William W. Larsen
#2 Magazines & Journals author
(Green Bay, Wisconsin: 31st December 1904 - 5th July 1953)
Inspired and learned from tricks bought by his father. Moved to Southern California in 1922. Criminal lawyer. Semi-pro mentalist and magician. Founder-editor Genii magazine 1936-53. In 1939 toured a full-evening show thru USA with wife Gerrie and sons Bill Jr and Milt. Owned Thayer Studio of Magic in Los Angeles 1942-1950 when sold to Clayton Jacobson. Retired from law practice in 1945 to give full time to magic. Founder of the Larsen magic dynasty. SAM Hall of Fame.
Co-invented (with T. Page Wright) Boudoir of a Dancing Girl (by 1928). Published several booklets jointly with his friend Wright, including The L.W. Mysteries for Children (1928) and L&W Mental and Spirit Mysteries (1929). Plus many joint articles with Wright in Sphinx under various pen names.
Under own name and pen name of "Dr. Frederick Straussborg" wrote many published manuscripts, mostly on mentalism, many republished as The Mental and other writings of William Larsen, Sr (1977, 212pp). Also under own name: Magically An Idea or Two (1933, 46pp), Contact and Non-Contact Mind-Reading (1945, 4pp), Tricks for Television (1949, 12pp), Puppetrix (1949, 14pp), etc. As "Jack Hamilton" wrote Descriptive Program of Dante's Sim Sala Bim.
Coauthors: T. Page Wright, B. W. McCarron, Ormond McGill