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(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Impuzzibles by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You will learn the secrets and get detailed video instructions of how to make four impressive 'impossible' objects.

  • Spider Link
  • Checker Board
  • The Needle
  • Fork on Card
The Needle will impress anybody who ever tried to guide a thread through the eye of a sewing needle. To do this with one thread is often hard enough, but to do it with 20 or more threads certainly looks impossible. The secret is ingenious. You do not need anything special, no special tool or special contraption to accomplish this feat. It is all in the know-how, which you can acquire here.

The Fork on Card will impress anybody who likes to eat or who plays cards. It is a perfect present and dinner conversation starter.

The Checker Board is a secret Ralf has kept to himself for years. There are no secret slits or cuts. It is all in the fold. The Spider Link is another beautiful paper object anybody can easily make with the instructions provided.

1st edition 2019, length 28 min

Reviewed by Nicolas Pepin
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 18 October, 2019

Mmm not sure about this one...I am a little disappointed but maybe it's just me.

* Fork in card: The very first idea that came to my mind is the solution at the end. A spectator will probably think the same thing and we don't want to lie right ? I was expecting a more clever solution.

* Spider link: I didn't really care for it when I bought this. But it is nice, more on topological side. Difficult to handle because very thin. I prefer topological object with card.

* The needle: Didn't care for it either. And I saw this in ooold book. Might be of interest for some.

* Checker board: This is the biggest disappointment. I was expecting some special fold like the braided bill. Not at all. In the hand of spectator, he will quickly find out how it is done. Though this might be interesting to real topological purist as a puzzle/challenge.

But production is good with clear view/camera. I prefer the topological card series and inside out banknotes. But thank you fairmagic sharing your knowledge about impossible/topological objects. Still keeping an eye on your topological series.


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Paper & Paper Money

Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)

Magic & Mentalism / DIY, Makers & Builders