Containing over one hundred highly amusing and instructive tricks with chemicals.
- Chemical Affinity
- Sympathetic Inks
- Alum Baskets
- Easy Crystallizations
- To Make a piece of Charcoal appear as though it were Coated with Gold
- To Give a Piece of Charcoal a Rich Coat of Silver
- Combustion
- Chemistry of The Air
- Amateur Air Pump
- Asphyxia
- Balloon in Vacuum
- Boiling Cold Water
- A Sucking Tube
- Cupping
- The Barometer
- A Novel Barometer
- Compressed Air
- Noiseless Bell
- The Bursting Bladder
- Weight of the Air
- Spoons which will Melt in Hot Water
- Effect of Compression
- To Cover Iron with Copper
- The Elements
- Potassium
- Metallic Colors
- Crystallization of Metals
- Crystallization
- Beauties of Crystallization
- To Crystallize Camphor
- A Solid Changed to a Liquid
- Magic of Heat
- Sublimation by Heat
- Heat Passing Through Glass
- Metals Unequally Influenced by Heat
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Inequality of Heat in Fire-Irons
- Expansion of Metal by Heat
- The Alchemist’s Ink
- Chameleon Liquids
- Magic Dyes
- Wine Changed into Water
- The Chemistry of Water
- Two Bitters Make a Sweet
- Visible and Invisible
- To Form a Liquid from Two Solids
- Restoration of Color by Water
- Two Liquids Make a Solid
- Two Solids Make a Liquid
- A Solid Opaque Mass Makes a Transparent Liquid
- Two Cold Liquids Make a Hot One
- To Make Ice
- Curious Change of Colors
- The Protean Light
- To Change the Colors of Flowers
- Changes of the Poppy
- Changes of the Rose
- Marking Indelibly
- Visible Growth
- Colored Flames
- Water of Different Temperatures in the Same Vessel
- Warmth of Different Colors
- Laughing Gas
- Magic Vapor
- Gas from the Union of Metals
- Green Fire
- Combustion of Three Metals
- To Make Paper Apparently Incombustible
- Heat Not to be Estimated by Touch
- Flame Upon Water
- Rose-colored Flame Upon Water
- Currents in Boiling Water
- Hot Water Lighter than Cold
- Expansion of Water by Cold
- The Cup of Tantalus
- The Magic Whirlpool
- Five Under Water
- To Light Steel
- A Test of Love
- An Egg Pushed Into a Wine Bottle
- A Chemical Fountain
- Weighing Gases
- In Water but not Wet
- Image of a Volcano
- Reciprocal Images
- Imitation of Animal Tints
- Melting a Coin
- Explosive Gas
- Cold from Evaporation
- Self-Dancing Egg
- Flash of Fire in a Room
- Cast Iron Drops
- Explosion without Heat
- Fiery Powder
- Illumination
- Sun and Spirit
- Stars in Water
- Parlor Ballooning
- Marvelous
- Mutability
1st edition 1898, 64 pages; PDF 51 pages.
word count: 19104 which is equivalent to 76 standard pages of text