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Genii Volume 63 (2000)
by Richard Kaufman

#3 Magazines & Journals author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Genii Volume 63 (2000) by Richard Kaufman

January 2000 - December 2000
Richard Kaufman, Editor

1064 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 1 - January 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - The Magician as Detective - New Light on Erdnase
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  6. The Magician as Detective - New Light on Erdnase - David Alexander
  7. A Geezer Interviews a Geezer - Jay Marshall Interviews George Johnstone
  8. The 6ht Los Angeles Conference on Magic History - Richard Kaufman
  9. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 11 - Jacob Philadelphia
  10. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Engagement Alchemy - Jeff Haas
    2. Lunch Crunch - Paul Cummins
    3. The Card On The Window - Peter W. Tappan
    4. The Jennings Tapes - Larry Jennings
      • Glacier
    5. The Other Month - Phil Goldstein
      • Prophet Sharing
    6. The WebbMaster - Gregg Webb
      • Segue To Color-Change Section: Billiard Balls No. 3
    7. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • One Half Gone
    8. Strange Tricks of Yesteryear
      • Floating and Dancing Cards
  11. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Magic In Theory - Peter Lamont and Richard Wiseman
      • Treats from the Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
        • The Gardner-Smith Correspondence
        • Maurice Fogel - Chris Woodward
        • Clayton Rawson: Magic and Mystery - Michael Canick
        • Magic in Fiction: A Short Title Checklist - Michael Canick
        • Antonio Diavolo, A Souvenir of his Performance - John Gaughan with Jim Steinmeyer
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • The Appearing Broom - Wayne Rogers
      • Hoodwink - Ben Harris
      • Completely Torn - Craig Alan
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • The Spirit of Magic: The Director's Cut - Dai Vernon
      • Well Done - Cooking with Lee Asher - Lee Asher
      • Five Card Stud - Lee Asher
  12. Classified Ads
  13. Subscription Information
  14. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 2 - February 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Orson Welles
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Oscar Weigle
    • Robert E. Ragatz, MD
    • John P. Davit
    • Joe M. Marks
    • Tom Ransom
    • Rick Shultz
    • Gary Diliberto
    • Cushing Stout
    • Tom Arledge
    • Jack Browne
    • Russell T. Barnhart
    • Richard Kaufman responds
    • Correction to "The Complete Life of Howard Franklin Thurston"
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. Orson Welles: The Magician - Wynn Pierce Wheldon
  8. Orson Welles: A Sample of his Approach to Magic
    1. Orson Welles' "Fruit Cup" - Bruce Elliott
    2. Cutting a Woman in Half - The Conjuror's Magazine, February, 1945
    3. Orson Welles' "The Town Skryer" - Bruce Elliott
    4. gag - Phoenix, No. 131, August 1, 1947
    5. Orson Welles on the Subject of Magic - Foreword from Bruce Elliott's "Magic as a Hobby"
    6. Orson Welles on "I've a Secret" - Genii, November, 1956
  9. Al Schneider and the Story of Matrix - Al Schneider
  10. The Society of Osiris - Thomas Chew Worthington, III & The Magic Collectors Weekend - Mark Walker
  11. The 28th International Magic Convention - Elizabeth Warlock
  12. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 12 - The Philadelphia and Lichtenberg Affair
  13. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Technicolor Changing Knives - Robert McDaniel
    2. Pediatrix - Danny Orleans
      • Asinine
    3. Diary of an Escape Artist - Thomas Solomon
      • The Hudson River Experience
    4. Confessions of a Road Warrior - David Acer
      • Over Easy
    5. Our Magical Art - Eugene Burger
      • Brief Meetings With Gifts That Last Forever
  14. Classified Ads
  15. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Quartet: A Fake Card And Ten Routines Therewith - Guy Hollingworth
      • Steve Mayhew's Angel May Shuffle but the Devil Still Deals - Jack Carpenter
      • Trickery Treats: Card Craft Continued - J.K. Hartman
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • NFW - Gary Freed
      • Chameleon Knives - Joe Mogar
      • The Universal Thimble Set - Jeff Scanlan
      • Peki Magic Wands - Peter Kinnigkeit
      • Linking Lifesavers - Colin Gilbert
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Jeff McBride's World Class Manipulation, Vols. 1, 2, and 3 - Jeff McBride
      • The Relentless Ring & String Routine - Bob Miller
      • Dragon Thread Video - Mike Wong
      • Darwin Ortiz on Card Cheating - Darwin Ortiz
  16. Subscription Information
  17. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 3 - March 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Behind The Magic Show
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    • Douglas James Henning - 1947-2000 - obituary by Jon Racherbaumer
  5. Messages
    • Harvey Rosenthal
    • Pete Biro
    • Carroll Mounier
    • Ed Eckl
    • Jeff Harpring
    • Francis Joseph Herman "Skipper Frank" - 1916-2000 - An Appreciation by David Alexander
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. Stanley Collins' Lost Manuscript - Gems of Personal Prestidigitation - Edwin A. Dawes
    1. Gems of Personal Prestidigitation - Foreword
  8. Classified Ads
  9. The Magic Show - A New Book by Mark Setteducati & Anne Benkovitz - Richard Kaufman
    1. The First Book That Performed [Chan Canasta's Book of Oopses]
    2. From Christmas Cards to The Magic Show
    3. Other Pop-Up and Moveable Magic Books
    4. The Tricks That Didn't Make It
  10. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 13 - Lichtenberg and Nevil Maskelyne
  11. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. French Twist - R. Paul Wilson
    2. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • Matrix Part 2
    3. The WebbMaster - Gregg Webb
      • Applying The Jumping Shuttle Pass To Spheres
    4. From My Thoughts - Barrie Richardson
      • The Intuition Game
    5. Sheridan Speaks! - Jeff Sheridan
      • Tearing Up DeLand
    6. The Other Month - Phil Goldstein
      • Pyramix
    7. A Magical Joke - Roy Walton
  12. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Pure Effect: Direct Mind-Reading and Magical Artistry - Derren Brown
      • The Annotated Discovery of Witchcraft Booke XIII - Stephen James Forrester
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Marked Prediction - Rich Marotta
      • Original Water Bottle Transposition - Scott Interrante
      • Tricky Person Production's Gim-Crack Microphone Holder - John Swomley
      • V00-Doo Puppet Puncture - Michael Schwabe
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Pavel's Cabaret, Vol. 1-Silks; Vol. 2-Ropes; Vol. 3-Potpourri
      • Sankey Short and Sweet - Jay Sankey
      • Knock 'Em Dead: The Close-Up Magic of Paul Wilson
  13. Subscription Information
  14. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 4 - April 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Goodbye Doug [Henning]
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Nicholas Carifo
    • Dustin Stinett
    • Dustin Stinett
    • Joel A. Moskowitz
    • Rich Marotta
    • Patrick Watson
    • Ed Andres
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. A Tribute to Doug Henning (1947-2000)
    1. Remembering Doug - Jim Steinmeyer
    2. Doug Henning - Charles Reynolds
    3. Editor of "Zombie" - Doug Henning
      1. Routined Billiard Balls - Doug Henning
      2. Joanne The Double Dealing Duck - Doug Henning
      3. The One-Armed Card Man - Doug Henning
    4. The Magic Show, A Review - Jim Robertson
    5. Doug Henning's World of Magic - Bill Larsen, Jr.
  8. FFFF - Some Thoughts on the 30th Anniversary of Fechter's Finger-Flicking Frolic - Harry Lorayme
  9. Eddie Fechter and The Forks Hotel
  10. The Billy Club [Billy McComb] - Max Maven
  11. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 14 - The Cardini Playing Cards
  12. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Love, Aunt Doris - Just Alan with Joseph Ricciardi
    2. Free Flight - Adam Rubin
    3. Blood Brothers - Karl Fulves
    4. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • Fusion
    5. Confessions of a Road Warrior - David Acer
      • Uppity
    6. Pediatrix - Danny Orleans
    7. Diary of an Escape Artist - Thomas Solomon
      • Thirteenth Street Festival, New York
    8. Our Magical Art - Eugene Burger
      • Magical Presentations
    9. Magicana Errata - Phil Goldstein's "Prophet Sharing" - Pete McCabe
  13. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Arcardia - Roger Crosthwaite
      • Destiny, Chance and Free Will & Other Presentations - Allan Zola Kronzek
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Floating Table - Tim Wright
      • Business Card Production Wallet - Michael Sibbernsen
      • Pharoah's Magic Casino Card - Barry Govan & Pat-Trick
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • The A-1 All-Stars - Volume 5
      • A-1 Convention at the Capital - Live '99
      • Extreme Close-Up: A Lecture by David Acer
  14. Classified Ads
  15. Subscription Information
  16. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 5 - May 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Genii Goes to Tokyo
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Patrick Watson
    • Robin Robertson
    • Bernard Maeder
    • Danny Orleans
  6. Genii Goes to Tokyo
    1. Ancient Coin Across - Shintaro Fujiyama
    2. A Little bit of Tokyo
    3. Automatic Ace Triumph - Kuniyasu Fujiwara
    4. The Tenyo Company
    5. Tenyo's New Tricks
    6. Piano Sans Keyboard - Hideo Kato
    7. The Tenyo Disneyland Magic Shop
    8. Old Tenyo - 1949 Magic Set
    9. New Tenyo - 2000 Rack Items
    10. Japanese + English = ?
    11. Fading Coin - Tomoyuki Takahashi
    12. Human Cannonball - Tomo Maeda
    13. Upside Down
    14. Two Pens with But a Single Thought m- Kazayuki Hase
    15. The Copper Queen and Silver President - Hiroshi Sawa
    16. Mr. Greene's Prediction - Kuniyasu Fujiwara
    17. The Novelist's Prediction - Massao Atsukawa
    18. An Interview with the Napoleons
    19. Three Different Coins - Yuji Wada
    20. Your Guess is as Good as Mine
    21. Warp 9 - Massao Atsukawa
    22. S-Pulse Magic Hall
    23. Ryu Susato's Business Card - Ryu Susato
    24. The Vibrating Bed - Hiro Saski
    25. World Magic Friends Convention
    26. Torn and Restored 2000 - Ken Kuroki
    27. On Any Corner
    28. Ton's Dropped Force - Ton Onosaka
    29. Backstabber II - Ton Onosaka
    30. Ton Onosaka and Magic Land
  7. Classified Ads
  8. Subscription Information
  9. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 6 - June 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - David Ben the Conjuror
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    • The 31st Magic Collectors Weekend
  5. Messages
    • Jim Alfredson
    • Richard Kaufman responds
    • Anthony Brahams
    • Jeremy Medows
    • David Regal
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. David Ben - The Conjuror - Jamy Ian Swiss
    1. Part I: Murmurs
    2. Part II: Magic
    3. Part III: Mentors
    4. Part IV: Mysteries
    5. Developing a Show - David Ben
    6. Oranges à la Raymond - David Ben
    7. Patrick Watson on Patrick Watson
    8. The Conjuror's Dream - David Ben
  8. Magic Moments - Steve Bryant
  9. Senior Sorcery - Richard Cohn
    • My Typical Show
  10. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 15 - Winstanley's Wonders
  11. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. A Foregone Conclusion - Ray Kasby & William Goodwin
    2. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • 2D Basic Vanish
    3. From My Thoughts - Barrie Richardson
      • Easter Egg Divination: A Weighty Problem
    4. Our Magical Art - Eugene Burger
      • Performing Stunts And Performing Magic
    5. Confessions of a Road Warrior - David Acer
      • Packs a Wallet!
    6. Pediatrix - Danny Orleans
      • Remote Control
    7. Magicana Addenda - Phil Goldstein's Pyramix - Jon Racherbaumer
    8. Diary of an Escape Artist - Thomas Solomon
      • A Pillory Escape
  12. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Tricks of my Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn - Paul Cummins
      • Servais Le Roy, Monarch of Mystery - Mike Caveney & William Rauscher
      • Real World Magic - Jerry MacGregor
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Stir Fry - John Kennedy
      • Dream Paddle - John Kennedy
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Routines - Guy Hollingworth
      • Harry Lorayne is ... Vols. 5, 6, and 7
      • Lasting Impressions - Commercial Magic with Aldo Colombini (Vols. 1-4)
      • Sounds of the Sorcerer - Audio CD
  13. Classified Ads
  14. Subscription Information
  15. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 7 - July 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - L'Homme Masqué
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  6. The Magic and the Mask - The Many Mysteries of L'Homme Masqué - Michael Edwards & Jerry Christensen
    1. The Great Peruvian Wizard
    2. The Man and the Mask
    3. The Magic of L'Homme Masqué
    4. The Talk of Hamburg
    5. The Queen of Cigarettes
    6. The Legacy
  7. The Magic of L'Homme Masqué
    1. The King of Clubs: A Trick of L'Homme Masqué
    2. L'Homme Masqué's The Diminishing Deck of Cards
    3. Palming Cards from the Top of the Pack
    4. The Card That Changes And Passes Into The Pocket
    5. The Expansion of Texture
    6. The L'Homme Masqué Coin Palm and Production of Several Coins
    7. The Omelet on the Trousers
  8. The Voice of the Silence - The Journey of S.H. Sharpe - Todd Karr
  9. The Kankakee Card Trick - Russell T. Barnhart
  10. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 16 - Winstanley's Playing Cards and "Waterworkes"
  11. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Aquatic Duel - Tom Stone
    2. Compounding a Lie - David Regal
    3. A Different Sure Thing - Martin Gardner
    4. The Card Expert - James Swain
      • The Cool Out Move
      • The Big Squeeze
    5. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • Basic 3D Vanish
    6. The Other Month - Phil Goldstein
      • Torn Again
    7. Facer - Gene Maze
    8. The WebbMaster - Gregg Webb
      • New Dodges For Repeat Balls To Pocket
  12. Light from the Lamp
    1. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Intercept - Harvey Berg
      • Life, Death & Other Card Tricks - Robert E. Neale
      • Joshua Jay's Magic Atlas - Joshua Jay
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Technicolor Prediction - Martin Lewis
      • Snack Time - Roy Kueppers
      • Balancing Coins - Roy Kueppers
      • Mojo Boogie Boxes - Bob Farmer & Roy Kueppers
    3. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Klose-Up and Unpublished - Kenton Knepper
      • Twenty - Gaston Quieto
      • Show Off - Brain Tudor
  13. Classified Ads
  14. Subscription Information
  15. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 8 - August 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Adelaide Herrmann
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Mr. Schwartz, How Did You Do That? - Just Alan with FCrank Lumia
  6. Messages
    • Larry Horowitz
    • David Nethery
    • W.L. Broecker
    • Jim Steinmeyer
    • Mike Caveney
    • Jamy Ian Swiss responds
  7. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  8. Books vs. Video-Tapes - David Acer
  9. 1000 Thoughts on Art and Magic - S.H. Sharpe
  10. The First Phoenix Gathering - Calverton, MD - Eric Henning
  11. Adelaide Herrmann - James Hamilton
  12. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 17 - Winstanley's Curious Barrel
  13. The Flicking Fingers Hijack Magicana
    1. Split Second - Pit Hartling
    2. Straight from the Shoulder - Rainer Pfeiffer
    3. e-magic - Jorg Willich
    4. Flashback-Clip - Thomas Fraps
    5. The Flying Fingers - Helge Thum
    6. The Pen-Ultimate Coin - Manuel Muerte
  14. Light from the Lamp
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Solid Gold Easy Action Pro - Ben Harris
      • Alida - Ben Harris
      • Mind Stress - Tomas Blomberg
    2. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • The Exciting World of Magic - Michael Ammar
      • Complete Introduction to Coin Magic - Michael Ammar
      • The Magic of Dominique Duvivier (3 Volumes)
      • Children's Party Video - Mark Leveridge
      • Watch Bandit ... The Ultimate Watch Steal - Kevin King
      • The Secret Books of Eric Lewis, Personal Magic Volume 1 - CD-ROM
    3. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • The James File (3 Volumes) - Allan Slaight
  15. Classified Ads
  16. Subscription Information
  17. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 9 - September 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - The Amazing Jonathan
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Richard Parker
    • Dustin Stinett
    • Dave Vujecich
    • Dave Shepherd
    • Martie Zollweg
    • Ron Wright
    • Leonard Hevia
    • Albert C. Lasher
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. Tenyo's Latest Miracle - Richard Kaufman
  8. The Amazing Jonathan - Interviewed by Steve Bryant
    1. Billy McComb: Life With AL
    2. My Dinner With AJ
      • AJ Picks Up A Napkin
      • AJ Attempts To Read My Mind
    3. Bedlam At Ballys - The Amazing Jonathan Show Reviewed by Steve Bryant
  9. Classified Ads
  10. Performing Magic for Children - Uwe Schenk & Michael Sondermeyer - an excerpt
    • Designing an Act for Children
  11. 1000 Thoughts on Art and Magic - S.H. Sharpe
  12. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 18 - I've Got Him on my List - W.S. Gilbert
  13. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. Zig-Zag Finger - Angelo Carbone
    2. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • Sly Napkin
    3. Confusion of the Innocents - Roy Walton
    4. The Card Expert - James Swain
      • The Dunbury Delusion
      • As a Blackjack Switch
      • The Stop Trick
      • Double Whammy
    5. Confessions of a Road Warrior - David Acer
      • Hot Pursuit
    6. The WebbMaster - Gregg Webb
      • The End
    7. Our Magical Art - Eugene Burger
      • Betraying Our Intentions
    8. Magicana Errata - "A Foregone Conclusion" additional credit - Bill Goodman
    9. Pediatrix - Danny Orleans
  14. Light from the Lamp
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Whit Hyden and Chef Anton's Fast and Loose - Anton Riniti
      • Fantasy Rising Cards - Dr. Martin J. Schwartz
      • The Inexhaustible Sponge - Gaetan Bloom
    2. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Advanced Card Control (Volumes 4-8) - Allan Ackerman
      • Very, Very Close Vols. 5, 6 and 7 - Michael Close
      • Egg Bag Teach-In Session - Martin Lewis, Tom Mullica, Billy McComb, Charlie Miller, and Johnny Thompson
    3. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man - David Britland
      • Rings In Your Fingers - Dariel Fitzkee
  15. Subscription Information
  16. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 10 - October 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Tony Andruzzi
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Joe M. Turner
    • Billy Haake
    • Woody Pittman
  6. Tony Andruzzi / Tom Palmer
    1. The Man Who Was Tom Palmer, Tony Andruzzi & Masklyn Ye Mage
    2. A History of the an - Terry Nosek
    3. An Excerpt from the Biography of Tom Palmer - Terry Nosek
    4. Tom Palmer and Jack Ruby
    5. Tom Palmer: Pre-Bizarre - John Thompson
    6. Masklyn ye Mage - Richard Kaufman
    7. A Note from the Ubiquitous Cobb
    8. The Speaker of the House - Max Maven
      1. The House of Representatives
    9. Innerspection - Masklyn ye Mage
    10. Remembrance of Things Past - Brother Shadow
    11. Masklyn ye Mage - Charles W. Cameron
    12. Masklyn ye Mage's Shure Fire Cold Readings
    13. The Bizarre Mahickana of Masklyn ye Mage
      1. Introduction - Richard Kaufman
      2. What is Bizarre Magick? ... from Daemon's Diary
      3. ... from The New Invocation
      4. ... from the Negromicon
      5. ... from Bizarre!
      6. Kiss of the Vampire
      7. Stigmata
      8. Coffin Nail
      9. Divination of Vassago
      10. from The New Invocation
      11. Hells Dollars
      12. Geomancy
      13. A Wee Bit 'o Magic
      14. Ye Mage's Timepiece
      15. Daemon Dirt
    14. An Interview with ye Mage - Gary Inglese & Denny Laub
    15. Speak of the Devil: A Conversation about Tony Andruzzi - with Eugene Burger & David Parr
  7. Classified Ads
  8. A Personal Report of the Downs and Ups at FISM 2000 - R. Paul Wilson
  9. 1000 Thoughts on Art and Magic - S.H. Sharpe
  10. The Cloisters Playing Cards
  11. Light from the Lamp
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Swedish Reel - El Duco
      • Ultimate 3 Fly - Bob Kohler
      • CD Rainbow - Jeff Brown
      • Amazing Jumping Arrow - Mark Young
    2. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • Multiplying Balls - Tim Wright
      • Party Animal - Simon Lovell
      • Office Animal - Simon Lovell
      • The Classic Force - Paul Green
      • Five Minutes with a Pocket Handkerchief - Trick-a-Tape - Quentin Reynolds
    3. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Card College, Volume 4 - Roberto Giobbi
  12. Subscription Information
  13. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 11 - November 2000 - 88 pages
  2. Cover - Michael Skinner
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Paul Ginsberg
    • Doug Russell
    • Kenneth Haag
    • Patrick Martin
    • Bill Robinson
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. Michael Skinner - A Memorial From His Friends
    1. Early Skinner - Lou Gallo
    2. The Skinner Touch - Jamy Ian Swiss
      1. Skinner's KM Move Finesse
      2. Skinner's Time Trick Finesse
      3. Skinner's Elevator Double-Lift
    3. Michael Skinner's Placement Principle - James Swain
    4. Magical Moments with Michael Skinner - John Carney
    5. Michael and Me - Darwin Ortiz
    6. Remembrances of Michael - Roger Klause
      1. Eulogy from the Memorial Service of Michael Skinner
      2. Reflections of a Friendship - Our First Encounter
      3. Michael's Big Mistake
    7. Prime-Time Skinner - Jon Racherbaumer
    8. Masterful Mosteller - Michael Skinner & Alex Elmsley - described by Jon Racherbaumer
  8. 1000 Thoughts on Art and Magic - S.H. Sharpe
  9. The Last Great Sale and Auction of this Century - Richard Kaufman
  10. Michael Skinner's Magic - His Favorite Routine
    1. Mike's Opener: Presto Chango
    2. Rub-A-Dub-Sub
    3. Liberace's Piano Keys
    4. SentiMental Aces
    5. Three Tricks Using the Interlock Principle
      1. Card at Any Number
      2. Peek Revelation
      3. Interlock Countdown
  11. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 19 - The Electric and Great Cyclogeotic Retroreminisceent Clairvoyant Telegraph Company
  12. Light from the Lamp
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Fifty-Two Thoughts - Cody Fisher
      • GI Bill - John T. Sheets
      • Passing the Buck - Larry West
    2. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • The Real Truth of Trade Show Magic Revealed (2 Volumes) - Eddie Tullock
      • Undivided - The Magical Restoration - Martin Lewis
      • Impossible Card Magic - Ray Kosby
      • The Art of Floating - Peki
    3. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • The Conservation of Magic - Leo Behnke
      • Neo-Magic Artistry - S.H. Sharpe
      • Harry Lorayne's Apocalypse, Volumes 1-5 - Harry Lorayne & Richard Kaufman
  13. Subscription Information
  14. Advertisers Index

  1. Genii - Volume 63, Number 12 - December 2000 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Jade
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Messages
    • Doug Sparkman
    • Matthew Field Responds
  6. Knights at the Magic Castle - Jules Lenier
    • Performing at The Magic Castle Next Month
  7. Chasing Sidney Clarke - Tadd Karr
    • Magic in Chaucer
    • 16th Century Cups and Balls
    • Early Linking Rings
    • A 16th Century Card Man
    • Magicians in Early Drama
    • Conjuring Poems from Bartholomew Fair
  8. 1000 Thoughts on Art and Magic - S.H. Sharpe
  9. Jade - Interview by Richard Kaufman
  10. Bob Fitch's Magic Performance Camp
    1. Learning the Craft of Magic - Rich Marotta
    2. Fitch Camp - Mark Phillips
  11. Magicana - Richard Kaufman
    1. The Schneider Technique - Al Schneider
      • Ring Off Pencil
    2. From My Thoughts - Barrie Richardson
      • You Will Choose The Key! - The Janie Test
    3. Confessions of a Road Warrior - David Acer
      • Unflappable
    4. The Other Month - Phil Goldstein
      • Fourthright
    5. Color Cocktail - Roy Walton
    6. Our Magical Art - Eugene Burger
      • Reflections
    7. Pediatrix - Danny Orleans
      • Pre-Show Communications
  12. Genii Index for 2000 ((Volume 63) - Frances Greene, compiler
  13. A Rich Cabinet of Magical Curiosities - Edwin A. Dawes
    • 20 - Laughing Gas - First Whiff
  14. A Visit to a Magician's Paradise - Ken Michaels
  15. Light from the Lamp
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Oh-Ser-Vo - Eugene Burger
      • Deck Switcher - Fantasio Magic Products
      • Printing - A-1 MagicalMedia
    2. Videotapes Reviewed by Matthew Field
      • The Bottom Deal - Anonymous
      • Dream Tear - Carl Cloutier
      • The Art of Black Art - Don Drake
      • Jon Tremaine - Volume 1 - Close-Up Mental Act
      • Jon Tremaine - Volume 2 - Commercial Close-Up Act
      • Jon Tremaine - Volume 3 - Encores
      • Getting Serious ... or What? - Thomas Krantz
      • The Professor's Rope Symphony - Joachim Solberg
    3. Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
      • Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig - Lewis Ganson
      • Son of Simon Says: More Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell
      • Lecture 1999 - Troy Hooser
      • Try Hooser's The Silver Surf - Joshua Jay
  16. Subscription Information
  17. Advertisers Index

    word count: 637979 which is equivalent to 2551 standard pages of text