November 1994 - October 1995
Irene Larsen, Publisher and Dante and Erika Larsen, Editors
944 pages
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 1 - November 1994 - 68 pages
- Cover - NBC's "World's Greatest Magic"
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters Department
- Pat Hennessy
- Nathan Jenkins
- Al Portwood
- Erika Larsen
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii Guide to Advertisers
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Credit Card Carney
- Impressive Numbers
- Gathering Magic
- Library of Congress
- More Vegas
- Thanks for the Memories
- Magic Castle Schedule - October-November 1994
- NBC Presents "The World's Greatest Magic"
- Sarmoti - Siegfried & Roy's Television Special
- Spotlight - This Month: Fu-Manchu - by Jose Antonio Hachim
- Genii-Orben Poll Results!
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- The Four Card Trick - Chop Chop & Bill Derman
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Dicenigma - Phil Goldstein
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- It's Maagic - Thirty Years of Magical Tradition - Milt Larsen
- "It's Magic" - The Acts - 1956-1984
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- The Armadillo Cut - Mark Langford
- Bill Burn - Marshall Brodien
- The Magic and Movie Hall of Fame - Deanna Shimada
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Ted Lesley's Paramiracles
- Gene Maze and the Art of Bottom Dealing - Stephen Hobbs
- Imp Romp 2 - Lewis Jones
- Shampagne - Lewis Jones
- Magic Around the World - Bill Ragsdale
- Antiquarian Magic and Collectibles, Catalog #39 - Mario Carrandi
- Sorcerer's Sidearms - Product Reviews - David Avadon
- Magic Marker [Zorro] - commentary
- Sawing in Love Again - commentary
- Nickel-Elect - Paul Tosi
- Solid Brass Metamorphosis Coin - Bob Solari
- Solid Brass Snapper - Bob Solari
- Tandem Bicycles - Larry White
- Fire to Ice - Steve Hyde
- Mystifier - he Houdini Historical Center membership
- Conventions Coming
- Atlanta Harvest of Magic - Atlanta, GA
- Ron MacMillan's Day of Magic - London, England
- The Magic Hands Kongress - Sindelfingen, Germany
- Columbus Magi-Fest - Columbus, OH
- Convention at the Capital - Sacramento, CA
- Blackpool Magician's Convention - Blackpool, England
- FLASOMA '95 - Mexico City, Mexico
- Desert Magic Seminar - Las Vegas, NV
- World Magic Summit III - Washington, DC
- I.B.M. Convention - Oakland, CA
- S.A.M. Convention - Boston, MA
- Day of Magic - I.B.M. Ring 21 - Los Angeles, CA
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #37 - Gary Ouellet
- The Tenyo-Milton Bradley Story
- Kato's Contest Rules - Hideo Kato
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 2 - December 1994 - 80 pages
- Cover - A Special Hiawatha Issue
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters Department
- Maurice Pierre
- Gary Ouellet
- Kordak the Fierce
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii Guide to Advertisers
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Not All The Secrets Revealed
- The Magic ... The Mystery ... The Surgery [Roy Horn]
- Vegas Flash
- Notes from All Over
- Hiawatha - Special Issue
- Hiawatha "Entertainment Artist" - by Jamy Ian Swiss
- Hi On Tannen's - Terri and Dennis Cook
- The Introduction
- Tannen's Magic Camp
- The Jubilee
- Friendship
- Hi On Dance - Hiawatha
- Physicality and the Successful Magician - Karen Hubbard
- Wonder Bread - Jamie Kutch and Derek Hughes
- Hi Magic - Ron Yoshida
- Any Card at Any Number - Steve Cohen
- Buried Alive - Imam
- An Interview with Prince Junie - Max Maven
- Hi Notes - Hiawatha
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Malek Memorizes the Deck - David Malek
- Intermission - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Under the Banyan Tree - Ali Bongo
She's in the Bottom
- Instant Houdini - Ali Bongo
- What They See
- The Construction
- Last Thoughts
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Spotlight - This Month: Luis de Matos
- Max Magic - Interactive Mindgames - Max Maven
- the Genii-Orben Poll Results - continued
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Collinsequel - Phil Goldstein
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- Loving Couple - Barbara Colombini
- Flip Flop - Aldo Colombini
- Ringbound - Tom Stone
- No Contest - Jerry Christensen
- Obituaries
- Alain Bernadine - by Norn Neilsen
- Hans E. Trixer - Bernard H. Williams
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- The Dai Vernon Book of Magic - Lewis Ganson
- Beat 'em, Cheat 'em, Leave 'em Bleedin' - Mister Big 'N' Fat Bobby Knuckles
- Cheating at Blackjack - "Dustin D. Marks"
- Magic on Video - Whit Haydn
- Coin Illusions Vol. 9 - Fedko Magic
- Lee Earle's Center Tear Teach-in - Brad Burt's Magic Shop
- Sorcerer's Sidearms - Product Reviews - David Avadon
- Sea the Logic - commentary
- Matchic Trick - Rick Marotta
- Poor Man's Ring Flight - Rick Marotta
- The Ultimate Magic Square - Magic Land
- Predict-Perfect - Rick Marotta
- The Automatic Miracle Deck - Bodie Blake
- Sheet of Cards - Marcelo Contento
- This One, That 1 - Mark Leveridge
- last column by David Avadon
- Fulminations #38 - Gary Ouellet
- The Very Best Table False Cut
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 3 - January 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Juan Tamariz
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Genii Letters Department
- Bob Farmer
- Frank Chambers
- Gary Ouellet
- Art Frewin
- John Daniel
- Mike Rogers
- George Schindler
- Brittany Malatesta
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- World's Greatest Magic Wins the Ratings!!
- Smithsonian Lecture Series
- Newsflash!!
- Notes from All Ober
- Band-O-Love [Dan Harlan]
- Magic Castle Schedule - January 1995
- Juan Tamariz - Feature
- Juan Tamariz Interview by Max Maven
- Some Comments from Juan's Fried Jim Krenz
- A Spatial Study of the Double Turnover - Juan Tamariz
- On the Creation of Circumstantial Magic - Juan Tamariz
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Cassoulet - Phil Goldstein
- Spotlight - This Month: Hans Crispin
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- The Locked Room - Gordon Bean
- The Bungee Coin - Jim Patton
- Ins and Outs
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Treasure Island - Toné Picasso
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- Plex Locator - Claudio Facilla
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Bob Markwood
- An Introduction to Roy Short - Peter Reveen
- Forward - Roy Short
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter One - A Brief History of a Long and Great Career
- Ron McMillan's 23rd Annual Dy of Magic - Erika Larsen
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Roger's Thesaurus - Roger Crosthwaite & Justin Higham
- Meir Yedid's Magic Wishes - Stephen Hobbs
- The Secrets of Stage Conjuring - Robert-Houdin
- The Collector's Scrapbook - Gary R. Frank
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- To Buy or Not to Buy - commentary
- Reviews in Brief - commentary
- Off the Cuff - Bob Brown
- New-Wave Prediction - Bob King
- Presto Printo - Daryl
- John Carney's Chopsticks
- Dateline: Downunder with Tim Ellis
- The Circumlocutory Card Trick - Don Crawlforth
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #39 - Gary Ouellet
- Sarmoti!
- Russell's Fangle - Steve Russell
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 4 - February 1995 - 76 pages
- Cover - Mike Maxwell
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Steven Kowalski, Jr.
- An ex-Genii reader
- Cary Russell Brown
- Dwight Vance
- Eban Kostas
- Bryant Hurly
- Ed Warren
- Dan Friar
- Walter Zaney Blaney
- Juan Mayoral
- Magic and Creativity
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Awards Bulletin
- Beyond Mysterious
- Notes from All Over
- That's Amore!
- Magic Castle Schedule - February 1995
- Mike Maxwell - Feature
- GR8 Trix - Mike Maxwell
- The Clueless Countdown - Mike Maxwell
- How I Got In, Got Kicked Out and Got Back In the Magic Castle - Mike Maxwell
- Creative Visualization in Magic - Mike Maxwell
- Conference Card - Mike Maxwell
- Ask The Brain Trust
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- A Sensory Deception - Dean Stern
- Intermission - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Spotlight - This Month: Scott Hollingsworth
- Detex - Phil Goldstein
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- Message Understood - Peter Duffie
- How to Change an Unforeseen Event Into a Miracle
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- #2 - The First Ten Seconds
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Two - Reminiscences of Both the Pre and Post War Shows
- Magic Business Assistance - Michael Canick
- Obituaries
- Craige McComb Snader, Jr. - by Bev Bergeron
- Conventions Coming
- Columbus Magi-Fest - Columbus, OH
- Convention at the Capital - Sacramento, CA
- Blackpool Magician's Convention - Blackpool, England
- FLASOMA '95 - Mexico City, Mexico
- Desert Magic Seminar - Las Vegas, NV
- Le Mayette Days - Paris France
- Cavalcade of Magic - Eureka Springs, AR
- Voc Dag - The Netherlands
- Florida State Magic - Winter Haven, FL
- Salzburg International - Salzburg, Austria
- World Magic Summit III - Washington, DC
- S.A.M. Convention - Boston, MA
- I.B.M. Convention - Oakland, CA
- Mystery School - Catskills Mts., NY
- Day of Magic - I.B.M. Ring 21 - Los Angeles, CA
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini - Ruth Brandon
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Perfect Key Bending - Guy Bavli
- The 21st Century Compass - Myles Sinclair
- Supreme Slate of Mind - Joe Lefler
- Harkey's Pocket Cache - Clandestine Productions
- John Murray's One Cup & Coins - Al's Magic Shop
- Dateline: Downunder with Tim Ellis
- Clubbed Out
- My Ideal Magic Club
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #40 - Gary Ouellet
- The Story of Harry Crumble
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 5 - March 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Tom Mullica
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Genii Letters Department
- David Hunt
- Rick Silverstein
- Danny Daniels
- Chris Weed
- Simon Aronson
- David Hibbard
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Sarmoti
- In The Works
- Multi-Million Melinda
- News from All Over
- Fire and Ice
- Magic Castle Schedule - Match 1995
- Tom Mullica - Feature
- Rack 'em Up - Amy Stevens
- An Open Letter - Tom Mullica
- Spotlight - This Month: I Hate Todd Robbins - Jamy Ian Swiss
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Under the Banyan Tree - Ali Bongo
- The Tic Tac Toe chairs - Ali Bongo
- The Works
- The Envelopes
- Further Thoughts
- Since You Asked - Margaret Steele
- McBride is Real Magic - Beth Sheligo & Marc DeSouza
- Astrocom - Phil Goldstein
- The Locked Room - Gordon Bean
- King George - Gordon Bean
- Ins and Outs
- The Framed Magician - Tom Stone
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- The Back-Breaking Hard Work Behind the Glamour
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Cellular Conjuration - Tony Giorgio
- Intermission - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Magic and Methods of Ross Bertram - Ross Bertram
- Fred Kaps' Currency - Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills - Fred Kaps
- Red Kaps' Purse - Fred Kaps
- Presto Prestige - Morris N. Young
- Thinking Big; Magic with Jumbo Coins - Mark Munro
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Famous Quotations - Steve Dusheck
- Pro-Table - Joe Lefler
- The Mismade Queen - M. B. Escover
- Diminishing Returns - Mike Powers
- Kona - Bill Goldman
- Accessories
- Mini Knives - Bob's Magic Shop
- Peter Samelson's Coin Suspension - The Magic Source
- Maximum Coverage - Paul Green
- Picture of My Kids - Lee Jacobs
- Dateline: Downunder with Tim Ellis
- The Magic Hands Fachkongresse - Erika Larsen
- Free Classifieds
- Fulminations #41 - Gary Ouellet
- So Many Tricks, Do Little Time
- Faro Lap - Doug Edwards
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 6 - April 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Magical Inquirer - hoax cover for April Fool's
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Genii Letters Department
- Gary Hunt
- Kenneth Walstadt
- Phil Wilmarth
- Walter Zaney Blaney
- Nicholas M. M. Rhodes
- Douglas C. Jones
- Jennifer Moffett
- Guide to Advertisers
- Publisher's Letter - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Elegant Evenings
- Bound for More
- Houdini Re-Visited
- Notes from All Over
- Magic Castle Schedule - April 1995
- Academy of Magical Arts 27th Annual Awards - Erika Larsen
- Hey Kids! Can You Solve This Fun Magic Crossword Puzzle?
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Misdirection - Tony Giorgio
- Intermission - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- Out of This Borough - David Regal
- GR8 Trix - Mike Maxwell
- Folded Flight - Paul Harris & Mike Maxwell
- Enviro-Magic - Michael Rappa & Kevin Barnes
- About My Environmental Magic Show - Michael Rappa
- Where Does the Trash Go? - Vanishing Trash Silk
- 3 Equally Important Words - Professor's Nightmare
- Dr. Wilderness - Natural Resorcery and Enviro-Mentalism - John W. Greene
- Natal Attraction - Phil Goldstein
- The Not Quite Dangerous Bullet Catch - Tom Stone
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- [Clive Barker] Lord of Illusions - Lorin Stewart
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- The Magician and the Exposer [Masked Magician] - Richard Robinson
- My Response: Gary Ouellet
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter 4 - Ducks, Geese, Close Calls and Other Near Disasters
- The Desert Magic Seminar XVIII - Gordon Bean
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Card College, Volume One - Roberto Giobbi
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, Volumes !, II, !!!, & IV
- Recycling the Magic Way - Michael Rappa
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Appearing 8 Foot Pole - Sylvester the Jester
- Transpension - Kevin King
- Burglar-Ball - Shigeru Sugawara - Tenyo
- One-Card Monte - Jim Steinmeyer
- The Prophecy Pack - David Regal
- Catch-a-Sketch - Mike Bent
- Magic on Video - Whit Haydn
- The B.J. Hickman Magic Show - Video III "The Birthday Party"
- Brad Burt's Private Lesson Video Series, 12 Volumes
- Martin's Close-Up Miracles - The Martin Lewis Video Volume One
- Obituaries
- Anverdi - by Bob Driebeck
- Wallace C. Gibson - by Rick Helley
- Dateline: Downunder with Tim Ellis
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #42 - Gary Ouellet
- Soothing the Savage Beastie
- Music Moments
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 7 - May 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Penn & Teller
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Oops - Joseph W. Bennan
- Milton Kort
- Our Manifesto - Patrick Weiser
- quoting from Genii Speaks from May, 1937
- Mullica - Eddie Raymond
- Marisa Leva
- Love That Swiss - Bob Farmer
- A Fair Review? - David Harkey
- Danny Orleans replies
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Walk This Way [David Copperfield
- Magic May
- Also
- Home Malone
- Notes from All Over
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Conventions Coming
- International Battle of Magicians - Canton, OH
- Magic in the Mountains - Tannersville, NY
- Voc Dag - The Netherlands
- Magic Jamboree - Tigard, OR
- Florida State Magic - Orlando, FL
- Salzburg International - Salzburg, Austria
- Las Vegas Close-Up Classic - Las Vegas, NV
- World Magic Summit III - Washington, DC
- S.A.M. Convention - Boston, MA
- I.B.M. Convention - Oakland, CA
- Mystery School - Catskills Mts., NY
- Day of Magic - I.B.M. Ring 21 - Los Angeles, CA
- Big 3 Convention - Timonium, MD
- International Festival of Children's Magicians - Myrtle Beach, SC
- The Inn Event - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
- Estrorilmágico - Estoril, Portugal
- Penn & Teller Exposed - Feature Interview by Jamy Ian Swiss
- How Do They Do It?
- It's a Magic Duo! It's a Comedy Duo!
- P&T's S&M [Smoke and Mirrors]
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Over & Out - Phil Goldstein
- The Locked Room - Gordon Bean
- The Card Under the Spectator's Wristwatch - Norman Beck
- Ins and Outs
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- David Copperfield Down Under - Marty Kane
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Card in the Match Box Revisited - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- Guest Columnists - Penn & Teller
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Five - Sim-Sala-Bim: An Evening with the Dante Magical Revue
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Matchbox Penetration - Stevens Magic Emporium
- D'Lite - Rocco's Lite from Anywhere
- Definitive Color Changing Knives - Tony Spina
- Die-Cipher II - Magic Shop in Seattle
- Obituaries
- Melvin Wesley Brown - by Mike Rogers
- Carl McClure Langdon
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #43 - Gary Ouellet
- What We Need Are New Cliches
- It's in the Bag! - Marcelo Contento
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 8 - June 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Peter Samelson
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Who Do Hoodoo - Bill Smith
- False Cut - J. Kirby Romine
- Rating the Reviews - Kenneth J. Stewart
- Missing in Action - John Rudnick
- Who's Fooling Who? - Cola Jones
- Conjuror's Compensation - Heman Faroy
- Welcome to the Real World - Joe Gold
- Fan Mail - Todd "Dallas" Anderson
- Magic Castle Schedule - June 1995
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Tv or Not TV
- Fire and Water
- Notes from All Over
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- An Artistic Voyage with Peter Samelson - Feature
- The Peter Principle - Max Maven
- Influence - Peter Samelson
- Wintertime on a Summer's Day (A Memory) - Stephen Minch
- A Helping Hand - Avner Eisenberg
- Scotty York's Escape from Bulgaria - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Three Types of Justification - Peter Samelson
- The Phoenix (Burned and Restored Napkin) - Pater Samelson
- Spotlight - This Month: Don Alan - by Mike Rogers
- Gustavo Lorgia's Magia 95 - Erika Larsen
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Blender & Freezer - Phil Goldstein
- GR8 Trix - Mike Maxwell
- Any Requests? 0- Michael Skinner & Mike Maxwell
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Originality - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Flying Fruit - Tom Stone
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- #6 - Choosing a Restaurant
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Just Exactly What is the Cost of a Free Show
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Six - Sim-Sala-Bim - Towards the center of the first half
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Magic & Meaning - Eugene Burger & Robert E. Neale
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Scotty York's Passport Switch Wallet - FYEO Creations
- The T.A. Waters Card to Wallet Routine - T.A. Waters
- Terry Seabrooke Flame Wallet - R.A.R. Magic
- Himber-Style Switch Wallet - Mark Leveridge Magic
- Dick Barry's Green Stuff - Magic with Class
- Ton Onosaka's Switch Coin Purse - Magic Land
- Obituaries
- Cy Endfield
- Franco Conttigliossi - by Tony Spina
- Jonathan E. "Ted" Cooke - by David Charvet
- Vanishing Act - Bill Pronzini & Michael Kurland
- Convention Reports
- Jest Magic - The Third Annual Hawaii Wonderworker's Workshop - Tamara Marotta [Twila Zone]
- Convention at the Capitol - Tamara Marotta [Twila Zone]
- The Cape Cod Conclave - Simon Lovell
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #44 - Gary Ouellet
- Eternal Youth - Arrested Development
- Every Day is Father's Day
- Sidestep
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 9 - July 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - The Magic of Ayala
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do - Ken Meaux
- Orville Brasher
- Don Scott
- Eric Henning
- David Avadon
- Dick Newton
- Read It and Weep - Maurice Harter
- More on Ouellet - Eric Wolf
- By Design - Gabriel Clift
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- Notes from All Over
- Magic in the Media
- A Magician is an Actor Playing the Part of a Museum Exhibition
- Magic Castle Schedule - July 1995
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- The Collector's Workshop Third Annual World Magic Summit - Gordon Bean
- Spotlight - This Month: Tim Conover - by Beth C. Sheligo
- 1, 2, 3 ... Affinity - Phil Goldstein
- The Locked Room - Gordon Bean
- Reversing Time - Norman Gilbreath
- Ins and Outs
- Almost Restored - Tom Stone
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Joaquin Ayala - Feature
- Joaquin Ayala - by James Randi
- My Other Half - Lilia Ayala
- How to Make It - Channing Pollock
- A Friend for Life - Fantasio
- Any Reel - Locking Reel - Fantasio
- Mexico & Venezuela - Sonny Fontana
- The Paper Turtle - Sonny Fontana
- My Friend Joaquin - Lance Burton
- The Aztec God of Magic - Kevin James
- Straw Thru Chin - Kevin James
- La Roseta - Joaquin Ayala
- The Broken Arm Gag - Joaquin Ayala
- The Flash Card - Joaquin Ayala
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Seven - Sim-Sla-Bim - Further into the first half
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Cy Endfield, His Films and His Magic - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Vanishing Act, Part II - Bill Pronzini & Michael Kurland
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Great Tricks Revisited - Robert Parrish
- Much Ado About Something - Karrell Fox
- Sleighhtly Tricky - John Shryock
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Beware of Dangling Conditions - commentary
- We're Having a Ball - Steve and Steve Productions
- Kineti-Key Jr. - Viking Magic Co.
- The Bat - Chazpro Magic Co.
- Miller's Dice - Paul Green
- Jump! - Kennedy Enterprises
- Obituaries
- Will Rock [William Rakauskas]
- Marie Miller by Darryl Beckmann & Sheila Lyon
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #45 - Gary Ouellet
- Creating a Magic Logo - Part I
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 10 - August 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Marco Tempest
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Rip-Off - Alan Kahn
- Artists - John Lovick
- Todd Robbins
- Jerry Martin
- Eric Ronne
- Mike Rogers
- Sandra Green
- Victorian - Victor Walter
- Fairy Real - Ken Meaux
- 33 RPM? - Gangarhar Radhakrishnan
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Go West, Young Princess
- Much Obliged
- Of Course, They Only Read it for the Magic Ads
- Boys Just Wanna Have Fun
- Notes from All Over
- Magic Castle Schedule - August 1995
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Conventions Coming
- Abbott's Get-Together - Colon, MI
- Midwest Magic Jubilee - St. Louis, MO
- International Festival of Children's Magicians - Myrtle Beach, SC
- P.C.A.M. - Santa Clara, CA
- Camas Conclave - Cincinnati, OH
- Tannen's Jubilee - Kiamesha Lake, NY
- NYCAN Convention - Buffalo, NY
- The Inn Event - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
- Estrorilmágico - Estoril, Portugal
- Columbus Magi-Fest - Columbus, OH
- Blackpool Convention - Blackpool, England
- 1996 F.F.F.F. - Buffalo, NY
- Wizard's Weekend - Bloomington, MN
- Australian Convention of Magicians - Melbourne, Australia
- F.I.S.M. '97 - Dresden, Germany
- Spotlight - This Month: Finn Jon - by Max Maven
- 728 SAM '95 - Al Ferraris
- IBM '95 - Irene Larsen
- Opus IOM (International Magic Congress) - Max Maven
- Thoughts on Mystery School - David Parr
- Fechter's 25th Annual Finger Flicking Frolic - David Drake
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- Teller Speaks - Interview - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Marco Tempest - Feature
- Marco Tempest - Magic for the Next Millennium - Tobias Beckwith
- Pin-Down - Phil Goldstein
- 4 as 3 Display - Vanni Bossi
- In the Hands
- On the Table
- GR8 Trix - Mike Maxwell
- Out of This Neighborhood - Mike Maxwell & John Bannon
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Grippo's Indexes - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- #8 - Winning the Audition
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Eight - Sim-Sala-Bim - Dante's high jinks with The Beer Barrel and the timeless Great Divide
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Magical Heroes: The Lives and Legends of Great African American Magicians - Jim Magus
- An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural - James Randi
- Stage Flying: 431 B.C. to Modern Times - John A. MicKinven
- The Milbourne Christopher Library - Milbourne Christopher & George Hansen
- A Candid View of the Maskelynes, 1916-17 - Anne Davenport & John Salisse
- The Rat Trap, and Other Snappy Effects You Can do with Your Little Deck - Chuck Fayne
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- The Mother of All Book Tests - Mindreaders
- Now Look Here! - Chad Long
- Stretcher - Dr. Sawa
- Chip Stakes - Tony Baronio & Steve Dusheck
- Accessories
- tiny card stickers - Ton Onosaka
- Gim-Crack Microphone Holder - John Swomley
- Stereogram - Mike Bent
- cuff links - Jim Conner
- That Fatal Signet Ring - short story - John Booth
- Obituaries
- Gerald Kohbieter-Slaxon - by Michael Sondermeyer
- Robert Grafton Thrasher - by Toby Travis
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #46 - Gary Ouellet
- Creating a Magic Logo - Part II
- Melinda: A Case Study
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 11 - September 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Bill Malone
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Room to Write - Tom Zell
- Lighten Up and Pass the Tin Snips - Johnny Raven
- Enough is Too Much - Mike O'Neill
- Fave Rave - Fred Brenner
- Invisible Debt - Robert K. Miller
- Don One - Ted Zagursky
- Sleightly Confused - Rod Robison
- Roger Vaughn
- Your Planet or Mine? - Justin Case
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- Beginning of a Great Adventure [Lance Burton]
- The Halloween Parade
- All Tomorrow's Parties
- Mr. Electrocuted [Ron Geoffries]
- Notes from All Over
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Spotlight - This Month: New Kids on the Block [John Fleischer & T.J. Shimeld]
- Tips & Bits - T.C. Tahoe and Friends
- Bill Malone - Feature
- Bill Malone - Magic's Latest Moving Force - Lance Pierce
- Bill Malone's Card on the Swing
- Teller Speaks (Some More) - Interview - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Dream Team [Gary Ouellet, Gary Pudney and Bob Jaffe] - Interview - Erika Larsen
- Lights, Camera, Action ... [Kent Weed]
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Results of the Originality Contest - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- The Locked Room - Gordon Bean
- Losing Control - Simon Lovell
- Ins and Outs
- Calculoss - Phil Goldstein
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- Queen of England - Toné Picasso
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- #9 - Working Family Restaurants
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Chapter Nine - Second Half
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- What If (Chuck Smith Lecture Notes) - Chuck Smith
- The Lost Cheesy Notebooks - Volumes One and Two - Chad Long
- Can You Do It for Drunk People - Doc Dixon
- Take Two Cards and Call Me in the Morning - Doc Dixon
- Simon Lovell Presents His Post Accident Lecture Book! (A Blatant Attempt to Raise Money!) - Simon Lovell
- Spirits on the Stage, and More Guarded Secrets Revealed - Bob Blau
- The Great Eyeless Vision Act - Marko
- Practical Parlor Prestidigitation - Marko
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Bicycle Built for Five - Ton Onosaka
- Star Gazer - Anthony Linden
- The Chump Chain - Len "Doc" Wayne
- Creative Finance - Dean Tellefdon
- Videodrome - Video Reviews - David Parr
- Larry Jennings: Thoughts on Cards, Volume I - Larry Jennings
- Larry Jennings: Thoughts on Cards, Volume II - Larry Jennings
- Obituaries
- Mike Caldwell - by Max Maven
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #47 - Gary Ouellet
- Creating a Magic Logo - Part III
- Genii - Volume 58, Number 12 - October 1995 - 80 pages
- Cover - Princess Tenko
- Contents
- The Genii Speaks - Erika Larsen
- Letters
- Judge and Skeptic - Frank Chambers
- No Go On Logo - David Vostmyer
- Aged to Perfection - Al George
- How Did I Like My Act - Mike Bent
- Ali, Ali, Bongo Tree - Brian Gibb
- We Are Family - John Collins
- Speaking of Family - "Nana" Geri Jaffe
- I Dream of Genii - poem - Dreaming in Texas
- Guide to Advertisers
- A Word From Our Publisher - Irene Larsen
- Genii News - Magic News - compiled by Erika Larsen
- It's Magic
- WGM Tour Schedule
- More Ways to Learn
- Notes from All Over
- Magic Castle Schedule - October 1995
- 25 Years Ago in Genii
- 50 Years Ago in Genii
- Tips & Bits - T.C. Tahoe and Friends
- Al Flosso - Coney Island Fakir - Jamy Ian Swiss
- From the Land of Malagoola
- The Affus-Gaffus
- Shadda Madda Goola, Beef Stewla, Lolla-Paloola! Nobody Sleeps When I Work!
- King of Koins
- The Closer You Watch Me, The Quicker You'll Find Out How Little You Know!
- Wtach the Professor
- Stand Up Straight, Boy. He's All Right. He's All Right.
- Teller on Flosso
- Halloween - Max Maven
- The Quick or the Dead - William W. Larsen, Sr.
- Materialization of a Rose - William W. Larsen, Sr.
- The Three Slate Test - William W. Larsen, Sr.
- The Medium Speaks - William W. Larsen, Sr.
- Written Revelation - William W. Larsen, Sr. & T. Page Wright
- From the Notebook - William W. Larsen, Sr.
- Illusions - Paul Osborne and Associates
- The Vanishing Girl and Trunk
- Princess Tenko - Feature
- Let the Magic Begin! - Princess Tenko's Television Adventure - Erika Larsen
- Princess Tenko - Mighty Merchandising
- Princess Tenko - Real Reactions
- Princess Tenko Through the Eyes of a Child - Libby Larsen
- Finders Jeepers - Phil Goldstein
- Aldo Colombini and Friends - Aldo Colombini
- U.T.N. [Under Their Nose] - Vanni Bossi
- Can You Do It for Drunk People - Doc Dixon
- Your Magic Effects Will be Easy to Follow
- Your Magic Will be Impressive
- Your Magic Will be Clean
- You Will be Likeable
- You Will be Entertaining
- You Won't Unduly Tax the Audience's Abilities
- You Will be Perceived as Being in Charge
- Beginner's Corner - Eugene Burger
- Can We Learn Anything from Video Tapes?
- From My Side of the Table - Jim Sisti
- #10 Working with the Staff (Part One)
- From 3 to 103 - Bob Markwood
- Dante, The Man and His Art - Roy Short
- Magicana - A Magazine Within A Magazine - Tony Giorgio, editor
- Artists - Tony Giorgio
- The Giorgio Letters - Tony Giorgio
- Light from the Lamp - Jamy Ian Swiss
- Ken Brooke's Magic Place - Anthony Brahams, compiler
- M.I.N.T. Volume II - Edward Marlo
- What's Up Deck? A Notebook on Card Magic - Aldo Colombini
- The Tarbell Study Guide - Harlan Tarbell
- Success! Interviews with Performers About Fame, Fortune and Happiness - Brad Zupp
- Sleight of Mouth - Harry Allen
- What Does It Do? - Paul Provenza on Comedy and Ethics - Interview by Jamy Ian Swiss
- Productivity - product reviews - Danny Orleans
- Deadeye - Nils Anderson
- Kockomamy Koin Kup - Al's Magic Shop
- Super Shaker 2000 - Mike Bent
- Wizard's Cellular Phone - John Cornelius
- Videodrome - Video Reviews - David Parr
- Greg Wilson's Double Take
- Paul Gertner's Steel and Silver, Volume 1
- Obituaries
- Robert Emerick Jones
- Richard "Lion-Heart" Knierem
- Free Classified Ads
- Fulminations #48 - Gary Ouellet
- Creating a Magic Logo - Part IV
- 10 Quick and Dirty Logo Tricks
word count: 559274 which is equivalent to 2237 standard pages of text