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Master Mental System
by George Marchese

#1 Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels author
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Master Mental System by George Marchese

From the introduction:

I like to read old magic books. Many times you can find real treasure within their pages. When I found the following old and anonymous manuscript I was simply stunned! It outlined a complete two people first class mental act. The "no words" code used is really easy and useful. It permits to transmit very detailed infos to the "medium", as you will see reading the manuscript. This manuscript was published about a century ago and I think that the mental routine that it contains should be known to modern generations of magic enthusiasts. So here it is...I hope you like it and use it. Have fun.

Here is the effect:

Imagine the curtain rising on a stage set with utmost simplicity, the main property being In fact but a small, undraped table which might very well be an ordinary card table. A pack of cards, a purse, cigarettes, a few books, possibly some few other small articles rest upon it. The stern but pleasant gentleman who has just introduced himself to the audience is saying something about the possibilities of what he terms "silent thought transmission or projection" or the transmission of thought waves without physical contact. We listen, possibly we smile. But wait. We prick up our ears. He offers to prove his point, and then brings forward his assistant, or had we better term him "medium" who in this case happens to be a remarkably cool and self-possessed man. A committee is quickly chosen, who take him away, and in a distant room to guard him carefully that he may have no inkling of what is to occur in his absence.

The medium gone, a series of tests is proposed and arranged. A card is chosen from a pack, a small amount of money is placed in a purse, a card is initialed and sealed in an envelope, a watch is set at any desired hour, a book is chosen from the several present and a page and selection freely chosen, possibly some colored crayons are taken from their case.

The lecturer sums up: "Surely his assistant can have no prior knowledge of what has been done, even the committee on guard is entirely ignorant of what has taken place. He himself will now leave the room, and the absent committee may now produce the object of their care." Himself retiring at once, the committee file in with the medium. They testify as to their extreme vigilance. Possibly they have even taken the precaution to blindfold the medium. They step back, allowing the medium, who seems remarkably cool and collected for a man about to undertake a most serious feat in mentology, to stand alone.

Some of the audience are smiling. We smile with them. There is a subdued murmur of "it can't be done" BUT HE DOES DO IT. Wonder of wonders, the card is named, the correct amount in the purse is stated, to climax all the medium turns to the correct page and reads the desired selection. We stand amazed, and go home wondering. Have we really witnessed an exhibition of thought transmission? What magic is this? Truly wonderful.

1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.
word count: 2098 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text