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Genii Volume 53 (Jul 1989 - Jun 1990)
by William W. Larsen

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Genii Volume 53 (Jul 1989 - Jun 1990) by William W. Larsen

July 1989 - June 1990
William Larsen, Jr., Publisher and Editor

848 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 1 - July 1989 - 76 pages
  2. Cover - Siegfried and Roy
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. Siegfried & Roy World Tour - Bill and Irene Larsen
  7. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • The Fabulous Frosty Guy
  8. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Proxy Stab - Phil Goldstein
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  9. Absolutely Ogden - Tom Ogden
    • The Linking Nightmare - Tom Ogden
  10. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  11. A Magnetic Servante For Office Use - Frank Chambers
  12. Color Prediction - Oliver Erens
  13. Color Changing Thimbles - John Hutsebaut
  14. MacTrick - Lloyd Walters
  15. Ting-Ling's Burned and Restored Tissue Strip - Scambini
  16. "Playing" Cards - John Hutsebaut
  17. "Lighting" A Cigarette - John Hutsebaut
  18. Two-Bit Card Discovery - Dan J. Alessini
  19. Coins Across Into A Small Pail - Dan Alessini
  20. A Subtle Card Reverse - Joe - Farina
  21. The Second Golden Age of Magic - Michael T. Pascoe
  22. The John Nevil Maskelyne Luncheon and Memorial Lecture - delivered by John Gaughan - reported by Eddie Dawes
  23. The Dream Comes Alive - A Review of Circus Tihany - Scott Wells
  24. The Reel Works - Pete Biro
    1. Sid Lorraine Dies
  25. Variety clipping - 'Snoopy' Live Arena Tour Features Magic
  26. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  27. My Philosophy About The Artist's Break Through - Dale Salwak
  28. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  29. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Knowing The Chop Cup - Will Ayling - reviewed by William A. Bradford
    • Gathering Dust - Geoffrey Williams - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Harry Anderson's "Games You Can't Lose" - Harry Anderson - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Slow Motion Magic - René Lavand reviewed by Dan Strauss
    • Twenty Years of Spoof & Bluff - "Carlton" - reviewed by Billy McComb
  30. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • Armband Mystery - Hiro Sakai
    • Self Service - Ken Kuroki
    • Giant ESP Deck - Ton Onosaka
    • Poker-size ESP Deck - Ton Onosaka
    • Yin-Yang - Ton Onosaka
    • Mini-Zag - Shigeru Sugawara
    • Lancelot - Hiroshi Kondo
    • Knife of the Ninja - Atsushi Fukano
    • SuperSpike - Masato Wakabayashi
    • ArCane - Hideo Kato
    • HyperVision - Tomoyuki Shimomura
  31. Obituaries
    • Virgil (Virgil Harris Mulkey) - by John A. Daniel
    • Desmond (Wilbur Cosby) - by David Charvet
    • Sid Lorraine - by Len Vitus
    • James Ray Greene - by Philip Morris
  32. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 2 - August 1989 - 68 pages
  2. Cover - Irene Larsen
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. Keeping the hearth Warm [Irene Larsen] - Amy Stevens
    • newspaper clipping - Magic's animal rights' activist
  7. Irene - My Wife Now And Forever - Bill Larsen
  8. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Sympathetic Sequence - Ray Grismer
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  9. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Pick a Card
  10. Named Card Control - Daniel McCarthy
  11. One Hand Center Reverse - Daniel McCarthy
  12. Jokers Forgotten - Daniel McCarthy
  13. Restreamlined Prediction - Daniel McCarthy
  14. Card Stab - Daniel McCarthy
  15. Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
  16. Third Millennium Silks - Amado Narvaez
  17. Blank Departures - Phil Goldstein
  18. Stage Mental Epic - Dean A. Montalbano
  19. The Bear Palm Vanish - Werner Perry
  20. Tannen's 27th Magic Jubilee
  21. The Magic of David Copperfield - Pantages Theatre - Dante Larsen
    • Variety Legit Reviews - newspaper clipping - David Copperfield
  22. The Magic Within You - Aubrey Fine & Dale Salwak
  23. Conference on Magic History - Dante Larsen
  24. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  25. The Reel Works - Pete Biro
  26. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  27. My Philosophy about Music and Magic - Dale Salwak
  28. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  29. Pen & Teller Get Killed
  30. newspaper clipping - No escape for a sad prisoner in the sun

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 3 - September 1989 - 76 pages
  2. Cover - Charles Penton
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. The Magic of Charles Penton - Special Issue
    1. What The Pro's Say
      • Jack Freedman
      • Whoizee? - Karrell Fox
      • The Charles Penton I Know - Mike Caldwell
      • J.B. Bobo
      • Mike Rodgers
    2. Invaluable Advice Shared by Charles Penton
      • Routining Patter - Jay Marshall
      • Making a Reputation - Charlie Miller
      • Advice for Balloon People - Dick Mainetti
    3. Thumb Tip Gems - Charles Penton
    4. Balancing A Dollar Bill On Nose - Charles Penton
    5. Ring On Knife - Charles Penton
    6. Coin Roll - Coin Thru Table - Charles Penton
    7. Simplex Oil And Water - Charles Penton
    8. Double Whammy Follow The Leader - Charles Penton
    9. Cold Deck Stacking Demo - Charles Penton
    10. Cold Deck Stacking And Dealing Royal Flush In Sequence - Charles Penton
    11. Cutting To Four Aces - Charles Penton
    12. Think-A-Card Block Buster - Charles Penton
    13. One Card Three Coin Kill - Charles Penton
    14. Instant Coin Switch - Charles Penton
    15. Stretched Finger - Charles Penton
    16. Card In Match Box - Charles Penton
    17. Instant One Hand Card Switch - Charles Penton
    18. Penton Coin Switch Variation - Charles Penton
    19. Penton One Hand Multiple Palm - Charles Penton
    20. Coin Fan Steal - Charles Penton
    21. Reverse Fan Steal (Coins) - Charles Penton
    22. Coins Across - Charles Penton
    23. Placement Card Switch - Charles Penton
    24. Miracle Switch (Cards) - Charles Penton
    25. One Hand False Cut - Charles Penton
    26. Flip Flop Card Switch - Charles Penton
  7. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Passherby
  8. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Michael Vincent Louis's Wild Card
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  9. Spellmaster - Erik Braaten
  10. The Magnetic Cards - Philip Hamer
  11. Advice From An Amateur - Frank Chambers
    • For Whom Was This Article Written?
    • Entertainment
    • A Matter of Time
    • Dexterity
    • Card Tricks: No One Likes Them
    • Wallet Si, Dove Pan No!
    • Sucker Tricks
    • Contest for Dullest Trick
    • Use Visible Magic
    • Conclusion
    • Do's and Dont's
  12. Cartoon - Paul Butler
  13. Magic Secrets - Bill McLaury
  14. Psychology of Deception - A performance by Theo Doré - Benjamin J. Kleinman
  15. To My Friend: Bill Larsen - poem - Benjamin J. Kleinman
  16. Letters
    • Irving Desfor on Le Grand David and His Spectacular Company
  17. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Knowing The Chop Cup - Will Ayling - reviewed by William A. Bradford
    • The Five Points in Magic - Juan Tamariz - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
    • P.T. Selbit, Innovator - Eric Lewis & Peter Warlock - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • The Secrets of Brother John Hamman - Richard Kaufman - reviewed by Dan Strauss
    • Take a Stroll with Me - Paul Green's Lecture Notes - reviewed by Billy McComb
  18. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • Little Black Box - John Kennedy
    • Genesis - Jay Scott Berry
    • The Genesis Scrolls - Jay Scott Berry
    • The Unconquered Card - Mike Rogers
    • 4th DIEmension - Tony Baronio
    • The Wilting Rose - C & M Productions
  19. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  20. Somewhere Over the Rainbow with The Wizard & Oz - Erik Gerard
    • Conjuring in the Casinos
  21. Letters
    • Del Dixon
  22. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  23. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  24. Obituaries
    • Sammie McKay
    • Gilbert L. (Larry) West - by Arthur Emerson
    • Ken Gross - by Gary R. Frank
    • Alan Milan Cracknell - by Harold F. Puff
    • Aldini {Alex Weiner] - by Tommy Garbin
  25. Free Classified Ads
  26. Professor Harry Hockmann on Magic With Tigers - Paul Butler

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 4 - October 1989 - 64 pages
  2. Cover - Box Impossible by Jerry Andrus
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. Special Jerry Andrus Section - From the "Castle of Chaos" Magic and random thoughts By Jerry Andrus
    1. Dollar Delusion - Jerry Andrus
    2. Card Surprise - Jerry Andrus
    3. Just in Case - Jerry Andrus
    4. Some random, Biased, irreverent, opinionated, comments on Magic from Jerry Andrus at the "Castle of Chaos"
    5. Andrus Under The Dome - A Special Announcement by David Harkey
  7. Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
  8. Tokyo Awards Party 1990 - Max Maven
  9. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Acupressure - Jerry Andrus at the "Castle of Chaos"
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  10. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Phenominon
  11. Throw That Slider - Dan Alessini
  12. A No-gimmick Book Test Using A Current Magazine - Frank Chambers
  13. Oh What Crazy Things We Do! - Dean A. Montalbano
  14. Don't Take the Towels - Dean A. Montalbano
  15. Adrianna - A Short Story By Gene Poinc
  16. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  17. It's Magic - Stanley M. Cazneaux
  18. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  19. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Knowing the Chop Cup - Will Ayling - reviewed by William A. Bradford
    • Automata - John Nevil Maskelyne
    • Nearly Unpublished - David Ginn - reviewed by Gerry Hart
    • The Solomon Principle - Brett McCarron - reviewed by Don Schilling
    • The Klutz Book of Magic - John Cassidy & Michael Stroud - reviewed by T. A. Waters
  20. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  21. Conventions & Events
    • Basel Magic - Basel, Switzerland
    • Cape Cod Magic Conclave - Sea Crest in Falmouth, MA
    • 1990 CSICOP Conference - Washington, DC
    • Louisiana Magic Weekend - Kenner {New Orleans}, LA
    • 50th Annual Boston Magicale - Boston, MA
    • MzvD Kongress Oz - Wolfsburg, West Germany
    • Wizard's Weekend VI - Bloomington, MN
    • 62nd I.B.M. Convention - St. Louis, MO
    • S.A.M. Convention - Stamford, CT
    • T.A.O.M. Convention - Dallas, TX
    • 35th Österr. Nationlkongress - Graz, Austria
    • Magic Hands Day "De Kern" - Antwerp, Belgium
    • 21st New Zealand Convention - Auckland, New Zealand
    • F.I.S.M. World Congress 1991 - Rome, Italy
    • MZvD Jahreskongress - Bruhl u. Phantasialand, West Germany
  22. Obituaries
    • Thomas R. Auburn "Magic Tom" - by Blair Marshall
    • Patrick H. Doolin - by Darlene Bull
    • Gene Devoe - Mike O'Dowd
    • Harold L. Martin - by Fran Bloch
    • Douglas Geoffrey
  23. Darwin Ortiz (Card Shark!) Itinerary
  24. Free Classified Ads
  25. Cartoon - To Miss Daisy White - T.L.H. 1925

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 5 - November 1989 - 60 pages
  2. Cover - Princess Tenko
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. The International Magic of Princess Tenko - Kabukiza Theater - Bill and Irene Larsen
  7. The Story of Tenko Hikita - Max Maven
  8. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Glassation
  9. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Marked Changes - Edward Marlo
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  10. The Bend Over Backwards - John A. Rigg
  11. A Little Cardiology - Allan Izen
  12. Copper/Silver Transposition in the Spectators' Hands - Terry Schaplow
  13. Chromix - Phil Goldstein
  14. Order out of Chaos - David Altman
  15. Cartoon - Paul Butler
  16. The 20th Century Silk Cabby - Vince Thomas
  17. Card Metamorphosis - John Hutaebaut
  18. Hockmann's Home Decorating - Paul Butler
  19. Once a Magician Always a Magician - Fonda Zenofon
  20. The Meeting - Marcom
  21. Paul Daniels at the Savoy Theatre - Nick Driver
  22. The Story Behind Magical Youths International
  23. My Philosophy about Professionalism - Dale Salwak
  24. Letters
    • Rick Walker
  25. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  26. Somewhere Over the Rainbow with The Wizard and Oz - Erik Gerard
    • Living with Livestock
  27. Color Changing Marbles in the Spectators' Hands - Terry Schaplow
  28. Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
  29. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • Automatic Color Changing Silk - Nielsen Magic
    • Professional 3-D Multiplying Rabbits - George Murray
    • The Return Of The Magnificent Seven - John Bannon
    • Headhunter - Bob Farmer
    • Dollar Monte - John Kennedy
  30. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  31. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Candles - Michael P. Lair - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • A Touch of Magic - Fiction - Ruth M. Myers - reviewed by Katlyn Ward
    • New Magic of Japan - Hiroyuki Sakai - reviewed by William Bradford
    • Predicting Time - Bev Bergeron - reviewed by Douglas Hoover
    • Sawa's Library of Magic, Volume One - Richard Kaufman - reviewed by Dick Newton
    • Small Magical Ideas - Rhett Bryson, editor - reviewed by William Bradford
  32. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  33. Obituaries
    • Dany Ray - by Ted Lealey
    • Joseph Barnett
  34. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 6 - December 1989 - 68 pages
  2. Cover - The Pendragons
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. The Pendragons
    1. Perspective
    2. An Opening Thought - Jonathan Pendragon
    3. Moments - Jonathan Pendragon
    4. Fundamentals - Jonathan Pendragon
      • 1 - Power and Puzzle
      • Aldo Richiardi
      • Robert Harbin
      • Doug Henning
      • 2 - Prop Choice
      • 3 - You
    5. The Body and Grand Illusion - Charlotte Pendragon
      • Flexibility
      • Strength
      • Cardio-Vascular
      • Coordination
      • Mind, Soul and Body
    6. Illusion Presentation - Jonathan Pendragon
      • The Basket
      • The Broom Suspension
      • Metamorphosis
    7. A Closing Thought - Jonathan Pendragon
    8. A Few Cliches about the Pendragons - Jim Steinmeyer
  7. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Out of a Hat
  8. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Tribute to Dai Vernon - David Solomon
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  9. Pounding A Selected Card Through The Table - Terry Schaplow
    • Pounding A Selected Card Through The Table - Part Two - Terry Schaplow
  10. The Merlin Deck - John Hutsebaut
  11. Card Metamorphosis - John Hutsebaut
  12. The Ambitious Card Revisited - John Hutsebaut
  13. The Lucky Pick Bill Trick - John Hutsebaut
  14. Almost Alchemy - John Hutsebaut
  15. Fabian's Knotty Ring - Aldo Colombini
  16. Crayfish - Aldo Colombini
  17. Wrong Trick - Dan Allesini
  18. Cartoon - [Professor Hockman's] Cage Escape - Paul Butler
  19. The P.C.A.M. Convention - Bill and Irene Larsen
  20. 1990 Magic Hands Fachkongresse - Bob Klase
  21. From the Mailbox
    • Father Stephen A. Fernandes
  22. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  23. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  24. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • 52 Lovers - Jose Carroll - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • The Trick Brain - Dariel Fitzkee - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • The Magic Way - Juan Tamariz - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
    • Stewart James in Print - The First Fifty Years - Howard Lyons & Allan Slaight - reviewed by Max Maven
  25. Do You Remember Dante?
  26. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  27. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 7 - January 1990 - 64 pages
  2. Cover - Paul Kerr
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. Paul Kerr - by Jon Lucke
  7. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Kaiser Roll - William P. Miesel
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  8. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • The Gender Bender
  9. The Academy of Magical Arts 22nd Annual Awards - Bill and Irene Larsen
  10. Desert Magic Seminar XIII - Bill and Irene Larsen
  11. Pansophical Production - An Eleven Part Series - Ray Pierce
    • Part Nine - Trouping & Packing
  12. Tarbell Treasures - Dean A. Montalbano
    1. Scrabble! - Dean A. Montalbano
    2. Of Spice and Men - Dean A. Montalbano
    3. The Ring of Doom - Dean A. Montalbano
    4. Mind Over Matter - Dean A. Montalbano
  13. Protracted Silver Extraction - Terry Schaplow
  14. Let's Play "Spin the Bottle" - Dan Alessini
  15. Magic for Jugglers - Jim Gerrish
  16. My Philosophy About Magic Contests - Dale Salwak
  17. OOPS! - correction to "Spellmaster" in the September issue
  18. Siegfried & Roy Performance Schedule 1990
  19. The Theory of Magic - Michael T. Pascoe
    • Part One
    • Cartoon - [Professor Hockman's] Lesson I: Unimpressive Patter - Paul Butler
  20. The Magic of David Copperfield XII - The Niagara Falls Challenge - CBS - Dante Larsen
  21. Abracadaver - a play by Allan Scott and David Ambrose - reviewed by Howard Peters
  22. Magie Montreal 1990 - David Acer
  23. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  24. Professor Hockmann's Famous Blindfolded Knife Throwing Act! - Paul Butler
  25. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • Henry Hilton's Dove Caskets
  26. Conventions & Events
    • 50th Annual Boston Magicale - Boston, MA
    • MzvD Kongress Oz - Wolfsburg, West Germany
    • 1990 Meeting of the Minds - Scottsdale, AZ
    • Wizard's Weekend VI - Bloomington, MN
    • 62nd I.B.M. Convention - St. Louis, MO
    • S.A.M. Convention - Stamford, CT
    • Funhouse Magic Big 3 - Gaithersburg, MD
    • SEAM '90 - Charlotte, NC
    • T.A.O.M. Convention - Dallas, TX
    • 35th Österr. Nationlkongress - Graz, Austria
    • XXIV Congress Francais de Illusion - Annecy, France
    • The Inn Event - Ontario, Canada
    • Magic Hands Day "De Kern" - Antwerp, Belgium
    • 21st New Zealand Convention - Auckland, New Zealand
    • F.I.S.M. World Congress 1991 - Switzerland
    • MZvD Jahreskongress - Bruhl u. Phantasialand, West Germany
    • P.C.A.M. 91 - Concord, CA
  27. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  28. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Our Life of Magic - Howard Thurston and Jane Thurston Shepard - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • The Magic Castle Souvenir Book - The Magic Castle - reviewed by Eric C. Lewis
    • Television for the Mentalist - Scott Davis - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Magically Meting Women - Sergio Malini Xanth, Inc. - reviewed by Dick Newton
  29. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  30. Obituaries
    • Frederic Lake Rickard
  31. Free Class Ads
  32. Letters to the Editor
    • Roy Roth

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 8 - February 1990 - 80 pages
  2. Cover - Vaudeville 2000
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. Vaudeville 2000
    1. An Introduction - Rudy Coby
    2. Vaudeville - One More Time - Milt Larsen
    3. Vaudeville 2000 - Rudy Coby
      • New Vaudeville
      • Unclassifiable
      • Art vs. Craft
      • Vaudeville 2000
    4. Air Jazz
    5. Avner the Eccentric
    6. Les Bubb
    7. Rudy Coby
    8. Kevin James
    9. Vito Lupo
    10. Milt Larsen
    11. The Hollywood Archives of Variety Entertainment - Milt Larsen
    12. Magic & Mime!!! - Vito Lupo
    13. The Bianca Feather Transposition - Vito Lupo
    14. Show Program
    15. Credits
  7. Cartoon - J. Bonestell
  8. Three Arm gags - Rudy Coby
    • Armed and Dangerous
    • Encore Gag
    • Face Hugger
  9. Avner Eisenburg's Baby's Breath - Kevin James
  10. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. The Kevin James Newspaper Tear - Kevin James
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  11. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Changearoo
  12. Pansophical Production - An Eleven Part Series - Ray Pierce
    • Part Ten - Video Recording
  13. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  14. Team Location - Phil Goldstein
  15. Spellereveal - Phil Goldstein
  16. Tarbell Treasures - Dean A. Montalbano
    1. The Tarot Thought - Dean A. Montalbano
    2. The End Of The Rainbow - Dean A. Montalbano
    3. A Fool And His Gold - Dean A. Montalbano
  17. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • old production goods
  18. My Philosophy About Simplicity - Dale Salwak
  19. From the Mailbox
    • Bob Jepson
  20. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • The Experience of Magic - Eugene Burger - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Skullduggery - Leo Boudreau - reviewed by Max Abrams
    • Body Language - David Harkey - reviewed by Don Beach
    • Confidential Booking Report #1 - Dick Ryan - reviewed by Dan Strauss
    • Three Ball Digest - Dick Franco - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
  21. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  22. Cape Cod Conclave - Father Steve Fernandes
  23. The Third International Deaf Magicians Festival - Leipzig - Simon J. Carmel
  24. Bill Larsen Receives "The Gold Medal of Merit" [Vienna] - Dr. Klaus Sypal
  25. The Theory of Magic - Michael T. Pascoe
    • Part Two
    • Cartoon - [Professor Hockmann's] Lesson II: Adding Romance to the act - Paul Butler
  26. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • Squaring - Terri Rogers & Ton Onosaka
    • Holiday Dream Prediction - Richard Mark
    • Chameleon Kool-Aid - Steve Michael
    • Chroma-Deck - Doug Canning
  27. Mars Likes Max [Maven] - newspaper clipping from Variety
  28. Cartoon - Buns - John Kaplan
  29. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  30. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 9 - March 1990 - 72 pages
  2. Cover - Ben Harris
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
    • Narrative of Fawcett W. Ross - from a tape made on March 20, 1980
  6. Ben Harris - Genii Special
    1. Liz Shore Visits BHM Industries
    2. Cry Wolf - Mark Kriewaldt
    3. Hi-Ho Poltergeist - Marc Michel
    4. Clean Submarine - Sixten Beme
    5. Sëan Asks Ben: Ten??? - Sëan Tretheway
  7. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • In the Twinkling of an Eye
  8. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Hummeracle! - Max Abrams
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  9. Cartoon - J. Bonestell
  10. MagiCruise '90 - Bill and Irene Larsen
  11. Pansophical Production - An Eleven Part Series - Ray Pierce
    • Part Eleven - Video Editing
  12. Tarbell Treasures - Dean A. Montalbano
    1. The Genii and The Checker - Julie Sobanski
    2. Ashes To Ashes - Julie Sobanski
    3. Forearm Reading - Julie Sobanski
    4. Just Passing Through - Julie Sobanski
  13. The Five Success Traits of a Successful Magician - Michael Jeffreys
    • Part One
      • Success Trait #1: Originality
  14. Diamond Shines in Anaheim - L. L. Carpenter & L. M. Mills
  15. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • The Rising Cards
  16. Reality - Aldo Colombini
  17. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  18. Vanity - license plates - Milt Larsen
  19. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  20. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • M.I.N.T. - Edward Marlo - reviewed by Max Abrams
    • Professional Close-Up - Leo Behnke - reviewed by William A. Bradford
    • Find the Stuff That's You! - Chris Carey - reviewed by Don Beach
    • Modern Miracles - Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson - reviewed by Stanley J. Terebinski
    • Williamson's Wonders - Richard Kaufman - reviewed by Dick Newton
  21. Magic on Tape - Brian R. Flora
    • Making Magic Memorable - Michael Ammar
    • Greater Magic Video Library
    • Bizarre! - Tony Andruzzi
    • The Shiels Effect - Tony "Doc" Shiels
  22. Letters to the Editor
    • Cushing Strout
  23. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  24. The Magic of Wal-Mart - Bill Pitts
  25. Meet Me on Magic!
  26. Obituaries
    • John Joseph "Johnny" Platt - by Billy McComb
    • William Schneider
    • Dona Eister Stull - by John Osborne & Milt Larsen
  27. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 10 - April 1990 - 76 pages
  2. Cover - Magic's First Cultural Exchange with Russia
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
    • Narrative of Fawcett W. Ross - The McGuire Letters - continued
  6. Magic's First Cultural Exchange with Russia
    1. Welcome To "Club Red" - Mike Maxwell
    2. Repression/Expression - Michael Ammar
    3. I.B.M. Extends to Russia - Tony Shelley
  7. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Dan Harlan's Traveling Cash - Michael Ammar
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  8. The "Holey" Coin Routine - Terry Schaplow
  9. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • The Self Contained Asrah
  10. Tarbell Treasures - Dean A. Montalbano
    1. Good Golly! Great Graphite! - Dean A. Montalbano
    2. Sands and Snails and Sunburned Whales - Julie Sobanski
  11. Production of Golf Balls With Fingers Interlocked - Amado Narvaez
  12. Pulling Off Your Thumb - Mark Garvey (Mr. Mercy)
  13. Torn and Restored Bill #378 - Jonathan Cooke
  14. A New (?) Stand up Flase Cut - Dan Alessini
  15. Cartoon - J. Bonestell
  16. The Five Success Traits of a Successful Magician - Michael Jeffreys
    • Part II
      • Success Trait #2: Expertise
      • Success Trait #3: Charisma
      • Success Trait #4: Showmanship
      • Success Trait #5: Success Mindedness
  17. Cut Un-Restored Rope - Stuart Heisler
  18. What are these two smiling about? [Jeff McBride & H. W. Bush] - Free Subscription Offer
  19. A Letter to Bill Larsen from Bob Weill
  20. The 20th Anniversary of the Original Close-Up Convention [FFFF] - Ron Zollweg
  21. Vaudeville 2000 - An Observation - Dante Larsen
  22. Giving Introductions and Being a Master of Ceremonies - Lon Mandrake
  23. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  24. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  25. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Astro Disks I - Jim Magus - reviewed by Douglas Hoover
    • The Amazing Zorak's Professional Face Painting For Clowns and Magicians - Bill Steinacker - reviewed by "D.C." the Clown (Don Schilling)
    • The Genesis Scrolls - Jay Scott Berry - reviewed by Dan Strauss
    • Magic Yellow Pages International, Sixth Edition - Wittus Witt - reviewed by Ed Thomas
    • It's Magic - Henry Gordon - reviewed by Don Schilling
    • Your Number Is Up - Harrison Smith - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Practical Streetmagic - John Anders - reviewed by Dan Strauss
  26. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • The Key - Terri Rogers
    • Hand O' Doom - Bob Farmer
    • Pyramid Power - Ben Harris
    • Haunted Die - John Kennedy
    • Missing Spots - El Duco
    • Sponge Ball Foam - Terry Wong
    • Vanishing Ketchup Bottle - Norm Nielsen
  27. Magic on Tape - Billy McComb
    • Michael Ammar Live at The Magic Castle
  28. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • Bartl's Tambourine to Alarm Clock
  29. Conventions & Events
    • S.E.A.M. '90 - Charlotte, NC
    • T.A.O.M. Convention - Dallas, TX
    • Magic in the Mountains - Haines Falls, NY
    • 35th Österr. Nationlkongress - Graz, Austria
    • XXIVe Congress Francais de Illusion - Annecy, France
    • The Inn Event - Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada
    • 1st Annual Bideford Weekend - Bideford, Devon, England
    • Magic Hands Day "De Kern" - Antwerp, Belgium
    • Tannen's 28th Jubilee - Monticello, NY
    • 21st New Zealand Convention - Auckland, New Zealand
    • Desert Magic Seminar XIV - Las Vegas, NV
    • Cape Cod Conclave - Cape Cod, MA
    • Louisiana Magic Weekend - New Iberia, LA
    • MagiCruise '91 - from England
    • MZvD Jahreskongress - Bruhl u. Phantasialand, West Germany
    • P.C.A.M. '91 - Concord, CA
    • F.I.S.M. World Congress 1991 - Lausanne, Switzerland
  30. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  31. Free Class Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 11 - May 1990 - 76 pages
  2. Cover - Bruce Cervon
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  5. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
  6. L & L Publishing Presents A Special Bruce Cervon Issue
    1. Ultra Cervon Will Strike You Like a Bolt of Lightning - Jim Patton
    2. Letter from the President - Louis Falanga
    3. Introduction to Ultra Cervon - Bruce Cervon
    4. Bruce Cervon - Sleight of Hand Expert - James Patton
    5. Cervon 1990 - review by a Youthful Curmudgeon
    6. Nowhere and Everywhere - Bruce Cervon
    7. No Discrepancy Prediction - Several Methods - Bruce Cervon
    8. Hany Panky - Chapter Six: Thanks to Koran - Bruce Cervon
    9. Award Ace Assembly - Bruce Cervon
  7. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Bruce Cervon's Blasted Routine - Bruce Cervon
    2. Intermission - James Patton
  8. International Brotherhood of Magicians - 62nd Annual Convention - St. Louis - Bill and Irene Larsen
  9. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Vanishing Girl and Chair
  10. The Mysterious Death of Harry Houdini - Manny Weltman
  11. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  12. Magic on Tape - Billy McComb
    • Balloonacy 2 - Dennis Forel
  13. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  14. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • The Presti-Octi-Oleograph
    • Passe-Passe Card Castle
  15. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • M.C. Routines #3 - Ed Dunhill - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Ned and Fred - Frederick Barlow - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Jim Ravel's Theatrical Pick-Pocketing - Paul Butler - reviewed by David Avadon
    • Randy Wakeman Presents - Mike Maxwell - reviewed by Jeffrey Flan
    • Be A Clown! - Turk Pipkin - reviewed by Don "D.C." Schilling
  16. My Philosophy About Magic Conventions - Dale Salwak
  17. Obituaries
    • Jack Sutherland - by Pat Holcombe
    • James "Jimmy" Ravel - by Paul Butler
  18. Free Classified Ads

  1. Genii - Volume 53, Number 12 - June 1990 - 68 pages
  2. Cover - Magic Castle Juniors: where are they now?
  3. In This Issue - contents
  4. Attention Subscribers - Next Volume begins with November rather than July
  5. The Genii Speaks - WWL (Jr)
  6. The Vernon Touch - Dai Vernon
    • Narrative of Fawcett W. Ross - The McGuire Letters - conclusion
  7. The Magic Castle Junior Program
    1. Introduction - David Doyle
    2. A History of the Magic Castle Junior Program: 1974- Present - Bob Dorian
    3. 10 Commandments of Rehearsal - Adam Christings
    4. Aristotle on Magic: Why Most Routines Suck - Benjamin Garth
    5. Comedy Clubs - The Larry Clark
    6. The Trap Door - Scott Tokar
    7. A Few Thoughts on Cruising - Larry Clark
    8. The Card Plunge - David Doyle
    9. Tranzo Bozo - Steve J. Barnes
    10. Cartoon - Paul Butler
    11. Air-Tight Steel Lined Coffin Escape - Geoffrey Williams
    12. The Magic of Promotional Giveaways - Geoffrey Williams
    13. Sideshows and The Black Death - Geoffrey Williams
    14. Biographies
      • Ed Alonzo
      • Dirk Arthur
      • Jay Scott Berry
      • Scott Cervine
      • Rick Gerber
      • Christopher Hart
      • Kevin James
      • Mark Kalin
      • Kerry Ross
      • Danny Scott
      • Mark Van Buren
      • Michael Weber
  8. Illusion Plans - Paul Osborne and Associates
    • Stretching a Good Thing Too Far
  9. Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - James Patton, editor
    1. Chicago Re-Opener - T.A. Waters
    2. Intermission - James Patton
      • Hummer Long A' Max - Stephen Tucker
      • Letter from Gordon L. Jeppesen
  10. Floating Through Space - Harry Houdini (from the Manny Weltman Collection)
  11. The Pop/Corny Effect - Steven Baker
  12. Tannen's Magic Camp 1990 - Tom Ogden
  13. Make The Children Scream - Terry Schaplow
    • Parts I & II
  14. Tripp's Tips - Mark Tripp
  15. Looking for a Few Good Bozos
  16. 25 Years Ago In Genii - Gerrie Larsen Jaffe
    • Fifty Years Ago in Genii
  17. Magic on Tape - Billy McComb
    • Daryl's Award Winning "Magic Castle" Lecture Video Tape - Daryl
  18. Product Review - Phil Goldstein
    • Pen-Ultimate - Collector's Workshop
    • ESPecially Wild - Paul Hallas
    • B. S. Board - Jeff Stewart
    • Magic Color Changing Boomerangs - George Murray & Tom Jorgenson
    • Treasure Chest - Maurice Fogel
  19. Collector's Corner - Topper Martyn
    • An Automatic Card Dealing Apparatus
  20. Light from the Lamp - Magic Castle Members
    • Devant's Delightful Delusions - S.H. Sharpe - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • Cortini - Hans Holler - reviewed by Billy McComb
    • How to Teach Close Up Magic to Beginners - Zalman P. Puchkoff - reviewed by Tony Bradford
    • Easy-To-Do Card Tricks for Children - Karl Fulves - reviewed by Max Abrams
    • The Bill In Lemon Book - David Charvet - reviewed by John Booth
    • Stand-Up Comedy: The Book - Judy Carter - reviewed by Erik Gerard
  21. Bagdad - News From All Over the World - Dante Larsen
  22. Free Classified Ads

word count: 488074 which is equivalent to 1952 standard pages of text