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(1 review, 5 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Heart Matricks by Unknown Mentalist

If you already own Mind Matricks or purchase along with this, you can get this ebook for half price.

Whereas Mind Matricks contained visual routines based on the theme of Hollywood, this release contains emotional routines with both humorous and mystic/enigmatic presentational styles, based on a very unique and neglected part of the English language.

Completely self working. No sleights. No pre-show. No stooges. Nothing to reset. Suitable for all types of venues - close up, parlor, street and stage.

All the research work has been done and everything has been put together for you in such a manner that you can just read the manuscript and start performing within 10 minutes of reading the instructions. As it is fully self working, you can completely focus on your presentation.

Multiple methods of revelation which are very novel and unconventional have been explained. They increase the impact and provide the 'wow factor' for your climax.

All the routines and methods of revelation are extremely easy to perform. The strength lies in the clever ideas on which the methods of revelation are based on.

1st edition 2016, 15 pages.
word count: 3642 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 23 July, 2016

I had to read this a couple of times but it is another GREAT effect by the UNKNOWN MENTALIST. While MIND MATRICKS cannot be beat for entertainment value this is a great companion value. The effect CAN be done both humorously and seriously/emotionally. I'm glad to have purchased MIND MATRICKS, HEART MATRICKS, and TRIALOGUE from a great friend!!!

By the way, if you like the principle found in MIND MATRICKS and HEART MATRICKS, you might also want to purchase the ebook by Sam Dalal called 'Magic with an ESP Deck'. (Sold by The effect is called 'One in 14,400'. I have used it for quite a few years as it is very effective for the spectators as it makes THEM look psychic.

Thanks for updating this principle!

Again, my compliments to the Unknown Mentalist.

David W. Burmeister