Exchange - Paul Morris
  11. Fort Worth - Where the West Begins - Frank Naugle
  12. Los Angeles Society Magicians - David Swift
  13. On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
    • Soldier Sorcery - 1st Lt. T. J. Roberts
      • Howard Van Brunt
      • Dolph Rudin
      • Haskell
      • Cpl. Fred Kapp
      • Pvt. Alexander J. Camille "Yellow Horse"
      • Cpl. Ernest Heldman
      • Pvt. Frederick W. Collins
    • Quick, Henrini, the Flit! - Sid Fleischman
    • Moxo Makes Military Magic Merry - photo
  14. Cardini - John Booth
  15. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  16. Chicago Notes - Jim Sherman
  17. Magic of the East - Max Holden
  18. Portland Prestidigitation - Hugh Riley
  19. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  20. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • Family Night
    • April Meeting
    • After Meeting Show
  21. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council Meeting - Leslie P. Guest
    • Rouclere Assembly No. 25
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Washington Assembly No. 23
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Queen City Assembly No. 11
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17
    • Demon's Club Assembly No. 6
    • Stamford Assembly No. 33
    • Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • National Council - members
  22. Los Magicos Legerdemain - Everett W. Morgan
  23. Jim Collins - Collins Rejoins Houdini - obituary & photo
  24. Our Magic Sleuth Days: Did You Know That [re: Bill Allstrand]
  25. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  26. Houdini Said - quotation
  27. Connecticut Conjuring - Vynn Boyar
  28. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  29. Seattle News - Charles Smith
  30. Chicago Notes - George Troseth
  31. Northern California Comments - Bob Stull
  32. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Magigals Parent Assembly - Ora Dillinger
    • Magigals Assembly No. 2
  33. cartoon
  34. From Wisconsin - Walter The Magician
  35. Detroit News - Harold Sterling
  36. Faith and Begorra - photo [SAM Parent Assembly St. Patrick's Day Show]
  37. Kanter's Komments
  38. Blackstone Review - Paul Morris

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 9 - May 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Golden Gate Assembly No. 2 - San Francisco - 25 Years
  3. Thank You - Magicians!
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. The Celluloid Rabbit - Herman Weber
  6. Threadependable - Orville Meyer
  7. A Four-Ace Flourish - Roger Barkann
  8. More Canfield Set-Ups - Gerald Lynton Kaufman
  9. The Linking Clips - Paul Morris
  10. The Surprise Location - T. Page Wright
  11. The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard)
  12. Ring-Out - Edmund Younger
  13. Convention Time in Fort Worth - June 16-17-18-19 - Gus Niendorff
  14. P.C.A.M. Convention Begins to Take Shape - Lloyd Jones
  15. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Magigals
    • Magigals Parent Assembly - Ora Dillinger
    • Seattle Magigals No. 2 - Francis Howard
    • In Anticipation - Frances Ireland
  16. The Sporting Thing - cartoon - Lang Armstrong
  17. Golden Gate Assembly No. 2 Celebrates Silver Anniversary
  18. Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
    • Vynn Boyar
    • Dell O-Dell
    • Bill Heisel
    • Max Holden
    • Paul Limerick
    • Jim Sherman
  19. "Three Scheetz - And a Wind" - photo
  20. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  21. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  22. Magiministers - Rev. Gordon W. Mattice
  23. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • May Meeting
    • After-Meeting Show
  24. Cardini: S.A.M. President Completes Year - photo montage
  25. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council Notes - Leslie P. Guest
    • Robert-Houdin Assembly No. 24
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Hill City Magicos Assembly No. 32
    • Northern Conn. Assembly No. 21
    • Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Indianapolis Assembly No. 31
    • Queen City Assembly No. 11
    • Dallas Assembly No. 13
    • Royal Vilas Assembly No. 20
    • Stamford Assembly No. 33
    • Chicago Assembly No. 3
    • Rouclere Assembly No. 25
    • Valley Conjurer's Assembly No. 17

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 10 - June 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Ren Clark
  3. Ren Clark and the Fort Worth I.B.M. Convention
  4. Genii Speaks - Robert C. Anderson, President, International Brotherhood of Magicians
  5. The Judge's Cigarette Trick - Judge Charles Fricke
  6. Double Back Versus Double Face - R. M. Jamison
  7. Salt Shaker Tip - Orville Meyer
  8. A Card and a Cigarette Case - Lu Brent
  9. Bill Larsen Takes the Pledge - that you can't lose on the following items
    • Nelmar's Bullet Catching Act
    • Magic of the Hands - Holden reprint
    • Private Pat - Thayer
    • Miracle Deck Nelson
    • New Plug Box - Brema
    • Satanic Tube - Thayer
    • Scissoring Caesars - Magic Limited
    • Magicians' Tables
    • Tricks With Watches - Berland
    • Great American Hare Trick - Montandon
    • Snipo - Al Flosso
  10. Eggs from the Hat (my Method) - C. R. Mawe
  11. No Strings, No Wires, No Gimmicks - Milbourne Christopher
    • Making Money
    • The Go Between
  12. The Tale of a Dog - J. R. McNair
  13. A Sure Thing - Dr. E. G. Ervin
  14. Curry and Massey Top Hit Parade
    • Out Of This World - Paul Curry
    • Edward Massey's "Commando" production screen - Holden
    • "Comedy Lit Cigar" - Kanter
  15. cartoon
  16. P.C.A.M. Convention - Lloyd Jones
  17. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  18. On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
    • Soldier Sorcery - Sid Fleischman
      • Buddy Ryan
      • Bob Gunther
      • Charles Luedke
      • Robert Muse
      • Roland Fetters
    • In Memory of Captain Thomas Rozum
    • McClellan Field's Only Magician - photo & story re: Corporal Arthur Zander
  19. Magic in Texas - Franau
  20. "Third Floor, Please" - Delbert Douglas - 1942 I.B.M. Convention Dealer Committee
  21. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Pony Express Bulletin - Mercedes Tunstill, I.B.M. Ladies Committee
    • Magical Majorette - Gerrie Larsen
    • Magigals
  22. S.A.M. Convention photos - Irving Desfor
  23. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • National Council - applications
    • National Conference and Meeting - Leslie P. Guest
    • Omaha Assembly No. 7
    • Valley Conjurers' Assembly No. 17
    • Golden Gate Assembly No. 2
    • Cleveland Assembly No. 10
    • Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11
    • Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18
    • Philadelphia Assembly No. 4
    • Southern Calif. Assembly No. 22
    • Harry Houdini Assembly No. 29
    • Rhode Island Assembly No. 26
    • Boston Assembly No. 9
    • Robert Houdini [sic] Assembly No. 24
    • Worcester Assembly No. 16
    • What S.A.M. Members Do For a Living - Leslie P. Guest
    • Late Assembly News
  24. Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
    • Bob Weill
    • Joe Walter
    • Frank Wahl
    • Jim Sherman
    • C. A. George Newmann
    • Paul Morris
    • Orly Moody
    • Mike Kanter
    • An I.B.M. Press Release [re: new NYC Ring]
    • Max Holden
    • Bill Heisel
    • Jack Gwynne
    • Gen (U. F.) Grant
    • Everett Morgan
    • Hugh Riley
    • Dave Swift
    • Lucille and Eddie Roberts
    • Charles N. Smith
  25. Colorful Silver Anniversary Party [Golden Gate Assembly No. 2] - photos
  26. Charles Rossiter [boy magician from Peru] - photo

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 11 - July 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Pacific Coast Association of Magicians Convention Issue - Lloyd Jones
  3. Lloyd Jones, Chairman of the Tenth Annual P.C.A.M. Convention Committee
  4. Photo - trophies to awarded at the P.C.A.M. Convention
  5. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  6. Mongol Monte - Tommy Woo
  7. Fourth Dimension - Cushing Strout
  8. Another Card and Cigarette Trick - Lu Brent
  9. Just a Jotting - Willard S. Smith
  10. Rationing - Rev. Gordon Mattice
  11. Houdini Said - quotation
  12. Matching Coins - George Andrew
  13. Egg Switch - Seymour Solomon
  14. The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard)
    • First Article - Particulars of the Principles of Card Tricks
      • Section I - To Make the Pass with Two Hands
      • Section II - To Make the Pass with One Hand
  15. Chaps Corner - Franklin Chapman
  16. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  17. Junior Kindergarten "Noose Escape" - Stewart Grant
  18. Douglas MacArthur - Master Magician, Accepts Honorary Life Membership in S.A.M.
  19. Parent Assembly News - Steven Phillips, editor
    • annual meeting
    • After-Meeting Show
  20. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Magigals Parent Assembly - Ora Dillinger
    • Seattle Magigals - Francis Howard
    • Alida Carter - Francis Ireland
    • Another If - poem - Jessie Bowen Pierce
  21. Seventeenth Annual Convention International Brotherhood of Magicians - Arnold Furst
  22. Highlights-Of-The-Shows - At Fort Worth - photos
  23. Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
    • Charles N. Smith
    • "Uncle Felix" Smith
    • Hugh Riley
    • Hugh Riley [again]
    • Rev. Gordon Mattice
    • Ray Harshbarger
    • E. V. Klein
    • Max Holden
    • Paul Morris
    • Everett Morgan
    • Mike Kanter
    • Jim Sherman
    • Bill Heisel
    • Joe Walter
    • Eddie and Lucille Roberts
    • Bob Stull
  24. Chalk Stunts - Walt Kaeber
  25. The Sporting Thing - cartoon - Lang Armstrong
  26. Society of American Magicians Assembly Register
  27. Soldier Sorcery - Jerry Doughboy
  28. Notice - Nelmar
  29. An Open Letter to the Larsens - And to All the Others Who Couldn't Make Fort Worth - Frank S. Naugle

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 12 - August 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Hardeen
  3. Hardeen - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. The Medium Knows - Gerald Kosky
  6. A Birthday Gift - George Starke and Paul Morris
    • Rhymed Patter for The "Gloves and Panties" Effect
  7. cartoon - Tom S. Lawless
  8. Summer Sorcery - Milbourne Christopher
    • Flash Flowers
    • Tied Up
    • Encore
    • Square Circle Suggestion
    • Two Toppers
  9. Spotlight Rabbit Production From Silk Hat - E. G. Ervin
  10. Blendo - Frank Ellis
  11. Routined Magic - Rex of Australia
  12. The Will of Jerome Sharp - Henri Decremps (translated by Jean Hugard) - continued
    • Section III - The False Shuffles
  13. Paging the Ladies - Geraldine Conrad Larsen
    • Magigals
      • Magigals Parent Assembly
      • Oakland Assembly
      • Magigals Houdini Assembly
      • Magigals Seattle Assembly
      • Pasadena Assembly No. 6
      • San Jose Assembly No. 7
    • Mrs. Harry Houdini Says
  14. Chalk Stunts - Walt Kaeber
  15. On the Land - On the Sea - In the Air - Magicians in the Service
    • Soldier Sorcery - Jerry Doughboy
      • Ted Collins
      • Harold Goldstein
      • Pvt. Jack Ackley
      • Pvt. Tom R. Porter
      • Pvt. Edward Novack
      • Pvt. Harvey Long
    • W. J. Van Berkel Raps Japs - photo and story
  16. Magi Oke Oakland - 10th Annual P.C.A.M. Convention
  17. William W. Larsen - New President of the P.C.A.M. - photo
  18. Of Magicians - Who They Are - Where They Are - What They're Doing
    • Willard S. Smith
    • Charles N. Smith
    • Warren O. Cosgrove
    • Mike Kanter
    • Bill Heisel
    • Orville Meyer
    • Paul Morris
    • Max Holden
    • Jim Sherman
    • Joe Walter
    • From Here and There
  19. Highlight of the P.C.A.M. Convention - photos
  20. This Year Last Past
    • Sweepstakes Award - best trick of the year - Out Of This World - Paul Curry
    • Finest Pocket Trick - miniature finger guillotine - Holden
    • Best "Sucker Type" - Soft Soap - Stuart Robson
    • Best Comedy Trick - Comedy Lit Cigar - Mike Kanter
    • new Genii Tube - Hornmann
    • Commando Screen - Holden
    • Finest Illusionette - Thayer's Wrist Guillotine
    • Best Book (tie) - Al Baker's Magical Ways and Means
    • Best Book (tie) - Tarbell Course, Volume One
    • Recently offered items:
      • Miracle Shuffles and Tricks - Hugard and Braue
      • Panama Rope Trick - Corporal Collins
      • Fifteen Ways TO Cut and Restore a Tie
      • Broken Watch Routine - Chapman
      • Foo Can and Funnel - Chapman
    • Magical Performances
      • Dante
      • cups and Balls - Harry Mendoza
      • cake in the hat - Dr. Raymond Beebe
      • dollar bill in the lemon - Gerald Kosky
      • silk productions - Caro Miller
      • silk productions - Ade Duval
      • coin routine - Frakson
      • coin routine - Harry (Louine) Miller
      • upside down glasses on a cigarette tray - Jack Gwynne
      • mental feats - Frances Usher
      • Eyeless Vision - Tarbell
      • Hypersensitivity - Bill McCaffrey
      • books - Robert Nelson
      • levitation of a lighted candle - Ray Frazier
  21. S.A.M. National Council - listing
  22. Odd Magical Facts - Frank Fewins
  23. Houdini Said - quotation
  24. Gyp's Theatre - photo
  25. M-U-M - The Society of American Magicians
    • Membership List, Society of American Magicians - Summer, 1942
  26. Index - Volume Six

word count: 383474 which is equivalent to 1533 standard pages of text