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George Marchese

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Bestselling Products for George Marchese


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George Marchese
L'Illusionista by George Marchese

L'ILLUSIONISTA 1890-91 prima serie completa

IL progetto che vi presentiamo ha, tra l'altro lo scopo di conservare e trasmettere opere classiche della Prestigiazione che altrimenti andrebbero perdute. E' con gioia quindi che vi presentiamo la digitalizzazione della prima serie di quella che fu la prima rivista di Prestigiazione pubblicata nel nostro paese!


Pubblicata a Genova dall' agosto 1890 all'aprile 1891. Come esso stesso si definisce: " Periodico mensile di Prestidigitazione unico in Italia che si occupi esclusivamente di tale materia". Il periodico fu edito...

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George Marchese
Master Mental System by George Marchese

From the introduction:

I like to read old magic books. Many times you can find real treasure within their pages. When I found the following old and anonymous manuscript I was simply stunned! It outlined a complete two people first class mental act. The "no words" code used is really easy and useful. It permits to transmit very detailed infos to the "medium", as you will see reading the manuscript. This manuscript was published about a century ago and I think that the mental routine that it contains should be known to modern generations of magic enthusiasts. So here it is...I hope you like...

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George Marchese
5 Trucchi al Telefono by George Marchese

5 grandi effetti da eseguire a distanza, per telefono o in videoconferenza

Oggi più che mai è il mondo dello spettacolo deve rispondere a nuove sfide.

La domanda che molti si sono posti è: “È possibile continuare a destare stupore e meraviglia a distanza, pur non essendo fisicamente presenti?

Questo libro è la risposta a questa domanda! Abbiamo raccolto 5 grandi trucchi che possono essere eseguiti nelle condizioni che abbiamo descritto. Li potete eseguire per telefono o in videoconferenza.

I trucchi qui descritti sono davvero incredibili, come potrete constatare eseguendoli....

★★★★ $8
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George Marchese
Super Memory List: print and perform 1 by George Marchese

("Print and Perform" is a new magic series that will enable you to easily build yourself beautiful tricks just printing them.)


You, the memory-man, demonstrate to really have a super memory. You show to the audience a sheet of paper containing a list of 50 six-digit numbers. You declare that you have committed to memory the full list. The six digit numbers are identified by ciphers from 1 to 50. The identifying ciphers are scrambled to make it more difficult memorizing the associated six digit number. Three or more spectators, in turn, choose and announce one identifying figure...

★★★★★ $4
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George Marchese
Transparent Prediction: print and perform 2 by George Marchese

This is the second in the series "print and perform". In this series you have not only the instructions for the tricks but also the templates to print and perform the effects.

EFFECT : You show an envelope containing a "prediction" and give it to hold to someone. A spectator is given a pocket calculator (… or he can use the one on his cellphone…). He freely chooses a 3 digit number and then is told to make some simple calculations arriving at a random total. At this point you take the envelope with the prediction, open it and extract a sheet of clear plastic with your prediction printed...

★★★★★ $4
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