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Hummer's Great Discovery
by Bob Hummer


(7 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Hummer's Great Discovery by Bob Hummer

A spectator secretly counts off any number of cards, selects one and mixes it in the packet, which you now take for the first time. You mix them some more, and then she deals them face down, alternately to you and herself. She continues dealing until she is left holding just one card. She turns it over and - it's her selected one!

May be repeated as often as desired. No sleight of hand, markings, duplicates or guess work. Work it with a borrowed deck. Highly endorsed by Le Paul, Carl Lyle, Frazee, Lu Brent, and others.

Only in this revised and expanded edition do you not only get three presentations for performing this effect, but you also get a fourth routine that allows you to perform this for up to five spectators at once. Additional ideas and suggestions are also included, making this the most complete version ever offered of this outstanding Hummer mystery.

1st edition 1939, PDF 15 pages.
word count: 6097 which is equivalent to 24 standard pages of text
