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(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Hoax Issue 1 by Antariksh P. Singh & Waseem & Sapan Joshi

Hoax is a new digital magazine published by a group of enthusiastic card magicians from India. It is very well done, visually appealing, with wonderful card moves and effects.

Through Hoax they try to bring to the world the Magic of India.

This issue of Hoax features tricks from Waseem, Sapan and Antariksh.

1. aSap Sandwich
A quick and flashy sandwich effect.

2. Passed out collectors
A very clean and direct handling for the collectors.

3. Miraculo Production
This is a quick and magical 4 of a kind production.

4. Pop Aces
This is a four of a kind production used as a little trick in itself.

5. Messy Blessy Poker
A face up and face down shuffle resulting in a chaotic poker deal demonstration in which you always end up with the royal flush.

October 2014, 32 pages with photographs in detailed instructions.
word count: 2847 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Mark Dilliway (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 04 October, 2014

This is a little gem of a magazine. Well written, easy to understand, with no jargon or fluff. Is there practice to be done? isn't there always? But believe me the practice will really pay off, as there are a lot of workers here. Well done to this team, looking forward to the next edition. I'm hooked!

Reviewed by Keith Breen (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 02 October, 2014

Magic's good, by guys who've done their homework.

Of the 5 effects 4 can be done anytime, contain a bit of flash and are good. The 5th a bit of setup but there's a time and place for everything.

Guys who do magic and like 'thinking on their feet will adapt these in a heartbeat

No filler, no bs. If all books were written this way that old saying of 'if you want to keep a secret just put it in a book' would be totally false. LOVED the writing & style.

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Magic & Mentalism / Magazines & Journals / Hoax

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video