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(5 reviews, 8 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Dark Horizon by Unknown Mentalist

This is mentalism with a message. This routine can generate a strong emotional connect with the audience. Language is to a mentalist what semen is to impregnation. When a language becomes extinct, humanity slides down many generations. It is undeniable that mentalists have gained immensely from languages. This release is a humble attempt at conveying mentalism's gratitude for languages.

The simple but highly effective principle of this routine lends itself to complete customization/personalization. Performer displays some language lists. Some ancient languages which are still studied today. Some endangered languages. And some extinct languages. A participant is asked to freely choose an ancient language from a list of about a dozen. Then by an organic linguistic process (NOT word association) the participant arrives at a final language.

In an impossible twist, the participant is now allowed to exchange this final language with another language of his choice. The whole process happens in the mind of the participant only. And the performer is able to divine this finally chosen language. Options for multiple revelation styles are also provided. A basic routine and two advanced alternative routines are described. This is completely self-working and instantly repeatable with a different outcome. No reset. No sleights. No stooges. Fully presentation oriented. You can perform this within 10 minutes of reading the instructions.

1st edition 2015, 29 pages.
word count: 3639 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Michael Critchley (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 16 September, 2016

A Very Clever piece of Mentalism and Very Clever Thinking.

Multiple Phases and Different Routines are possible with the methods covering both Prediction and Divination.

The plot and premise of Lost Languages is very unusual and makes for a very interesting and engaging presentation.

Something different and Highly Recommended.

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 23 May, 2016

This is another great effect with a minimum of props. I use it very frequently and it leaves the spectator stunned.

David Burmeister

Reviewed by Paul Hallas (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 20 May, 2016

I loved this one. A truly wonderful theme and presentation. So far I've only used it in close up situations, but at some point I know it will graduate to larger performances.

Reviewed by Kumar BNS (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 07 December, 2015

This is cool mentalism which can evoke a crusading emotion. The theme of languages is very novel and gives the routine a timeless quality. I can see this playing very well. Mouth-watering presentation possibilities. I thank the Unknown Mentalist for keeping the prices of his amazing releases, highly affordable and great value for money.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 06 December, 2015

for every creation man makes therein is found a creative mind that plants a seed that grows into that what we have before use but that too can stimulate another's mind into another creative work and another's creative mind soon all minds can be stimulated from one idea that soon becomes many from that one creative mind.

All effects in magic and mentalism start somewhere in history and soon become tomorrow's performers stage routine which help keep magic and mentalism continuing to grow stimulating the minds of others minds and souls.