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Jason Messina

Jason Messina is a writer and performer living in the woods of New Jersey. He is best known for creating the bestselling trick TUBE and for developing The Astonishment Project with Paul Harris.

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Jason Messina
Superstar Magic Series: Volumes 1 & 2 by Jason Messina

This is a two book series teaching principles and philosophy to bring you magic to the next level.

The first book analyzes secrets of Derren Brown, David Blaine and Penn & Teller's success and breaks them down into 13 powerful principles you can start applying to your magic now.

Here's what you'll learn in Secrets of Superstar Magic:

  • How Derren Brown completely screwed up my magic for years
  • The one true secret to magic and learning hidden inside Dani DaOrtiz quote
  • How to use the power of Colliding
  • The Louis CK method of creating material that will make you stand out from other magicians
  • David...