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Impossi-Bill Twist
by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

MP4 (video) | by download [243 MByte]  
Impossi-Bill Twist by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You show the old gag where with two folding actions a dollar bill is turned on its head. You now have the spectator sign the bill and repeat the folding actions. However, now only the front of the bill is upside down, the back is not upside down. In other words, only one side of the bill turned. How is that possible? You give the dollar bill as souvenir to the spectator who can keep this impossible bill for the rest of his life in his wallet.

Remember that this is not some fake misprinted bill. Ralf will teach you how to prepare a real genuine dollar bill for this effect. This also works with Euro banknotes. Ralf has prepared 5-Euro bills in exactly the same way.

1st edition 2019, length 28 min.

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Magic & Conjuring / Paper & Paper Money

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