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Illustrated Book of Patience Games
by Professor Hoffmann

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Illustrated Book of Patience Games by Professor Hoffmann

Learn 63 fun and stimulating patience games from this book. A deck of cards, a flat surface and you are ready to challenge and entertain yourself. This is a translation from the German book Illustriertes Buch der Patiencen.

5th Edition, Routledge, London, 1904; 123 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Wish
  3. The Star
  4. Hope
  5. The Amazons
  6. The Harvest
  7. Royal Marriage
  8. Quadrille
  9. Caesar
  10. Nestor
  11. Hidden Cards
  12. The Dial (No. 1)
  13. The Dial (No. 2)
  14. Elevens (No. 1)
  15. Elevens (No. 2)
  16. Robert
  17. The Pyramid
  18. The Five Court Cards
  19. The Talkative
  20. The Four Seasons
  21. Thirteens
  22. The Fairest (No. 1)
  23. The Fairest (No. 2)
  24. The Storehouse
  25. "Covering" Patience
  26. The Indefatigable
  27. Valentine
  28. The Trefoil
  29. The Corners
  30. The Cotillon
  31. The Crescent
  32. Lucas
  33. The Constitution
  34. The Four Corners
  35. The Reserves
  36. Rouge et Noir
  37. The Twos
  38. The Kingdom
  39. The Patriarchs
  40. The Windmill
  41. The Parallels
  42. The Blockade
  43. The Sultan
  44. The Lady of the Manor
  45. The Wheatsheaf
  46. The Juvenile
  47. The Shah
  48. The Spark
  49. La Parisienne
  50. La Capricieuse
  51. La Nationale
  52. The Fly
  53. Les Petits Paquets
  54. Light and Shade
  55. The Plait
  56. Queens and Knaves
  57. The Quadrangle
  58. The Octagon
  59. The Picture Gallery
  60. The Kings
  61. The "Louis" Patience
  62. The Wrangle
  63. Here and There
  64. Sympathy
  65. Solution of the Caesar Problem

word count: 27036 which is equivalent to 108 standard pages of text