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In Case Hof Emergency
by Raphaël Czaja


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In Case Hof Emergency by Raphaël Czaja

You remove the four Jacks (your "emergency cards") from a deck and table them. A card is selected - let's say the 2H - and lost into the deck. You concentrate, reveal that his card is the QS, and produce it in one cut. But the spectator tells you this is not his card. You wave your "emergency" packet over the deck: The Jack of the same suit as his selection, the JH, turns face up. Then, the three remaining cards are turned over: They have changed into the 2S, 2D and 2C! Finally, you spread the deck: The JS, JD and JC are face up in the middle of the deck, with one face-down card between the JS and the JD... It is the 2H!

"I loved the Hofzinser trick." - Cameron Francis

"What I love about this is that you are able to show the card selection using an "emergency" packet, without any difficult moves." - Mike (a.k.a."insight" on the Magic Cafe forums).

1st edition 2015, 4 pages.
word count: 1200 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text