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Genii Volume 77 (2014)
by Richard Kaufman

#3 Magazines & Journals author
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Genii Volume 77 (2014) by Richard Kaufman

January 2014 - December 2014
1252 pages including 20 extra pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 1 - January 2014 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - The 13th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Peter Samelson
    2. online video file available - John Calvert
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    5. Parker Swain (1928-2013)
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Cease and Persist
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - John Calvert (1922-2013) - by David Oliver
    • online video file available - In Memoriam - John Calvert
    • online video file available - Short Takes with Scott Wells - with John Calvert
  8. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Force2
  9. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Computer Deck
  10. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Always a Student
  11. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • The Strange Coincidence
    • online video file missing (see instead page 11 in next issue) - DaOrtiz a la Carte! - The Strange Coincidence - Dani DaOrtiz
  12. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • The True Name of Trigrammaton
  13. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Improvised Chop Cup - Bob Cunningham
    2. Straight Down The ... - John Carey
    3. Tokyo Workshop - Split-Second Yank Hokum - Hiro Sakai
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Howard Hamburg
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. Wonderful Because Mysterious: The 13th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History - Dustin Stinett
    1. The Dealers Room
    2. The Exhibit Room
    3. online video file available - Astarte
  16. magician's Choice - An Excerpt from a Novel by Todd A. Gipstein
  17. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • The Science Behind The Ghost! - Jim Steinmeyer
      • Nukes - Doug Edwards
      • Days Of wine And Magic - John Derris
      • Mathematical Card Magic - Colm Mulcahy
    2. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Carney 2013: Exclusive Secrets
      • The KW One Hand Pass (download) - Kim West
      • Rewound (download) - Yannick Chretien
      • Heavy Metal, Natural elements, and Rare Earth - (3-disc set) - AL Schneider
      • All In (2-disc set) - Jack Carpenter
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • The Intercessor 2.0 - Gaëtan Bloom
      • Her Majesty's Spell - Dani DaOrtiz
      • Envy-Lope - Brandon David & Chris Turchi
      • Unwritten - Lyndon Jugalbot
      • Alluminati - Chris Oberle
      • Fate in Your Hands - Manuel Llaser
      • Real Coin Bend - Rasmus
      • Porthole - Darryl Vanamburg
      • Topit Revolution - Jake
      • Vertex Topit - Jake
  18. Advertisers Index
  19. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 2 - February 2014 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Dr. Sawa
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Jon Racherbaumer
    2. online video file available - Strange Coincidence - Dani DaOrtiz
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Color Vision
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Watch and Card Target
  8. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Making Mistakes - Eugene Burger
    • Making Mistakes
  9. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Mystery in Abstract
  10. Ringside - Caleb Wiles
    • online video file available - Ringside - Caleb Wiles - Fully Automatic Card Trick
    • Fully Automatic Card Trick
  11. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Joan Lawton
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Bill Goodwin
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  12. Inside the Mind of Dr. Sawa - Dustin Stinett
    1. Inside the Magic of Dr. Sawa - Dustin Stinett & Richard Kaufman
      1. The Billy Goat
      2. online video file available - Miracle Rope 1999 - Part 1 - Dr Sawa
      3. online video file available - Miracle Rope 1999 - Part 2 - Dr Sawa
      4. online video file available - Miracle Rope 1999 - Part 3 - Dr Sawa
      5. Hat and Bunnies
      6. Sawa's Multiplying and Expanding Coins
      7. online video file available - Sawa's Multiplying and Expanding Coins - Dr Sawa
      8. The Atomic Coins
      9. online video file available - The Atomic Coins - Dr Sawa
  13. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
      • J.N. Hofzinser: Non Plus Ultra I & II - Magic Christian
      • The Artful Mentalism of Bob Cassidy Volume 2: Fundamentals - Bob Cassidy
      • Mayhew: What Women Want - John Lovick
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • online video file available - Trick Review Video Supplement - Danny Orleans
      • Headline - Murray Hatfield
      • The Egg Bag - Luis de Matos
      • Change - SansMinds Magic
      • Silver Swindle - Dave Forrest
      • Tick Tock - Sean Goodman
      • Vanishing Pen - Will Tsai
      • Psy-Colony - Gary Brown
      • OCD Deck - Will Tsai & Andrew Gerard
    3. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Heinsight - Karl Hein & Rich Aviles
      • The Heinous Collection, Volumes 1-3 - Karl Hein
      • Extended Play - Valdemar Gestur with Shin Lim
      • Look No Hands - Wayne Dobson & RSVP Magic
      • The Silencer - Jeff Prace
  14. Advertisers Index
  15. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 3 - March 2014 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Lubor Fiedler
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Danny Orleans
    2. online video file available - Sympathetic Matchboxes - Mark Mason
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Panting Bout "Smarts"
  6. Now Performing
  7. Magic Man Examiner Vault - Chris Kenner & Homer liwag
    • ForFourFor - Chris Kenner
    • King Balloo's Feast - Chris Kenner
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Enchanted Coffre
  9. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • On The Theory of Magic
  10. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Big Bang Theory
  11. The Expert at the Kid's Table - David Kaye
    • The Free Stooges
  12. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • Night Terrors
  13. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Todd Robbins
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  14. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Old Faithful - Luke Jermay
    2. Tokyo Workshop - Embolded Bowl Over - Kazu Katayama
    3. The Lost Card - Mike O'Brien
  15. Lubor Fiedler: No Words - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Inside Lubor Fiedler's Brain
    2. online video file available - Lubor Fiedler on German TV
    3. online video file available - X-Flyer Trailer
  16. The Art of Performing Magic to Teenagers - Mac King interviews Danny Orleans
    1. online video file available - Mac King Interviews Danny Orleans - The Art of Presenting Magic to Teenagers
  17. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay - Ricky Jay
      • Box Set - John Guastaferro
      • Opening Doors - Henry Evans
      • 6 2.20 (with gimmick) - Mickael Chatelain
    2. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Divine - Colin McLeod
      • They Lived by Tricks - Pietro Micheli
      • Do not Disturb! - Rainer Mees & Thomas Heine
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • X-Ray Spex - Magic Dream
      • Silver Lining - The Miracle Factory
      • Cover The Spot - Ian Kendall & Alan Wong
      • One Card Collector - Alexander Kölle
      • Scents Of Wonder - The Miracle Factory
  18. Advertisers Index
  19. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 4 - April 2014 - 104 pages- free EMC Catalogue 07 DVD enclosed with Paul Daniels
  2. Cover - Paul Daniels
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Insomnia - Derek Hughes
    2. online video file available - Paul Daniel's Bravura Blog
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Coincidently ...
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - Aldo Colombini (1951-2014) - by Joe M. Turner
  8. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • ESPecious
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Klingl Die to Canary
  10. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Computer Revelation
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • "Elementary!"
  12. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Reset - Eugene Burger
    • Reset
  13. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • online video file available - DaOrtiz a la Carte! - Production on Request - Dani DaOrtiz
    • Production on Request
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Mike Pisciotta
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. Derek Hughes: Up All Night - Rob Zabrecky
    • online video file available - Derek Hughes' Insomnia - Advertisement
  16. Finding Space on the Streets - Women Street Performers - Felice Eng
  17. Magic at Coney [Island] to Take Leap of Faith - Keeping the Dream Alive - Carl Mercurio
  18. Paul Daniels Bravura - David Britland
    1. online video file available - Early Paul Daniels
    2. online video file available - Electric Chairs - Performance - Paul Daniels
    3. online video file available - Dean's Box - Performance - Paul Daniels
    4. online video file available - Chimpanzee Card Trick - Paul Daniels
    5. online video file available - Glass of Water - Performance - Paul Daniels
    6. online video file available - Glass of Water - Explanation - Paul Daniels
    7. online video file available - Cards Across - History - Paul Daniels
    8. online video file available - Cards Across - Performance - Paul Daniels
    9. online video file available - Cards Across - Explanation - Paul Daniels
    10. online video file available - Chop Cup - Performance - Paul Daniels
    11. online video file available - Chop Cup - Explanation - Paul Daniels
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Vapr - Will Tsai
      • Complete Peek Wallet - Tony Miller
      • The Wowlett! - concept by Luke Dancy
      • Heinstein's Dream - Karl Hein
      • 52 Shades of Red - Shin Lim
      • M-Case - Mickael Chatelain
      • Simplex Monte - Rob Bromley
      • Frame - Alexis De La Funte
      • Prospect - SansMinds
      • Evaporation - Louie Foxx
      • SansMinds Sharpie - SansMinds
      • Radioactive - Drusko & Titanas
      • Magic Potato Chip Can - Imagine-if!
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Ridiculous (4-DVD set) - David Williamson
      • Odyssey (2-DVD set) - Lloyd Barnes
      • El Gran Simulador (The Great Pretender) - René Lavand
      • REL Change - Michael Brewer
      • Hungry? - Mathieu Bich
      • My Precious - Brett Bishop
    3. Books Reviewed by Will Houstoun
      • The Magic of Celebrating Illusion - Robert E. Neale
      • Eye Wonder: The Amazing Paradoxical and Magical Illusionary Worlds of Jerry Andrus - Al Seckel
      • Captivity, Slavery and Survival as a Far East POW: The Conjurer on the Kwai - Peter Fyans
      • The Manual of Darkness - Enrique de Hériz
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 5 - May 2014 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Sugawara
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Gracie Allen Meets The Great Mendoza
    2. online video file available - Congress of Wonders - Ricky Jay
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Minding Minds
  6. Now Performing
  7. Memoirs of a Magic Dealer - Al Cohen
    • The Birth and Death of a Trick
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Coin Casket
  9. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • On the Theory of Magic (2) - Actus Interruptus
  10. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • Quantum Logic
  11. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Metamorphosis
  12. Ringside - Caleb Wiles
    • Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal
  13. The Expert at the Kid's Table - David Kaye
    • This Rant O'Mine Is About Pantomime
  14. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. A Jolly Prediction - Christopher Rawlins
    2. About Letting Go - AL Schneider
    3. online video file available - Magicana - One Cup and Ball Routine - Al Schneider
    4. Ninja Coin 4 - Yuji Murakami
    5. Tokyo Workshop - Wanderfull, Wanderfull! - Hiro Sakai
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Misty Lee
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Aladdin: The Genie on Broadway - Jim Steinmeyer Interviewed About Disney's New Musical - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - James Monroe Englehart as the Genie in Disney's Aladdin on Broadway
    2. online video file available - Disney's Aladdin on Broadway
    3. online video file available - Disney's Aladdin First Look
    4. online video file available - The Ladies of the Market-Place Take the Stage in Aladdin's Opening Number, Arabian Nights
    5. online video file available - Disney's Aladdin Trailer
  17. The Still Secret World Of Shigeru Sugawara - Max Maven
    1. online video file available - See Through Card - Shigeru Sugawara
    2. Items Created for Tenyo
    3. online video file available - Ring and Ribbon - Shigeru Sugawara
    4. online video file available - Die Escape - Shigeru Sugawara
    5. online video file available - Flowering Crystal - Shigeru Sugawara
    6. online video file available - Prototype for a Changing Card - Shigeru Sugawara
    7. New Creations
    8. online video file available - Mystery Donut - Shigeru Sugawara
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Numbers, Cards and Time - Carlos Vinuesa
      • The Time Travel Manual - Josh Zandman
      • Celebrate - Richard Mark & Marc Salem
      • Seventeen Secrets - James Alan, editor
    2. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Connection (3-disc set) - Jon Allen
      • The Switch - Shin Lim
      • Drunk - Hondo
      • Another - Dr. Mutobe
      • Risk 4 - Rizki Nanda
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • The Streets - John Archer
      • Crooked - Ronnie Ramin
      • Bently - Chris Hanowell
      • Once Upon a Time - Wayne Dobson
      • The Romero Box - Antonio Romero
      • Gift of the Magi - David Acer
      • The 100th Money - Chris Philpott
    4. Knack Magic Tricks - Richard Kaufman
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 6 - June 2014 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - The Illusionists 2.0
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Chaos - Luis De Matos
    2. online video file available - Silvan
    3. online audio file available - 7 Cards Examined - Jim Steinmeyer
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Talking the Talk
  6. Now Performing
  7. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Box Hunch
  8. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Secrets - Eugene Burger
    • Secrets
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Thayer's Vanishing and Reappearing Lamps
  10. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • online video file available - DaOrtiz a la Carte! - More Imaginary Dice - Dani DaOrtiz
    • More Imaginary Dice
  11. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • The Trick That Didn't Fool Einstein
  12. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Drawing Power
  13. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. online video file available - Magicana - Three Coins and a Shot Glass - Jindai Nishikawa
    2. Three Coins and a Shot Glass - Jindai Nishikawa
    3. Stranger Card - J. K. Hartman
    4. Tokyo Workshop - Hanky-Panky Balls - Kazu Katayama
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file missing - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews
    3. AMA 2013 Award Winners and Fellowship Recipients
    4. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. Peter Morrison: The Marrakech Magic Man - David Regal
  16. The 46th Annual Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show - Dustin Stinett
  17. Black Magic, Blonde Magic - Dustin Stinett
    • online audio file missing - Erika Larsen
    • online video file missing - Erika Larsen
  18. The Illusionists 2.0 - Luis de Matos
    1. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 1
    2. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 2
    3. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 3
    4. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 4
    5. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 5
    6. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 6
    7. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Encore-Eulogy for Dr Scott Lewis
    8. online video file available - The Illusionist 2 Promo 7
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
      • The David Neighbors Project Volume 1 - Mark Tams
      • Discoveries and Deceptions - John Guastaberro
      • Bookends, The Hannibal Lecture - Hannibal
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • The Truth from a Liar - Hannibal
      • The Art of Presenting Magic to Teenagers - Danny Orleans
      • EZ Add-a-Number - Nathan Kranzo
      • Streamlined - John Carey
      • Box Set - John Guastaferro
      • Gamble - Andi Gladwin
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Auto Spell Deck - Devin Knight
      • The Business - Romanos
      • Unshuffled - Anton James
      • Senses - Christopher Wiehl
      • In2ition - Brian Schwenger
      • Cakes & Adders - "Tricky" Ricky McCleod & Gary Dunn
      • Smudged - John Horn
      • Breathe & Believe - Thanks from David Oliver
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 7 - July 2014 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Charlie Frye & Company
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Slydini 1960
    2. online video file available - Fred Kaps 1958
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Positively Not Fifth Street
  6. Now Performing
  7. Memoirs of a Magic Dealer - Al Cohen
    • Pulls, Pulls, Pulls
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Magic Tea Caddy
  9. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • On the Theory of Magic (3) - The Benefits of Practicing Magic
  10. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Inherent Magic
  11. Ringside - Caleb Wiles
    • Color Heist
  12. The Expert at the Kid's Table - David Kaye
    • Get Off Your High Horse
  13. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Three Easy Steps - Harapan Ong
    2. Handy Portal - Ian Kendall
    3. Atom Split - Jonathan Friedman
    4. Tokyo Workshop - Regal Robbers Rise - Hiro Sakai
  14. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Steve Valentine
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  15. On the Fly with Charlie Frye - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. online video file available - Charlie Frye in China 2008
    2. online video file available - Charlie Frye - Card Manipulation Routine
    3. online video file available - Charlie Frye at le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde - Bowling Ball
  16. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Chocolate Coin - Will Tsai
      • MC Sandwich - Michael Chatelain
      • The Worker's Dream - Harry Robson
      • Deflect - Skulkor
      • Spinnerets - Steven X
      • Innercircle - Yigal Mesika
      • Wrong Way - Vernet
      • Bound - Will Tsai
      • Smoked - Christopher Dearman
      • C.O.A.L. - Andy Clockwise
      • Liar - Robert Baxt
    2. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Modern Magic (3-disc set) - Will Houstoun
      • The Double Lift Project - Liam Montier
      • El Ropo - Phil Van Tee
      • Essentials in Magic Master Course: Volumes 1-4 - Daryl
    3. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • The Magic Way, Second Edition - Juan Tamariz
      • Now You See Them, Now You Don't - Bill Weimer
      • Charles Morritt: His Life and Inventions - Christopher Brinson
      • Think-A-Drink - Alan Bursky
  17. Advertisers Index
  18. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 8 - August 2014 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Jamie D. Grant
  3. online video file available - Vanishing Glass - Michael Skinner in ad for The Skinner Tapes
  4. Contents
  5. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Eugene Burger
    2. online video file available - Gerrie Larsen - The Magic Lady 1950s TV
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Ultracrepidarianism, Among Other Things
  7. Now Performing
  8. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Using Your Voice - Eugene Burger
    • Using Your Voice
  9. Lost Horizons - Max Maven
    • Flex & Cheap Flex
  10. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Voisin's Magic Table
  11. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Adamathica: ACAAN for 1921
  12. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Hamlet, Jack of Denmark
  13. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • online video file available - DaOrtiz a la Carte! - The HLG Force (Homage to Lennart Green) - Dani DaOrtiz
    • The HLG Force (Homage to Lennart Green)
  14. Magicana - Andi Gladwin, Ian Kendall, Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Jim Bob - Doug Conn
    2. Monopoly Mind Reading - Ian Kendall
    3. Tokyo Workshop - Cup, Ball, Silk, And You - Kazu Katayama
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Max Maven
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Introducing Walter Rolfo - Cecelia Garrone
  17. Jamie D. Grant: Anything is Portable - Jaq Greenspan
    1. online video file available - Jamie D Grant - TedxEmory Talk
    2. online video file available - Jamie D Grant on Magic Friday
    3. online video file available - Jamie D Grant - Street Performance
    4. online video file available - Jamie D Grant - Send Wonder 1
    5. online video file available - Jamie D Grant - Send Wonder 2
  18. Through the Looking Glass - Liberty Larsen
  19. Tom Palmer and His Comedy Act - Paul Osborne
  20. 2014 Shenanigans - Joe O'Donnell
  21. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • The Floating Ball - Luis de Matos
      • The Most Magical Cards Ever Produced in the History of Magic - Angel Idigoras
      • Distorted visions - Jack Curtis
      • Velocity - Rick Smith, Jr.
      • Suduku Book Test - Scott Creasey
      • Noted 2.0 - Gary Jones
      • Infamous - Danial Meadows & James Anthony
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • A Series of Unfortunate Effects - Five Academy
      • Defiance - Mariano Goni
      • MS Magic Night 2014 - Magical Sleight
      • Collision V2 - Ravi Mayar
      • I Hate Kids - Stephen Bargatze
      • Holy C.O.W. - Chef Tsao
      • World's Greatest Magic: Self Working Card Tricks (Volumes 1-3) - Multiple Artists
    3. Books Reviewed by Will Houstoun
      • The 75% Production and The Trick With No Method - Justin Higham
      • Angel Killer - Andrew Mayne
      • Bullet Catch - Scott Jenkins
      • Magicians Choice - Todd A. Gipstein
      • The Definitive Guide to Restaurant Magic - Wayne Goodman
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 9 - September 2014 - 96 pages + 8 extra
  2. Cover - Peter Samelson
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Alan Alan on David Copperfield
    2. online video file missing - Alan Alan - Burning Rope 1959
    3. online video file available - Magic For You - Alan Alan 1959
    4. online video file available - Genii on Press at Ovid Bell
    5. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    6. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    7. Contest Results
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • The Frolic and Fun of Being a Funambulist
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Robert-Houdin's Match Alarm Clock
  8. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • On the Theory of Magic (4) - The Magic Effect Field
  9. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Parameters
  10. The Expert at the Kid's Table - David Kaye
    • I Don't Have a Drinking Problem ... I Have a Drinking Solution
  11. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Rob Zabrecky
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  12. 2014 I.B.M./S.A.M. Combined Convention (St. Louis, MO) - Dustin Stinett
  13. Peter Samelson: A Life Told in Tricks - Stephen Minch
    1. online video file available - Peter Samelson - The Jewish Daily Forward
    2. online video file available - Peter Samelson - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
    3. Why, What, and Who? - Peter Samelson
    4. online video file available - Peter Samelson on Robert Klein
    5. Three Types of Justification - Peter Samelson
    6. online video file available - Peter Samelson - Ring Rope Rose
    7. online video file available - Peter Samelson - The Bride
    8. online video file available - Peter Samelson - Getting Absorbed in the Times
    9. online video file available - Buster Keaton
    10. Influences - Peter Samelson
    11. Magic - Peter Samelson - Mimetic Slo-Mo Show'n Vanish Thimble
  14. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • The Skinner Tapes (3-disc set) - Michael Skinner
      • Mr. Electric Unplugged = Marvyn Roy
      • The Heinous Collection, Volumes 1-3 - Karl Hein
    2. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Calculated chaos - Chris Westfall
      • True Mysteries II - Fraser Parker & Gavin P'Rourke-Soccorso
      • Close Culls - Harapan Ong
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Wallet Weapon - Lloyd Barnes
      • Blind Date - Stephen Leathwaite
      • Spontaneous Combustion - Geronimo Granell
      • Hospitality: One Can Two Drinks - Max Francis
      • Duo - Rian Lehman
      • The Undercover Wallet - Andy Nicholls
      • Fractalicious - John Bannon & Liam Montier
  15. Advertisers Index
  16. Subscription Information
  17. Extra pages - not in print edition - 8 pages
    1. More Magic - Peter Samelson
      1. More Magic - Peter Samelson - Mat, Cigarette and Thimble
      2. online video file available - Peter Samelson - Mat, Cigarette and Thimble
      3. Peter Samelson - Shake, Rattle, Control

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 10 - October 2014 - 96 pages + 1 extra
  2. Cover - Masters of Illusion
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Tomo Maeda
    2. online video file available - Jerry Andrus - 1960s Stage Act
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Joan Carroll Spina (1953-2014)
    • Dancing Among The Angels - David Oliver
  6. In Memoriam - Ronald A. Wohl (1936-2014) - by Roberto Giobbi
  7. Now Performing
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Riveting News
  9. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Houdini's Blooming Rosebush and Flower cone
  10. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Smart Travel - Eugene Burger
    • Smart Travel
  11. Ringside - Caleb Wiles
    • Curiously Counted
  12. A Gardner Centennial - Max Maven
  13. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • The Ring of Ma'aruf - Peter Rosengren & Tom Stone
  14. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Petite Illusion
  15. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Introduction
    3. Anti Control - Chris Mayhew
    4. Tango's ACAAN - Marcelo Insua
    5. iContact - John Guastaferro
  16. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews John Lovick
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  17. Another Chat with Walter Rolfo - Head of FISM 2015 - Cecilia Garrone
  18. Masters of Illusion - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 1
    2. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 2
    3. Episode Guide
    4. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 3
    5. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 4
    6. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 5
    7. online video file available - Masters of Illusion Preview 6
  19. Comedy and Magic Society - Cila Warncke
    1. online video file available - Comedy and Magic Society - Cila Warncke
  20. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • The Hollingworth Collection (3-disc set with extras) - Guy Hollingworth
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Flux Deal (download) - Alex Moffat
      • At the Table Online Lecture - Alex Pandrea
      • Pop Haydn's Four Ring Routine - Pop Haydn
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Pocket - Julio Montoro
      • X-Change - Julio Montoro
      • Duo - Rian Lehman
      • The Ninja Tossed-Out Deck System - Patrick Redford
      • The Answer - Ron Salamangkero
      • Infamous - Daniel Meadows & James Anthony
      • Auto-Spell Deck - Devin Knight
      • Codes & Adders - Gary Dunn & "Tricky" Ricky McLeod
    4. Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
      • Ask Roberto - Roberto Giobbi
      • Betcha - Simon Lovell
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Subscription Information
  23. Extra page - not in print edition - 1 page
    • advertisement page

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 11 - November 2014 - 96 pages + 11 extra
  2. Cover - Alana
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Gene Anderson
    2. online video file available - Card Tricks with Willie Nelson
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Carl "Bud" Dietrich (1922-2014) - by Shep Hyken
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Curiouser and Curiouser
  7. In Memoriam - Lubor Fiedler (1933-2014) - by Mark Setteducati
    • online video file available - Inside Lubor Fiedler's Brain 1 - from March 2014 Issue
    • online video file available - Inside Lubor Fiedler's Brain 2
  8. Now Performing
  9. Memoirs of a Magic Dealer - Al Cohen
    • Cons Pulled on a Magic Dealer?
  10. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The French Peacock
  11. The Genii Session - Roberto Giobbi
    • (Maybe Not So) Ultimate Details of Handling IV
  12. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Return to Oil and Water
  13. The Expert at the Kid's Table - David Kaye
    • Assistance In Choosing Assistants
  14. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Staring at Wires
  15. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Coining a New Phrase - Yasuo Amano
    3. Clear Glass Concept - Alex Linian
    4. Cards Under Irony - James Alan
  16. More from Walter Rolfo - What to Expect from FISM - Cecilia Garrone
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Jon Armstrong
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  18. Alana: Defining the (Fine) Line s- Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Alana
    2. online video file available - Alana at the Magic Castle
    3. online video file available - Alana
    4. online video file available - Alana
  19. Tenyo 2015 - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tenyo 2015
    2. Magic Butterfly - So Sato
    3. The Great Escape - Ali Bongo & Kenichi Komiya
    4. Magic Alchemy - Kenichi Komiya
    5. Security Lock - Lubor Fiedler
  20. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • online video file available - Trick Review Video Supplement - Danny Orleans
      • Die-Namic - Martin Lewis
      • Sign Here - Todd Neufeld
      • Ultimate Microphone Holder - Nick Lewin
      • Sharp This - David Bonfadini
      • Spoonaround - Axel Hecklau
      • Flatline - Jay Sankey
      • Fair & Square - Jeff Alan
      • CardGuard - Vernet
    2. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • How to Become a professional Magician - Sean Mitchell
      • 793.8: Where is the Magic - Jeff Stone
      • The Opposite of People - Michael Feldman
    3. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Patrified - Patrick Kun
      • More Works - Steve Dobson
      • What the Fork? The Secrets to a Gold Medal competition Act - Michael Dardant
      • At the Table Online Lecture - Marcus Eddie
      • Light Speed - Perseus Arkomanis
    4. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • At the Table Live Lecture Series - Rick Merrill
      • At the Table Live Lecture Series - Gregory Wilson
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Subscription Information
  23. Extra pages - not in print edition - 11 pages
    1. advertisement page
    2. Zombie Zombie - Al Schneider

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 12 - December 2014 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - YIF
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews R Paul Wilson
    2. online video file available - A Little Bot of YIF - Shadow Coin
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Literate Vidiots?
  6. Now Performing
  7. Eugene's Notebook - In Which Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride Have a Chat - Eugene Burger
    • online video file available - Eugene's Notebook - Magic and Philosophy - Eugene Burger
    • Magic and Philosophy
  8. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • Willmann's Harlequin
  9. Ringside - Caleb Wiles
    • Paparazi Packet Trick
  10. DaOrtiz al la Carte! - Dani DaOrtiz
    • online video file available - DaOrtiz a la Carte! - Card Stab - Dani DaOrtiz
    • Card stab
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • A Hole in Your Head
  12. Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    1. online video file available - Modern Magicana - Andi Gladwin
    2. Littleton's Gum - Kyle Luittleton
    3. Direct One to five - Yu-Hsuan Lin
    4. After Elmsley - Erik Jansson
  13. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. online video file available - AMA - Daniel Ulin Interviews Danny Orleans & Jan Rose
    3. Magic Castle Schedule
  14. YIF - Zakary Belamy
    1. online video file available - YIF
    2. online video file available - YIF - Bill Change
    3. online video file available - YIF - iPhone Bottle and Soda
    4. online video file available - YIF - French Kiss
    5. online video file available - YIF
    6. online video file available - YIF on Family Show
    7. online video file available - YIF - Happy Camp
    8. online video file available - YIF on Talk Show
  15. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • The Close-Up Magic of Chef Anton (2-disc set) - Chef Anton
      • Sam the Bounce - Chef Anton
      • Pop Haydn's The Six Card Trick - Pop Haydn
      • At the Table Live lecture - John Archer
      • Penguin Live lecture - Rocco Silano
    2. Books Reviewed by Will Houstoun
      • The Expert at the Card Table (The Charles and Wonder edition, edited by Marty Demarest) - S. W. Erdnase
      • Alan Shaxon - The Sophisticated Sorcerer - Alan Shaxon with Scott Penrose & Steve Short
      • The Magic Graveyard - Al The Only
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Cootie Catcher Magic - Jason Michaels
      • Rainbow Connection - Mathieu Bich
      • Roughing Stick - Harry Robson & Lawrence Turner
      • Solid & Stretch - David Penn & Jonathan Farr
      • The Tie Shell - David Penn
      • Jacks In The Box - Aldo Colombini
      • Magnetic Deck - Mago Granell
  16. Advertisers Index
  17. Subscription Information

word count: 503298 which is equivalent to 2013 standard pages of text