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Hungary for Cards
by Aldo Colombini

#1 DVD (download+stream) author

(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Hungary for Cards by Aldo Colombini

The creator of these effects, Jozsef Kovacs, is a Hungarian magician who became interested in magic at the age of four. He was living in a small village but only when he moved to Budapest he was able to find a magic store and the possibility to find books and videos. He published a series of booklets and lecture notes and you can find most of his work here on He likes close-up magic but card magic is his real love.


  • TWIN GIANTS: Two numbers freely selected by two spectators find two cards that you have predicted.
  • MATHEMAGIC: Using four cards with math symbols you perform a very unique and entertaining routine with the revelation of a selected card.
  • SPYGAME 1: You show three Jokers (spies). Two spectators select two cards from the shuffled deck. The 'spies' will tell you the names of the selected cards with a further final surprise of the transposition of the two cards.
  • ARE YOU A GOOD OBSERVER?: A stunning packet trick with regular cards, four red cards and four black cards. They change position and at the end you produce the four Queens (or Aces, etc.).
  • ODD-BACKED TRIUMPH: A card is selected from a red-backed deck. The cards are shuffled face up and face down. At the end, all the cards are face down except for the selection that now has a BLUE back.
  • JAZZ FACES: The performer shows three Jokers and the four Aces which are placed in a T formation. Then the magician puts the Jokers on the leader Ace. The three single Aces change into Jokers and in the leader packet, there are the four Aces.
  • SENSITIVE ACE 1: A spectator places a blue-backed AS face up in the middle of the face-down deck. You turn the Ace face down and the back of the Ace has changed into red with the words: "King of Hearts". The card below the Ace is the KH.
  • LIFT: This trick is a version of the classic Elevator theme. The performer shows four Jokers and the Ace, the Two, the Three and the Four of Spades. The four Spade cards lift through the Jokers one by one and in the end they change into Hearts.
  • PADDLE HOFZINSER: A singular and unique approach to the classis Hofzinser theme, where the Ace of the same suit of a selected card turns over and it changes into the actual selection.
  • DEMI SEC: A clever version of the classic Collector Theme: Three Kings capture two freely selected cards.

Reviewed by Paul Lelekis
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 23 February, 2014

Jozsef is a very talented magician with an extremely creative mind! His card magic is exemplary and if you want a beautiful variety of effects with clever presentations - then definitely buy this download DVD! I'm very "picky and critical" about much of the card magic out there...but Jozsef Kovács is the real deal!

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)