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Harry Leat

Harry Leat

(1874 - 12th January 1949)

Born in London, England. Inspired around age 8 seeing conjuror at school show. Self-taught. Manager of Ornum's 1889-1915 and part-time assistant to Maurice Garland. Pro dealer. First editor of Munro's The Magic Wand 1910-13. Edited Leat's Leaflets 1925-40. Noted for his outspokenness and practical jokes.

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Harry Leat
Depot Magic by Harry Leat

Just as the last release Magic of the Depots 1924, Depot Magic lines up several dealers to describe a few tricks each. However the most interesting article in this book is by Leo Rullman and is entitled "The Hobby of Book Collecting".

1st edition, 1925, Harry Leat, London; 92 pages.

  1. A Bad Trait.
  2. Liberty.
  3. Introduction.
  4. Two Handkerchief Secrets.
  5. A Colour Study.
  6. Magician's Wax.
  7. The Cigarette Stand.
  8. Magician's Elastic.
  9. His End.
  10. The Magicians Card Box.
  11. The Penetrated Card.
  12. Improved Glass of Water Through Hat.
  13. The Enchanged Tube.
Harry Leat
Magic of the Depots 1924 by Harry Leat

This book is based on an interesting idea. Line up the best magic dealers and let each one contribute a series of tricks and routines. Not a bad idea indeed. Some of the dealers who participated are Davenport & Co., Gamage Ltd., Hamley Bros., The Magical Apparatus Co., ...

1st edition, 1924, Harry Leat, London; 100 pages.

  1. Introduction.
  2. New Ball Holder.
  3. New Card Drawer.
  4. New Cigarette to Handkerchief.
  5. Triangle Coin Stand and Box.
  6. The New Production Box.
  7. The Vanishing Lamp.
  8. New Coffee Trick.
  9. Productive Candle Shade.
  10. The "New Cut" Card Locator. ...
Harry Leat
Diversified Magic by Harry Leat

From The Sphinx: Diversified Magic is Harry Leat's latest contribution to magical lore. Diversified rightly describes the contents of the book. The variety is great, the quality superior, the originality genuine. Of the twenty chapters it is difficult to say which is the most interesting, and of the tricks and other effects, which is the best. The Organ Pipe Pagoda, and the Eclipse Ventriloquial Figure are alone worth more than the price of the book. Mr. Leat's introduction is full of matter for serious thought and consideration. The patter for the tricks, and the dialogue for the vent. figure are lively,...

★★★★★ $4
Harry Leat
Tragic Magic by Harry Leat

An original blurb read: Tragic Magic containing original magical sketches, tricks, some humour, and many interesting items that will grip you.

From The Sphinx: And here is another one that awakens my cereberzation - Harry Leat's Tragic Magic. Here is a book of 122 pages of the queerest conglomeration of sense and non-sense, good magic and irrelative matter - yet relating to magic - that has yet crossed my rugged editorial path. The table of contents lists 42 items, and I advise the purchaser of the book not to skip a single one of them. I do not know why the book is named Tragic Magic, for the magic...

Harry Leat
Thoughtful Magic by Harry Leat

As Harry Leat writes in his introduction, the tricks in this book are not pocket tricks, but ones which rely on some clever piece of apparatus. Some of his ideas are ingenious and have never been published before. Harry Leat was quite a character and it shows in his creations and ideas.

1st edition, 1923, Harry Leat, London; 111 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Mysterious Box of Parvo
  3. "Bloodless" Writing on the Arm
  4. Improved Card Frames
  5. Mister Makeshift
  6. The Necromantic Mummy
  7. Improved Passe-Passe Bottles
  8. The Only Bug
  9. The Real Magic Funnel
  10. The Travelling Glass
  11. A Magical Accessory
  12. Patter ...
★★★★★ $3
Harry Leat
Magical Cartoons & Interpolations by Harry Leat

Harry Leat presents a great selection of cartoons with a magical theme, many of which reveal a universal truth. They will make you think, just as they will make you laugh. Harry also continues his stories from Forty Years in & around Magic.

1st edition, 1927, Harry Leat, London; 95 pages.

  1. Truth
  2. Your Mirror
  3. Introduction
  4. A Good Opening
  5. The First "Palm"
  6. "See the Thread"
  7. Not for Magicians
  8. The Flying Candle
  9. Apparatus and Books
  10. Chemical Magic
  11. New Apparatus
  12. A Great Future
  13. Fakirism
  14. Dreams and Reality
  15. Telepathy
  16. Refined Magic
  17. "Uncle"
  18. Mr. Charles Conyers
  19. Mr. Wilfrid Jonson
  20. The Modern Conjurer
  21. The Good Old Days
  22. Circumstances...
★★★★★ $3
Harry Leat
Forty Years in and around Magic by Harry Leat

Harry Leat describes incidences during his magic life, some odd, some funny, some unbelievable. Often another well known magic celebraty was involved, such as Houdini, Selbit, Trewey, ... This book makes a great read. No tricks.

1st edition, 1923, Harry Leat, London; 77 pages.

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