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(1836 - 1913)

His real name was R. D. Chater. Hercat, his stage name, is an anagram of his second name. He started out as journalist and actor in England, became a professional conjurer, and moved to America. He wrote a number of books on tricks and allied arts including ventriloquism, chapeaugraphy and paper folding. Invented illusion "The Mystery of She".

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Latest Sleights and Illusions (used) by Hercat

Softcover with missing spine; front cover and frontispiece have separated from the book block. Otherwise in good condition for its age.

Simple Tricks (used) by Hercat

Softcover with binding broken (front cover has separated from the book block and spine is missing). Front cover has stains and some drawn lines. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Latest Sleights and Illusions by Hercat

From the preface:

Although only three years have elapsed since Latest Sleights was published, Magic has made such rapid strides in that short time, and so many new tricks have come into existence, that I cannot allow another edition to go to press without thoroughly revising this book and making many most important additions.

    • The Wizard's Table
    • The Wizard's Dress
    • The Latest Methods employed in the Money Trick, explaining the Improved System of Palming, the Bamboo Stick, and other New Inventions.
    • A Dozen Half-Crowns Produced...
Simple Tricks by Hercat

From the preface:

The title of this little brochure indicates its contents. Simple Tricks and simple tricks only. No apparatus is required and but little sleight-of-hand is needed in the performance of any of them. They consist of a series of tricks and problems, easily acquired, suitable for gatherings round the table on winter evenings. Some of them are new and many are old; but even the oldest are new to the rising generation. For six of the latest tricks, - "A Hindu Swindle," "The Elusive Match," "A Subtle Impromptu Effect with a Coin," "A Novel Card Effect," "An Artful Card Force," and...

Conjuring Up To Date by Hercat

From the preface:

Card Tricks and Conjuring Up to Date, by reason of recent additions, having become too large for one volume, I have decided to divide it into two, and now present Conjuring Up to Date by itself, in which I give a description of the very latest tricks, thus making it realize its title of "up to date."

In the other volume, Card Tricks With and Without Apparatus, will be found the most recent additions which have been made to escamotage des cartes. When both these volumes have been digested, students in legerdemain are advised to make a study of the more advanced conjuring...

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