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How To Do 60 Tricks with Cards
by A. Anderson

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How To Do 60 Tricks with Cards by A. Anderson

Embracing all of the latest and most deceptive card tricks now in use.

Excerpt from the introduction:

From the earliest ages the Magic Art has been highly popular among all classes; and, of its many marvels, Card Tricks, whether produced by sleight of hand, mathematical combinations, or mechanical means, are the most generally appreciated. Cards are to be found in nearly every home circle, so the prestidigitateur always has his principal tools at his finger ends. With them alone the most startling surprises can be caused, and the card conjurer has also the advantage of knowing that all his tricks may be appropriately performed in a drawing room, although some few cannot be effectively represented on the stage, owing to the distance by which he is divided from the audience.

While performing you must be an adept at "patter," or as the French call it, "boniment," for by its use you can effectually call the attention of the audience from your operations, and give them the impression that you are doing something entirely different. Another reason for not telling the audience what you are about to do is, if you fail you should be smart enough to finish the trick in some other way. If placed in an awkward position, invent expedients and display redoubled dexterity, and in the end the spectators will be led to believe that you have actually accomplished the feat aimed at through your coolness.

    • To Make the Pass
    • To Turn the Pack
    • To Slip a Card
    • Forcing a Card
    • To Get a Sight of a Card
    • Another Way
    • To Palm a Card
    • To Change a Card
    • The False Shuffle
    • To Spring a Card from Hand to Hand
    • The Long Card
    • To Make a Bisaute Pack
    • The Triple Deal
    • The Quadruple Deal
    • An Aristocratic Assemblage
    • A Simple Delusion
    • To Name the Rank of a Card Drawn From a Piquet Pack
    • To Guess the Spots on Cards at the Bottom of Three Heaps Which Have Been Made by One of the Audience
    • Cards in Triplets
    • Cards in Couples
    • An Excellent Trick With Bisaute Cards
    • Everybody's Card
    • A Strange Contradiction
    • To Change the Card by Word of Command
    • To Tell the Amount of the Numbers of any Two Cards Drawn from a Common Pack
    • To tell the Card thought of in a Circle of Ten
    • Another Way
    • To Call for any Card in the Pack
    • Another Way
    • To Make another Person Draw the Cards you Call For
    • To change the Three of Spades to the Ace of Diamonds
    • The Four Conspirators
    • To find a Card thought of
    • Another Way
    • The Alternate Card Trick
    • The Spelling Bee
    • A Variation in the Spelling Bee
    • The Complicated Spelling Bee
    • To tell the Name of any Court Card which has been Reversed
    • The Convertible Aces
    • To tell how many of a row of cards placed face downward on the table have been transferred in your absence from one end of the row to the other, by turning up a card
    • To Change four cards from Twos to Eights, and from Reds to Blacks, etc.
    • The Inseparable Knaves
    • The Torn Card
    • The Rising Cards
    • The Electrified Cards
    • The Wonderful Shot
    • To Name all the Cards in the Pack in Succession
    • The Card of one Color found in a Pack of the Other
    • The Royal Emigrants
    • That's How It's Done
    • The Trick of Thirty-One
    • The Turned Up Card

1st edition 1902, 62 pages; PDF 45 pages.
word count: 18788 which is equivalent to 75 standard pages of text