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Genii Volume 81 (2018)
by Richard Kaufman

#3 Magazines & Journals author
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Genii Volume 81 (2018) by Richard Kaufman

January 2018 - December 2018
1298 pages including 2 extra pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 1 - January 2018 - 112 pages + 1 extra
  2. Cover - Handsome Jack [John Lovick]
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 2 - Eugene Burger
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Jared Kopf
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • A Bunk Bonanza
  8. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • Harry Houdini to Ellis Stanyon
  9. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    1. Threesome
    2. Improved Zens Envelope Switch
  10. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Phase Six
  11. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Chicago Fire
    • Chicago Fire
  12. Lodestones - Tom Stone
    • online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - Foe of Dr Kimble
    • Foe of Dr. Kimble
  13. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • online video file available - Artifices - Roberto Mansilla - Harmony
    • Harmony
  14. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Ring It On - John Guastaferro
    3. Flash Flood - John Guastaferro with Bébel
    4. Spectral - John Guastaferro
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Lovick: Handsome Is As Handsome Does - Jared Kopf
    1. online video file available -
    2. How I Fooled Penn & Teller - John Lovick
    3. online video file available - John Lovick - How I Fooled Penn & Teller
  17. The 7th European Magic History Conference - Gene Matsuura, M.D.
  18. Natalie & Eli: Queens of Quick Change - Retonio
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Teaching Magic: A Book for Students and Teachers of the Art - Eugene Burger, additional material by Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.
      • Coins and Other Fables - Luis Piedrahita
      • You and Me and the Devil Makes Three, Volumes I and II - John Wilson
    2. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Cardiographic LITE - Martin Lewis
      • The RFA Wallet - RFA Productions
      • Aces from the Fore - Stephen Tucker
      • The Fly - Marcos Waldemar
      • Hof-Sender Aces - Tom Gagnon
      • The Magic Tube - Gabbo Torres & George Iglesias
      • Baffling Bunny - Dick Barry
      • Self-Flipping Notepad - Victor Sanz
      • iTime Rewind - Beau Cremer
      • In a Flash - Felix Bodden
    3. Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
      • Magic from My Heart (5-disc set) - Juan Tamariz
      • The Magician (4-disc set) - TV Show starring Bill Bixby
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information
  22. Extra page - not in print edition - 1 page
    • advertisement page

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 2 - February 2018 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Max Maven
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 3 - Eugene Burger
    3. online video file available - Warfu Sohonke - Japanese TV Show - Tenyo
    4. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    5. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Rob Zabrecky
  5. In Memoriam - Walter Graham (1923-2018) by Richard Kaufman
  6. In Memoriam - Johnny Fox (1953-2017) by Richard Kaufman
    • online video file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Rob Zabrecky
    • online video file available - Johnny Fox Needs Maalox [commercial]
    • online video file available - Johnny Fox on Jonathan Winters TV Special
  7. Now Performing
  8. The Eye - Todd Karr
  9. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Brother, Can You Paradigm?
  10. The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Egg Pillar
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Symbolically Mentalism
  12. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Sharing is Caring
    • Sharing is Caring
  13. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • A Difficult and Lovely Life
  14. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Are You a Jerk or an Expert?
  15. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Follow the Directions or, Nothing is What it Seems
  16. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Anvil and Hammer
  17. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Ring Trip - Sean Cinco
    3. The Naturals - Michal Kociolek
    4. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Jon Racherbaumer
  18. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  19. Crafting Magic: The Magic House of Babcock - William Winters
  20. Tenyo 2018 - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Tenyo - Constellation Cards
    2. online video file available - Tenyo - Mental Bento
    3. online video file available - Tenyo - Mind Stick
    4. online video file available - Tenyo - Miracle Blindfold
    5. online video file available - Tenyo - Miracle Dowsing Rods
    6. online video file available - Tenyo - Smart Guillotine
    7. online video file available - Tenyo - Mickey Mouse Poster
  21. Max: The Making of a Maven - David Britland
    1. online video file available - Max Maven - Mental Rescue
    2. online video file available - Max Maven - Panache
    3. online video file available - Max Maven - Handling Humans
    4. online video file available - Max Maven - 6 Card Broadway
    5. online video file available - Max Maven - Get Off My Lawn
    6. online video file available - Max Maven - Night Flight
    7. online video file available - Max Maven - Pocket Nightmare
    8. online video file available - Max Maven - Territory
    9. online video file available - Max Maven - Singularity
    10. online video file available - Max Maven - Rorrim
    11. online video file available - Max Maven - Cognomen
  22. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Kayfabe (4-disc set) - Max Maven
      • Standing Up On Stage (Volumes 1-5) - Scott Alexander
    2. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Off World - J.P. Vallarino
      • Neo Mix - Jim Krenz
      • Gerti Reborn - Romanos
      • Snitch - Peter Eggink
      • Invisible Triumph - Jim Krenz
      • Aiden - Ryuhei Nakamura
    3. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • JawDroppers Two - Harry Lorayne
      • They Lived by Tricks - Pietro Micheli
      • Card Devilry - J. K. Hartman
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 3 - March 2018 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Randy Sinnott
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    2. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - R Paul Wilson
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • What's On Your Mind?
  8. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • Virgil to John Daniel
  9. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    • Blue Moon
  10. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Rockstars
    • Rockstars
  11. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Another Fine Mesh
  12. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • René Lavand, Magician
    • online video file available - Artifices - Robert Mansilla - René Lavand on El Circo de Marrone
    • online video file available - Artifices - Robert Mansilla - René Lavand Knives 'Navajas'
  13. Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • Alan Wakeling, Charlie Miller, and "The Egg on Fan"
    • online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal - Egg on Fan
  14. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Flashback '88 - Jonathan Friedman
    3. Double Express Sandwiches - Rudy Tinoco
    4. Charlier Shift Control - Eddie McColl
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
    2. Magic Castle Schedule
  16. Mac and the Bear - Mike Weatherford
  17. Randy Sinnott: Battle to Battle - Jim Steinmeyer
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
      • Scripting Magic Deluxe Set (Two Volume Set) - Pete McCabe
      • Excellence in Family Magic - Scott Green
      • Reel Magicians - Glen Weissenberger
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Ryan Matney
      • Control - Darryl Vanamburg
      • Silent Assistant - SansMinds
      • Charming Chinese Challenge - Troy Hooser
      • The Timeless Project - RSVP Magic
      • Project Swiss Army - Brandon David & Chris Turchi
      • Card Clone - Big Blind Media
      • Zodiac - Eduardo Kozuch, German Dabat, and Michel
      • Signs - Manuel Llaser
    3. Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
      • Kayfabe (4-DVD set) - Max Maven
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 4 - April 2018 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Mike Pisciotta
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Stuart McCloud
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. Mike Pisciotta: Following Bliss - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Mike Pisciotta
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Scooby Snacks for Trick-Weary Sorcerers?
  9. Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Wonderful Glass Lanterns
  10. Notizen - Alexander de Cova
    • Forte-X
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Six Charis, No Waiting
  12. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Assistants: Their Care and Feeding
  13. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • The Trick Brain
  14. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Inner Origami
    • Inner Origami: The Bill Change of Happiness
  15. You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
    • Art!
  16. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • Delta Farce, Last Seen Losing Height Rapidly
  17. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. CopSilBrass - Alfredo Alvarez
    3. Hat Trick - Chris Westfall
    4. One Move Reverse - Alexandr Erohin
  18. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  19. Vision: A New era for Card Magic - Martin Eisele
  20. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Anthony Owen's Secrets - Anthony Owen
      • Artful Deceptions - Allan Zola Kronzek
      • The St. James' Guide, or the Sharper Detected - Anon
    2. Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
      • Favorites - Roberto Giobbi
      • Conscious Magic Episode 4 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
      • Impossible Location Card Tricks - John Carey
      • Quidnunc Plus - Paul Gordon
      • Three Why - Kainoa Harbottle
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
      • Sharpie Quickie - Platt Magic
      • The Imagination box - Olivier Pont
      • Unshuffled Kicker - Paul Gertner
      • Rotational - Snake & Rick Piccone
      • First Hand & Rizer - Justin Miller & Paul Harris - Eric ross & B. Smith
      • Peek Pack - Brian Gillis
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 5 - May 2018 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Richard Turner
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Johnny Thompson
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. Richard Turner: Still Wheeling and Dealing - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. online video file available - Richard Turner - Dealt Trailer
    2. 24 Things You May Not Know About Richard Turner
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Mathemusing
  9. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • The Great Leon to Charles Carter
  10. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Blind Coincidence Revisited
  11. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    • It's Deja Chew, All Over Again!
  12. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • Two & a Half
  13. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Three-Part Harmony
    • Three-Part Harmony
  14. Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • Sakamoto's Cut and Restored Silk
  15. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. SATA Switch - Patrick Kuroka
    3. Speedy - Luiz Castro
    4. The Burnaby Bluff - Andrew Musgrave
  16. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  17. Craig Filicetti and ProMystic Rocketing Mentalism Into the 21st Century - Jerry Camarillo Dunn, Jr.
    1. ProMystic's Lineup
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Shiv Duggal
      • Ripped and Fryed - Charlie Frye
      • Tokyo Magic Carnival (5 DVDs)
        • Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 1: Control - Ars-Takeshi Taniguchi
        • Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 2: Move - Ponta the Smith
        • Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 3: Touch - Shimpei Katsuragawa
        • Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 4: Create - Nobuyuki Nojima
        • Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 5: Original - Dr. Sawa
    2. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • The Paradigm Shift (and Other Moves and Routines That Use Them) - Volumes One and Two - Michael Close
      • There is a missing download link for the above
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • ThoughtCast (app & hardware) - Benjamin Budzak
      • Zodiac - Lee Petrucci and Steven Skindell
      • Svencards - Sven Lee
      • Mint Box - Daniel Garcia
      • Touch - Paul Curry, presented by Nick Locapo
      • Monkey in the middle - Bill Goldman, presented by Magick Balay
      • Gone Fishin' - Roddy McGhie
      • Tru - Menny Lindenfeld
      • Mixed perception - Cameron Francis
      • Baffling Blocks - Eric Leclerc
      • PyroPlastic - Jared Manley
      • Word Up - Vinny Sagoo
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 6 - June 2018 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Harry Anderson (1952-2018)
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Pit Hartling
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. Harry Anderson's Sweet Hereafter - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. online video file available - Harry Anderson - Hello, Sucker!
    2. online video file available - Harry Anderson - Comedy Magic
    3. 10 Ways of Looking at The Hat - Jon Racherbaumer
  8. The 50th Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show - Dustin Stinett
  9. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Hoax Springs Eternal
  10. Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Enchanted Drawer and Dissolving Dice
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Ambitious Young Executive
  12. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Vestis Virum Reddit (Clothes Make the Man)
  13. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • Nürnberg
  14. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • If I Had a Magic Wand
  15. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - No More Card Tricks v2
    • No More Card Tricks v2
  16. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Center of Attention - Harapan Ong
    3. Mind Game - John Guastaferro
    4. Wild Yuan - Chong Huang
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  18. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • The Magic of Johnny Thompson, Volumes I and II - Jamy Ian Swiss & Johnny Thompson
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Super Strong, Super Simple - Ryan Shlutz
      • Double Dutch - Fritz Alkemade
      • Project Alpha Mail - Harry Robson & Matthew Wright
      • Real Deck Switches - Ben Earl
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Candy - Edouard Boulanger
      • EyePhone - Alan Boyd with Mark Mason & Chris Kenworthy
      • Twister Flavor - Snake & Tumi Magic
      • SwitchBox - Mickael Chatelain
      • Svenlopes Yin & Yang - Sven Lee
      • The Executive Grid - Paul McCaig & Luca Volpe
  19. Advertisers Index
  20. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 7 - July 2018 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - The Secret History of Magic - An Excerpt on Robert-Houdin
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Johnny Carson - Magic Card Trick (1971) - MDA Telethon
    3. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Derek Hughes
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Seed Planted by Robert-Houdin - An Excerpt from "The Secret History of Magic" by Peter Lamont & Jim Steinmeyer
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Believing is Seeing?
  9. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • Maurice Raymond to Will Rock
  10. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Prophet Motive III
    • Prophet Motive III
  11. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    • Find the Lady
  12. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • An Alice in Wonderland World
  13. Notizen - Alexander de Cova
    • online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - René Lavand's Trick
    • René Lavand's Trick
  14. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file missing - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Ribbon Spread Color Change - Allen Tan
    3. Sweet Sixteen - George McBride
    4. Silkworm - John Guastaferro
  15. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  16. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
      • Memorandum - Woody Aragon
      • Impromptu Secrets - Dominic Twose
      • The Top Change - Magic Christian
    2. Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
      • Magic on Top (4-discs) - Denis Behr
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • D'Angelo's Touch - Rafael D'Angelo
      • Butterfly Deck - Ondrej Pšenicka
      • The Great Gatsby Book Test - Josh Zandman
      • Indexpress - Michel
      • Ask Paul Podcast (52 Podcasts, notes, and extra content) - Paul Brook
      • Trésor - Jeff Copeland
      • Svenlopes Hollywood - Sven Lee
  17. Advertisers Index
  18. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 8 - August 2018 - 112 pages+ 1 extra
  2. Cover - A. Bandit
  3. an extra online page was added before page 3 to make it a double page
  4. Contents
  5. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Jeff Sheridan Performing 'Magic from Hand to Mind'
    3. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Karl Hein
  6. In Memoriam - Leeman Parker (1984-20180 BY Tom Frank
  7. In Memoriam - Arthur Emerson (1928-2018) by Max Maven
  8. The Eye - Todd Karr
  9. Now Performing
  10. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • The Near Side of Paradise
  11. Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Enchanted Cigar Cabinet
  12. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Harry and Me
  13. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Easy Poker
  14. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • How to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat
  15. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • online video file available -
    • Poetic Ideas
  16. By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
    • The Focal Point Production by Luiz Castro
  17. Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal Brown - The Hydrostatic Glass
    • The Hydrostatic Glass and Professional Certainty
  18. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Too Soon? No, Too Late!
  19. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Flavorless
    • Flavorless
  20. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  21. The Two Faces of A.Bandit - An Excerpt from "A Secret Has Two Faces" by A.Bandit - the Collaborative Work of Glenn Kaino & Derek DelGaudio
    1. Performance Art - Richard Kaufman
    2. Trials of Slydini
    3. David Blaine Interview
    4. The Space Between
    5. In & Of Itself
    6. A Walk Through China
    7. Teller Interview
    8. Billboard
    9. A.Bandit Deck of Cards
    10. The Mistake Room
    11. A.rt Activator
    12. 184 seconds
    13. Origins of A.Bandit
      1. online video file available - Derek DelGaudio - Invisible Dialogues (FoST 2017)
      2. online video file available - Derek DelGaudio & Frank Oz Discuss 'In & of Itself'
      3. online video file available - A Holiday Message from Glenn Kaino
      4. online video file available - Glenn Kaino - Safe-Vanish at LAXART, Los Angeles
    14. My House Will be Called a House of Art
    15. The Grand Finale
  22. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
      • At the Table Lecture - Jonathan Friedman
      • The Vault: Backlash 2 - Paul Harris
      • The Vault: Energy Bill - Andrew Gerard
      • Punched - Lewis Tranter
      • Penguin Live Lecture - G
    2. Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
      • Gumfounded - Steve Rowe
      • UBox - Edouard Boulanger & Jeremie Josi
      • The Secret Lexicon - Todd Karr
      • The Non-Tossed Deck - Nick Lewin
      • The Omen - Chris Congreave
      • Color Monte - Jim Temple
    3. Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
      • The Long Goodbye: Latta on Coins - Stephen Minch & Stephen Hobbs
      • Repertoire - Asi Wind & John Lovick
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 9 - September 2018 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Eric Jones
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - USPS The Art of Magic - Gone Gal - Mac King
    3. online video file available -
    4. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    5. online audio file available -
  5. In Memoriam - Brian Gillis (1946-2018) by The Amazing Johnathan
    • online video file available - In Memoriam - Brian Gillis
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. Now Performing
  8. Eric Jones: One Shot - Dustin Stinett
    1. online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
    2. online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
    3. online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
    4. online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
  9. The Forgotten Edward G. Brown - Andi Gladwin
    1. The Poker Hand - Trevor Hall
  10. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Experience a Plenary Jolt
  11. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • Dante to Levante
  12. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • Hidden in P.V.
  13. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    • Smartie Pants
  14. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - La Gioconda (Daryl, Bannon)
    • La Gioconda (Daryl, Bannon)
  15. Notizen - Alexander de Cova
    • online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - Boxed Transposition
    • Boxed Transposition
  16. Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
    • All Change at Methley Street
  17. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Near Enough, Yet So Far Away - Jack Carpenter
    3. It's In the Bag - Kurt Freitag
    4. Simon's Bewildered Prediction - Simon Carmel
  18. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  19. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Videos Reviewed by Shiv Duggal
      • Post-In - Victor Sanz
      • Penguin Live Lecture - Think Nguyen
      • The Show - Instant Memorized Deck - Woody Aragon
    2. Books Reviewed by David Britland
      • Richard Potter: America's First Black Celebrity - John A. Hodgson
      • Here Is Real Magic: A Magician's Search for Wonder in the Modern World - Nate Staniforth
      • Spun Into Gold: The Secret Life of a Female Magician - Romany Romany
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Hover Card Plus - Dan Harlan & Nicholas Lawrence
      • Close-up Cardiographic - Martin Lewis
      • Switch-a-lope - Arnaud
      • Mouth Coils - Opkoopjes
      • Backstab - Zak Mirzadeh
      • Klik - Agus Tjiu
  20. Advertisers Index
  21. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 10 - October 2018 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Celebrating 30 Years of Le Double Fond [The Duviviers]
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - John Scarne - Exposé of Sleight of Hand
    3. online audio file missing - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Carisa Hendrix
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - David Linsell (1953-2018) by Julie Eng
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Shades of Martin Gardner?
  9. Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Miraculous Glass Casket
  10. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Advanced Teleportation
  11. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Gum Ball Recall
    • Gum Ball Recall
  12. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • Science of Audience Management 101
  13. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Offworld
  14. Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • Carson, McCartney, and Hay
  15. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • online video file available - Artifices - Roberto Mansilla - Hero - Where One Card Gives Its Life for Another
    • Hero: Where One Card Gives Its Life for Another
  16. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Mystery Wand - David Kuraya & John Guastaferro
    3. You Only Live Thrice - FLIP
    4. Time Will Tell - John Guastaferro
  17. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  18. Magic Live! 2018 - David Kaye & Dustin Stinett
  19. 30 Years of Le Double Fond - Boris Wild Interviews Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier
    1. online video file available - Le Double Fond
    2. online video file available - Le Double Fond
    3. online video file available - Le Double Fond
  20. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • Handcrafted Card Magic, Volume 3 - Denis Behr
      • A New Angle - Ryan Plunkett & Michael Feldman
    2. Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
      • Boris Wild's Sensations (2-disc set or download) - Boris Wild
      • Conscious Magic Episode 4 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
      • Conscious Magic Episode 5 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
    3. Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
      • Amazebox Black - Mark Shortland
      • LightPaint - Mathieu Bich
      • Omni Case - Laurent Villigeer
      • Pocket Collector - Jordan Victoria
      • Banshees Throwing Cards - Murphy's Magic
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 11 - November 2018 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Piff The Magic Dragon
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Frank Garcia Private unpublished Magic Lessons Part 1
    3. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Piff
  5. In Memoriam - Moi-yo Miller Montes (1914-2018) by Mike Caveney
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. Now Performing
  8. Piff: The Accidental Dragon
    1. Part One - The Dragon and the Peacock - Jared Kopf
    2. Part Two - The Genii and the Dragon - Interview by Richard Kaufman
    3. online video file available - The Thoughts of Mr Piffles
    4. online video file available - Piff the Magic Dragon on America's Got Talent - Magicians Got Talent
    5. online video file available - Piff the Magic Dragon Hong Kong vs the #PiffDeck
    6. online video file available - Penn & Teller Fool Us - Piff & Finn & Teller
  9. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Get Real!
  10. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • Les Levante to John Mulholland
  11. Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
    • ... sometimes you just go.
  12. Making Magic - Martin Lewis
    • Teletop
  13. Dealing with It - John Bannon
    • online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - On The Border
    • On The Border
  14. Notizen - Alexander de Cova
    • online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - The Hole (El Agujero)
    • The Hole (El Agujero)
  15. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Between - Do Ki Moon
    3. Centerfold - John Guastaferro
    4. Blackjack Prediction - John Guastaferro & Simon Carmel
  16. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  17. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Books Reviewed by John Lovick
      • DeLand: Mystery and Madness - Richard Kaufman
      • How to Make Love the Steve Spill Way - Steve Spill
    2. Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
      • Penguin Live Lecture - Jon Armstrong
      • Penguin Live Lecture - Terry Ward
    3. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Of Dice and Men (Hug/Kill) - Tom Stone
      • In Plain Sight - Matt Johnson
      • Bliss - Noel Qualter
      • FIT (Coin Thru Ring) - Paul Carnazzo
      • The Ambitious Card from Hell - Jeff Nalazek
      • Blistering - James Anthony
  18. Advertisers Index
  19. Subscription Information

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 12 - December 2018 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Laura London
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Shin Lim Performs Jaw-Dropping, Unbelievable Card Magic - America's Got Talent 2018
    3. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Doug McKenzie
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Casting Another Net of Magic
  8. Theodore DeLand: Genius and Madman - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Optical Illusions of Theodore DeLand - Bill Mullins
    2. Theodore DeLand's Eureka Card Trick - Richard Kaufman
  9. Laura London: Magic Saved My Life - David Britland
    1. online video file available - Laura London on Penn & Teller's 'Fool Us'
    2. online video file available - Laura London Performs the Perfect 'Card to Impossible Location'
    3. online video file available - Laura London - Card in Bottle
    4. online video file available - Laura London - Homepage Video
    5. online video file available - Laura London - AskLondon
    6. online video file available - Laura London on The Next Great Magician
  10. Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
    • The Enchanted chest of Drawers
  11. Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Co-Conspirators
  12. The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
    • The Enlightenment of a Pro
  13. Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
    • online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal - Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
    • Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
  14. Cardopolis - David Britland
    • Alien
  15. Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
    • Catharsis
  16. Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
    • online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Containmint
    • Containmint
  17. Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
    • The Different Forms of Icarus
  18. Magicana - John Guastaferro
    1. online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
    2. Portable Straw - John Guastaferro
    3. Ring on Straw - John Guastaferro
    4. Virus 2.0 - John Guastaferro
    5. Hyperspace - John Guastaferro
  19. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
    1. Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
    2. Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
  20. Grandpa Magic (an Excerpt) - Allan Zola Kronzek
    1. How to Turn a Napkin into a Chicken
    2. Creepy Crawly
  21. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
      • Parade of Jacks (parlor Size) - Meir Yedid
      • Quarter Pounder - R. Paul Wilson
      • Brix - Mr. Pearl
      • SNAP! - Jordan O'Grady
      • Glance: Updated Edition - Steve Thompson
      • Out of the Blue - James Anthony
      • The Seer Deck - Liam Montier
      • Crash Joker 2.0 - Sonny Boom
    2. Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
      • Firkin of Deipotent Trouvailles - John Hostler
      • The Magic of Jonathan Friedman (The Musical) - Jonathan Friedman
      • Solomon's Secrets - David Solomon
      • Void - Steven Palmer
    3. Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
      • Essential Magic Collection Passion (4-DVD set) - Bernard Bilis
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Subscription Information

word count: 574443 which is equivalent to 2297 standard pages of text

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