George G. Kaplan
(USA: 24th April, 1902 - 1st September 2001)
Inspired c1914 seeing The Great Leon show at Loew's State Theater in New York. Accountant (CPA) in New York City. Amateur magician. Joined the SAM Parent Assembly #1 in 1928 and named its Dean on his 93rd birthday in 1995 when he was still active in magic. During World War II he entertained at canteens and military hospitals.
Invented The Bombay Mystery card trick (1944). Tricks in Hugard's Magic Monthly 1944-53. Wrote The Fine Art of Magic (1948, 341pp; with a 1955 French translation, 2nd edition 2019 with Warren J. Kaps).
Coauthors: Warren J. Kaps