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Good Turns
by Jon Racherbaumer


(1 review, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Good Turns by Jon Racherbaumer

Even though the small packet card trick goes at least back to Hofzinser's times Jon argues that the modern small packet trick started in the 1940s when the Buckle Count was introduced by Dai Vernon and got into full swing when the Ghost Count (Elmsley Count) entered the stage.

Jon writes:

When the Elmsley Count became more widely known, the genie was out of the bottle. Vernon’s “Twisting The Aces” provided momentum. Marlo’s groundbreaking work on “Think Ace” and “Touch Turn” was privately circulating and then was eventually published in The Linking Ring. By the time Larry West and Verne Chesbro published Tricks You Can Count On, all hell broke loose.

Jon Racherbaumer collects here a large variation on 'twistin and turning' effects.

[Please not that although Jon references photos in the ebook there are no photos included yet. We think that the text itself will be of interest and that is why we are releasing it as it is. At some point Jon intends to add the photos. When that happens all customers will be able to download the version with the photos.]

Included are:


  • Touch Turn (Edward Marlo)
  • Twisting the Aces (Dai Vernon)
  • Fisting the Aces (Robert Walker)


  • Queenie (Piet Forton)
  • Turning Aces (Bob Walker)
  • Completing Crux Deluxe (Edward Marlo)


  • Hamman’s Twist (Brother John Hamman)
  • Hamanesque Twist (Gene Castillon)
  • The Upturned Ones (Jon Racherbaumer)


  • Maxi-Twist (Roger Smith)
  • Maximizing Maxi-Twist (John Bannon)
  • Twisted Reset (Don England)


  • Twist’in (Larry Jennings)
  • Twistful (Phil Goldstein)
  • Twixter (Jason Alford)
  • Transparency Twister (Dominique Divivier)
  • Hyper-Twist (Robert Walker)


  • Pineapple Surprise I (Bruce Cervon, Dai Vernon)
  • Pineapple Surprise II (Luis Iglesis)
  • Pinapple Preserve (Bob Walker)


  • Blushing Jokers (Peter Kane)
  • Impact (Roy Walton)
  • Further Impact (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Prunes and Prisms (Robert Walker)
  • This is a Four Ace…Um…Queen Trick (Edward Marlo)
  • This is a Four King Trick (Edward Marlo)

1st edition 1977; 2nd edition 2002; 56 pages.
word count: 29043 which is equivalent to 116 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Howard Port (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 26 March, 2012

This is a good overview of magic's "twisting" craze. Descriptions are good but bare bones, though Jon does describe what I think is an improved version of the Elmsley Count in the context of Vernon's original routine. You should know that a few illustratons are missing from this version, but this did not cause me any trouble. I think it is a good buy at $10.