January 2018 - December 2018
1298 pages including 2 extra pages
[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 1 - January 2018 - 112 pages + 1 extra
- Cover - Handsome Jack [John Lovick]
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 2 - Eugene Burger
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Jared Kopf
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- Harry Houdini to Ellis Stanyon
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- Threesome
- Improved Zens Envelope Switch
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Chicago Fire
- Chicago Fire
- Lodestones - Tom Stone
- online video file available - Lodestones - Tom Stone - Foe of Dr Kimble
- Foe of Dr. Kimble
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- online video file available - Artifices - Roberto Mansilla - Harmony
- Harmony
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Ring It On - John Guastaferro
- Flash Flood - John Guastaferro with Bébel
- Spectral - John Guastaferro
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Lovick: Handsome Is As Handsome Does - Jared Kopf
- online video file available -
- How I Fooled Penn & Teller - John Lovick
- online video file available - John Lovick - How I Fooled Penn & Teller
- The 7th European Magic History Conference - Gene Matsuura, M.D.
- Natalie & Eli: Queens of Quick Change - Retonio
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- Teaching Magic: A Book for Students and Teachers of the Art - Eugene Burger, additional material by Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.
- Coins and Other Fables - Luis Piedrahita
- You and Me and the Devil Makes Three, Volumes I and II - John Wilson
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- Cardiographic LITE - Martin Lewis
- The RFA Wallet - RFA Productions
- Aces from the Fore - Stephen Tucker
- The Fly - Marcos Waldemar
- Hof-Sender Aces - Tom Gagnon
- The Magic Tube - Gabbo Torres & George Iglesias
- Baffling Bunny - Dick Barry
- Self-Flipping Notepad - Victor Sanz
- iTime Rewind - Beau Cremer
- In a Flash - Felix Bodden
- Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
- Magic from My Heart (5-disc set) - Juan Tamariz
- The Magician (4-disc set) - TV Show starring Bill Bixby
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Extra page - not in print edition - 1 page
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 2 - February 2018 - 104 pages
- Cover - Max Maven
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 3 - Eugene Burger
- online video file available - Warfu Sohonke - Japanese TV Show - Tenyo
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Rob Zabrecky
- In Memoriam - Walter Graham (1923-2018) by Richard Kaufman
- In Memoriam - Johnny Fox (1953-2017) by Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Rob Zabrecky
- online video file available - Johnny Fox Needs Maalox [commercial]
- online video file available - Johnny Fox on Jonathan Winters TV Special
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Brother, Can You Paradigm?
- The Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Sharing is Caring
- Sharing is Caring
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- A Difficult and Lovely Life
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Are You a Jerk or an Expert?
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- Follow the Directions or, Nothing is What it Seems
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Ring Trip - Sean Cinco
- The Naturals - Michal Kociolek
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Jon Racherbaumer
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Crafting Magic: The Magic House of Babcock - William Winters
- Tenyo 2018 - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Tenyo - Constellation Cards
- online video file available - Tenyo - Mental Bento
- online video file available - Tenyo - Mind Stick
- online video file available - Tenyo - Miracle Blindfold
- online video file available - Tenyo - Miracle Dowsing Rods
- online video file available - Tenyo - Smart Guillotine
- online video file available - Tenyo - Mickey Mouse Poster
- Max: The Making of a Maven - David Britland
- online video file available - Max Maven - Mental Rescue
- online video file available - Max Maven - Panache
- online video file available - Max Maven - Handling Humans
- online video file available - Max Maven - 6 Card Broadway
- online video file available - Max Maven - Get Off My Lawn
- online video file available - Max Maven - Night Flight
- online video file available - Max Maven - Pocket Nightmare
- online video file available - Max Maven - Territory
- online video file available - Max Maven - Singularity
- online video file available - Max Maven - Rorrim
- online video file available - Max Maven - Cognomen
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Kayfabe (4-disc set) - Max Maven
- Standing Up On Stage (Volumes 1-5) - Scott Alexander
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Off World - J.P. Vallarino
- Neo Mix - Jim Krenz
- Gerti Reborn - Romanos
- Snitch - Peter Eggink
- Invisible Triumph - Jim Krenz
- Aiden - Ryuhei Nakamura
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- JawDroppers Two - Harry Lorayne
- They Lived by Tricks - Pietro Micheli
- Card Devilry - J. K. Hartman
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 3 - March 2018 - 104 pages
- Cover - Randy Sinnott
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - R Paul Wilson
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- Now Performing
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Rockstars
- Rockstars
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- René Lavand, Magician
- online video file available - Artifices - Robert Mansilla - René Lavand on El Circo de Marrone
- online video file available - Artifices - Robert Mansilla - René Lavand Knives 'Navajas'
- Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- Alan Wakeling, Charlie Miller, and "The Egg on Fan"
- online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal - Egg on Fan
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Flashback '88 - Jonathan Friedman
- Double Express Sandwiches - Rudy Tinoco
- Charlier Shift Control - Eddie McColl
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Schedule
- Mac and the Bear - Mike Weatherford
- Randy Sinnott: Battle to Battle - Jim Steinmeyer
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
- Scripting Magic Deluxe Set (Two Volume Set) - Pete McCabe
- Excellence in Family Magic - Scott Green
- Reel Magicians - Glen Weissenberger
- Tricks Reviewed by Ryan Matney
- Control - Darryl Vanamburg
- Silent Assistant - SansMinds
- Charming Chinese Challenge - Troy Hooser
- The Timeless Project - RSVP Magic
- Project Swiss Army - Brandon David & Chris Turchi
- Card Clone - Big Blind Media
- Zodiac - Eduardo Kozuch, German Dabat, and Michel
- Signs - Manuel Llaser
- Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
- Kayfabe (4-DVD set) - Max Maven
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 4 - April 2018 - 104 pages
- Cover - Mike Pisciotta
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Stuart McCloud
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- Mike Pisciotta: Following Bliss - Dustin Stinett
- online video file available - Mike Pisciotta
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Scooby Snacks for Trick-Weary Sorcerers?
- Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Wonderful Glass Lanterns
- Notizen - Alexander de Cova
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Assistants: Their Care and Feeding
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Inner Origami
- Inner Origami: The Bill Change of Happiness
- You Are All Terrible - Harrison Greenbaum
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- Delta Farce, Last Seen Losing Height Rapidly
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- CopSilBrass - Alfredo Alvarez
- Hat Trick - Chris Westfall
- One Move Reverse - Alexandr Erohin
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Vision: A New era for Card Magic - Martin Eisele
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by David Britland
- Anthony Owen's Secrets - Anthony Owen
- Artful Deceptions - Allan Zola Kronzek
- The St. James' Guide, or the Sharper Detected - Anon
- Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
- Favorites - Roberto Giobbi
- Conscious Magic Episode 4 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
- Impossible Location Card Tricks - John Carey
- Quidnunc Plus - Paul Gordon
- Three Why - Kainoa Harbottle
- Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
- Sharpie Quickie - Platt Magic
- The Imagination box - Olivier Pont
- Unshuffled Kicker - Paul Gertner
- Rotational - Snake & Rick Piccone
- First Hand & Rizer - Justin Miller & Paul Harris - Eric ross & B. Smith
- Peek Pack - Brian Gillis
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 5 - May 2018 - 112 pages
- Cover - Richard Turner
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Johnny Thompson
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- Richard Turner: Still Wheeling and Dealing - Jon Racherbaumer
- online video file available - Richard Turner - Dealt Trailer
- 24 Things You May Not Know About Richard Turner
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- The Great Leon to Charles Carter
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Blind Coincidence Revisited
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- It's Deja Chew, All Over Again!
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Three-Part Harmony
- Three-Part Harmony
- Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- Sakamoto's Cut and Restored Silk
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- SATA Switch - Patrick Kuroka
- Speedy - Luiz Castro
- The Burnaby Bluff - Andrew Musgrave
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Craig Filicetti and ProMystic Rocketing Mentalism Into the 21st Century - Jerry Camarillo Dunn, Jr.
- ProMystic's Lineup
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Shiv Duggal
- Ripped and Fryed - Charlie Frye
- Tokyo Magic Carnival (5 DVDs)
- Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 1: Control - Ars-Takeshi Taniguchi
- Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 2: Move - Ponta the Smith
- Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 3: Touch - Shimpei Katsuragawa
- Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 4: Create - Nobuyuki Nojima
- Tokyo Magic Carnival, Volume 5: Original - Dr. Sawa
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- The Paradigm Shift (and Other Moves and Routines That Use Them) - Volumes One and Two - Michael Close
- There is a missing download link for the above
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- ThoughtCast (app & hardware) - Benjamin Budzak
- Zodiac - Lee Petrucci and Steven Skindell
- Svencards - Sven Lee
- Mint Box - Daniel Garcia
- Touch - Paul Curry, presented by Nick Locapo
- Monkey in the middle - Bill Goldman, presented by Magick Balay
- Gone Fishin' - Roddy McGhie
- Tru - Menny Lindenfeld
- Mixed perception - Cameron Francis
- Baffling Blocks - Eric Leclerc
- PyroPlastic - Jared Manley
- Word Up - Vinny Sagoo
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 6 - June 2018 - 112 pages
- Cover - Harry Anderson (1952-2018)
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Pit Hartling
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- Harry Anderson's Sweet Hereafter - Jon Racherbaumer
- online video file available - Harry Anderson - Hello, Sucker!
- online video file available - Harry Anderson - Comedy Magic
- 10 Ways of Looking at The Hat - Jon Racherbaumer
- The 50th Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show - Dustin Stinett
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Enchanted Drawer and Dissolving Dice
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- The Ambitious Young Executive
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Vestis Virum Reddit (Clothes Make the Man)
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - No More Card Tricks v2
- No More Card Tricks v2
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Center of Attention - Harapan Ong
- Mind Game - John Guastaferro
- Wild Yuan - Chong Huang
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- The Magic of Johnny Thompson, Volumes I and II - Jamy Ian Swiss & Johnny Thompson
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Super Strong, Super Simple - Ryan Shlutz
- Double Dutch - Fritz Alkemade
- Project Alpha Mail - Harry Robson & Matthew Wright
- Real Deck Switches - Ben Earl
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Candy - Edouard Boulanger
- EyePhone - Alan Boyd with Mark Mason & Chris Kenworthy
- Twister Flavor - Snake & Tumi Magic
- SwitchBox - Mickael Chatelain
- Svenlopes Yin & Yang - Sven Lee
- The Executive Grid - Paul McCaig & Luca Volpe
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 7 - July 2018 - 104 pages
- Cover - The Secret History of Magic - An Excerpt on Robert-Houdin
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Johnny Carson - Magic Card Trick (1971) - MDA Telethon
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Derek Hughes
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- The Seed Planted by Robert-Houdin - An Excerpt from "The Secret History of Magic" by Peter Lamont & Jim Steinmeyer
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- Maurice Raymond to Will Rock
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - Prophet Motive III
- Prophet Motive III
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- An Alice in Wonderland World
- Notizen - Alexander de Cova
- online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - René Lavand's Trick
- René Lavand's Trick
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file missing - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Ribbon Spread Color Change - Allen Tan
- Sweet Sixteen - George McBride
- Silkworm - John Guastaferro
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
- Memorandum - Woody Aragon
- Impromptu Secrets - Dominic Twose
- The Top Change - Magic Christian
- Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
- Magic on Top (4-discs) - Denis Behr
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- D'Angelo's Touch - Rafael D'Angelo
- Butterfly Deck - Ondrej Pšenicka
- The Great Gatsby Book Test - Josh Zandman
- Indexpress - Michel
- Ask Paul Podcast (52 Podcasts, notes, and extra content) - Paul Brook
- Trésor - Jeff Copeland
- Svenlopes Hollywood - Sven Lee
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 8 - August 2018 - 112 pages+ 1 extra
- Cover - A. Bandit
- an extra online page was added before page 3 to make it a double page
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Jeff Sheridan Performing 'Magic from Hand to Mind'
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Karl Hein
- In Memoriam - Leeman Parker (1984-20180 BY Tom Frank
- In Memoriam - Arthur Emerson (1928-2018) by Max Maven
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- The Near Side of Paradise
- Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Enchanted Cigar Cabinet
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- How to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- online video file available -
- Poetic Ideas
- By Means of Metal - Kainoa Harbottle
- The Focal Point Production by Luiz Castro
- Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal Brown - The Hydrostatic Glass
- The Hydrostatic Glass and Professional Certainty
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Flavorless
- Flavorless
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- The Two Faces of A.Bandit - An Excerpt from "A Secret Has Two Faces" by A.Bandit - the Collaborative Work of Glenn Kaino & Derek DelGaudio
- Performance Art - Richard Kaufman
- Trials of Slydini
- David Blaine Interview
- The Space Between
- In & Of Itself
- A Walk Through China
- Teller Interview
- Billboard
- A.Bandit Deck of Cards
- The Mistake Room
- A.rt Activator
- 184 seconds
- Origins of A.Bandit
- online video file available - Derek DelGaudio - Invisible Dialogues (FoST 2017)
- online video file available - Derek DelGaudio & Frank Oz Discuss 'In & of Itself'
- online video file available - A Holiday Message from Glenn Kaino
- online video file available - Glenn Kaino - Safe-Vanish at LAXART, Los Angeles
- My House Will be Called a House of Art
- The Grand Finale
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
- At the Table Lecture - Jonathan Friedman
- The Vault: Backlash 2 - Paul Harris
- The Vault: Energy Bill - Andrew Gerard
- Punched - Lewis Tranter
- Penguin Live Lecture - G
- Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
- Gumfounded - Steve Rowe
- UBox - Edouard Boulanger & Jeremie Josi
- The Secret Lexicon - Todd Karr
- The Non-Tossed Deck - Nick Lewin
- The Omen - Chris Congreave
- Color Monte - Jim Temple
- Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- The Long Goodbye: Latta on Coins - Stephen Minch & Stephen Hobbs
- Repertoire - Asi Wind & John Lovick
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 9 - September 2018 - 112 pages
- Cover - Eric Jones
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - USPS The Art of Magic - Gone Gal - Mac King
- online video file available -
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available -
- In Memoriam - Brian Gillis (1946-2018) by The Amazing Johnathan
- online video file available - In Memoriam - Brian Gillis
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- Eric Jones: One Shot - Dustin Stinett
- online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
- online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
- online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
- online video file available - Eric Jones on AGT 2017
- The Forgotten Edward G. Brown - Andi Gladwin
- The Poker Hand - Trevor Hall
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Experience a Plenary Jolt
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - La Gioconda (Daryl, Bannon)
- La Gioconda (Daryl, Bannon)
- Notizen - Alexander de Cova
- online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - Boxed Transposition
- Boxed Transposition
- Hidden Treasures - Bob Read
- All Change at Methley Street
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Near Enough, Yet So Far Away - Jack Carpenter
- It's In the Bag - Kurt Freitag
- Simon's Bewildered Prediction - Simon Carmel
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Videos Reviewed by Shiv Duggal
- Post-In - Victor Sanz
- Penguin Live Lecture - Think Nguyen
- The Show - Instant Memorized Deck - Woody Aragon
- Books Reviewed by David Britland
- Richard Potter: America's First Black Celebrity - John A. Hodgson
- Here Is Real Magic: A Magician's Search for Wonder in the Modern World - Nate Staniforth
- Spun Into Gold: The Secret Life of a Female Magician - Romany Romany
- Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
- Hover Card Plus - Dan Harlan & Nicholas Lawrence
- Close-up Cardiographic - Martin Lewis
- Switch-a-lope - Arnaud
- Mouth Coils - Opkoopjes
- Backstab - Zak Mirzadeh
- Klik - Agus Tjiu
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 10 - October 2018 - 96 pages
- Cover - Celebrating 30 Years of Le Double Fond [The Duviviers]
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - John Scarne - Exposé of Sleight of Hand
- online audio file missing - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Carisa Hendrix
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- In Memoriam - David Linsell (1953-2018) by Julie Eng
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Shades of Martin Gardner?
- Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Miraculous Glass Casket
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Gum Ball Recall
- Gum Ball Recall
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- Science of Audience Management 101
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- Carson, McCartney, and Hay
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- online video file available - Artifices - Roberto Mansilla - Hero - Where One Card Gives Its Life for Another
- Hero: Where One Card Gives Its Life for Another
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Mystery Wand - David Kuraya & John Guastaferro
- You Only Live Thrice - FLIP
- Time Will Tell - John Guastaferro
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Magic Live! 2018 - David Kaye & Dustin Stinett
- 30 Years of Le Double Fond - Boris Wild Interviews Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier
- online video file available - Le Double Fond
- online video file available - Le Double Fond
- online video file available - Le Double Fond
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- Handcrafted Card Magic, Volume 3 - Denis Behr
- A New Angle - Ryan Plunkett & Michael Feldman
- Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Boris Wild's Sensations (2-disc set or download) - Boris Wild
- Conscious Magic Episode 4 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
- Conscious Magic Episode 5 - Andrew Gerard & Ran Pink
- Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Amazebox Black - Mark Shortland
- LightPaint - Mathieu Bich
- Omni Case - Laurent Villigeer
- Pocket Collector - Jordan Victoria
- Banshees Throwing Cards - Murphy's Magic
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 11 - November 2018 - 112 pages
- Cover - Piff The Magic Dragon
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Frank Garcia Private unpublished Magic Lessons Part 1
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Piff
- In Memoriam - Moi-yo Miller Montes (1914-2018) by Mike Caveney
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- Piff: The Accidental Dragon
- Part One - The Dragon and the Peacock - Jared Kopf
- Part Two - The Genii and the Dragon - Interview by Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - The Thoughts of Mr Piffles
- online video file available - Piff the Magic Dragon on America's Got Talent - Magicians Got Talent
- online video file available - Piff the Magic Dragon Hong Kong vs the #PiffDeck
- online video file available - Penn & Teller Fool Us - Piff & Finn & Teller
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
- Les Levante to John Mulholland
- Happiness is the Road - Hannibal
- ... sometimes you just go.
- Making Magic - Martin Lewis
- Dealing with It - John Bannon
- online video file available - Dealing With It - John Bannon - On The Border
- On The Border
- Notizen - Alexander de Cova
- online video file available - Notizen - Alexander de Cova - The Hole (El Agujero)
- The Hole (El Agujero)
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Between - Do Ki Moon
- Centerfold - John Guastaferro
- Blackjack Prediction - John Guastaferro & Simon Carmel
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Books Reviewed by John Lovick
- DeLand: Mystery and Madness - Richard Kaufman
- How to Make Love the Steve Spill Way - Steve Spill
- Videos Reviewed by Nathan Coe Marsh
- Penguin Live Lecture - Jon Armstrong
- Penguin Live Lecture - Terry Ward
- Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
- Of Dice and Men (Hug/Kill) - Tom Stone
- In Plain Sight - Matt Johnson
- Bliss - Noel Qualter
- FIT (Coin Thru Ring) - Paul Carnazzo
- The Ambitious Card from Hell - Jeff Nalazek
- Blistering - James Anthony
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
- Genii - Volume 81, Number 12 - December 2018 - 112 pages
- Cover - Laura London
- Contents
- Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Shin Lim Performs Jaw-Dropping, Unbelievable Card Magic - America's Got Talent 2018
- online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Doug McKenzie
- The Eye - Todd Karr
- Now Performing
- On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
- Casting Another Net of Magic
- Theodore DeLand: Genius and Madman - Richard Kaufman
- online video file available - Optical Illusions of Theodore DeLand - Bill Mullins
- Theodore DeLand's Eureka Card Trick - Richard Kaufman
- Laura London: Magic Saved My Life - David Britland
- online video file available - Laura London on Penn & Teller's 'Fool Us'
- online video file available - Laura London Performs the Perfect 'Card to Impossible Location'
- online video file available - Laura London - Card in Bottle
- online video file available - Laura London - Homepage Video
- online video file available - Laura London - AskLondon
- online video file available - Laura London on The Next Great Magician
- Chamber of Secrets - John Gaughan as told to Dustin Stinett
- The Enchanted chest of Drawers
- Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
- The Expert at the Kids' Table - David Kaye
- The Enlightenment of a Pro
- Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal
- online video file available - Secrets Within Secrets - Jonathan Neal - Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
- Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
- Cardopolis - David Britland
- Panmagium - Jonathan Pendragon
- Left-Handed - Jeff Prace
- online video file available - Left-Handed - Jeff Prace - Containmint
- Containmint
- Artifices - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Peter Cobb)
- The Different Forms of Icarus
- Magicana - John Guastaferro
- online video file available - Video Magicana - John Guastaferro
- Portable Straw - John Guastaferro
- Ring on Straw - John Guastaferro
- Virus 2.0 - John Guastaferro
- Hyperspace - John Guastaferro
- The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle - Jason Andrew Davidson
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
- Grandpa Magic (an Excerpt) - Allan Zola Kronzek
- How to Turn a Napkin into a Chicken
- Creepy Crawly
- Light from the Lamp - Reviews
- Tricks Reviewed by Brad Henderson
- Parade of Jacks (parlor Size) - Meir Yedid
- Quarter Pounder - R. Paul Wilson
- Brix - Mr. Pearl
- SNAP! - Jordan O'Grady
- Glance: Updated Edition - Steve Thompson
- Out of the Blue - James Anthony
- The Seer Deck - Liam Montier
- Crash Joker 2.0 - Sonny Boom
- Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
- Firkin of Deipotent Trouvailles - John Hostler
- The Magic of Jonathan Friedman (The Musical) - Jonathan Friedman
- Solomon's Secrets - David Solomon
- Void - Steven Palmer
- Videos Reviewed by Ryan Matney
- Essential Magic Collection Passion (4-DVD set) - Bernard Bilis
- Advertisers Index
- Subscription Information
word count: 574443 which is equivalent to 2297 standard pages of text