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Excalibur Forcing Deck
by Devin Knight

#2 with Demo Video author
#3 Illusions, Escape & Stage author

(1 review, 8 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Excalibur Forcing Deck by Devin Knight

One of the best forcing decks in the world, designed to fool both lay people and magicians alike.

Make impossible card predictions with Devin Knight's Excalibur Deck. Mail a VIP a registered letter and never touch it again. Have him bring it to the show. Show the deck of cards to be different and hand them to any spectator (no stooge). Have him deal the cards face down on the table, while holding the deck in his hands. He stops anywhere during the deal and sets the card aside. Magician tells him to check the cards before and after in the deck. This allows the participant to see if he had stopped one card sooner or later the selection would have been completely different. The selected card is turned over, and the VIP opens the envelope. Inside is a MATCHING CARD!

Other ways to do this effect include:

  • Have an envelope you never touch hanging from the ceiling. Anybody opens it, and inside is a duplicate of the same card just selected moments ago.
  • The freely stopped at card can be predicted in the classified ads in your local paper.
Important points to remember:
  • This can be hands-off for the magician.
  • The cards are shown to be different.
  • The spectator deals and stops anywhere, he can change his mind and keep dealing.
  • Cards in the deck before and after can be shown to be different cards.
  • No Switches
  • No Skill or Sleights
  • No Rough and Smooth
  • No Stuck Together Cards
  • No Long or Short Cards
The performer need never touch the deck once handed to the participant. The participant turns over the selected card. No need for the performer to ever touch it. The performer never touches the envelope containing the prediction. It is opened by the VIP and the card is removed by him.

As clean as it gets. Deck can be used in other card prediction effects. Includes a handling that leaves you with a regular unprepared deck at the end. A true reputation maker that will fool the wise ones.

Complete directions on how to make your own Excalibur Deck with cards you probably already have on hand.


"...'The Excalibur Forcing Deck' is a bit of genius that has become my favorite forcing deck, hands down. This is one I love..." - Shane, Online Visions

1st edition 2012, 8 pages.
word count: 3124 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 15 June, 2016

As a mentalist and not a card guy anymore, I'm always amused by the way some current world-class mentalist will take a hoary gimmicked deck out of mothballs and use it to great effect. The card guys just roll their eyes and think things like, "Tut. Tut. Look at the mentalist, such a simple soul, he's using a gimmicked deck from the 1940s to force a card. Awww, that's so cute. We cardicians know 50 different ways to force a card using Marlo/Vernon sleights that only took steady daily practice over a decade to master." Perhaps I exaggerate, but while sleights are great and pure, I love the way you can take something simple and easy and be just as effective. Luke Jermay uses a Franklin Taylor peek deck. Richard Osterland, much earlier in his career, came up with the Radar and Dynamo decks, variations on the Bagshawe/Koran deck, before abandoning them in favor of his Breakthrough Card System. And if I recall correctly, Derren Brown wowed a TV producer with a Mind Power deck. There's no shame in using a gimmicked deck if you are a professional and know what you are doing. If you are an amateur, there's nothing to see here. Go back to working on your classical force until it's perfect.

When I first looked at Knight's Exacalibur Forcing Deck, I wasn't impressed because it seemed But then I read more, smiled, and thought, "Hey, if it works (and it does) why the heck not?" Do I personally need an Exaclibur Forcing Deck? Naw, my Psychomatic Deck or Phil Deck does the same thing. But just like there are Chevys, Fords, Toyotas, and dozens of other kinds of cars, variety is a good thing. Check this deck out. You may not need it, but it relies on a good, interesting theoretical concept. If you are an aficionado of trick decks like I am, you'll get it. (Maybe some day when I'm bored, I'll trot it out and fool 'em with it.) And if you want to really tick your card-sleight buddies off, show them how well it works on civilians.

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Magic & Conjuring / Cards

Magic & Conjuring / Mentalism & Spiritism