Jochen Zmeck
(Berlin, Germany: 28th May 1929 - 8th May 2012)
Learned at age 10 from friend and buying from magic shop. Ex-teacher of Chemistry and Physics. Pro comedy and kid-show magician since 1958 in East Germany. Tours of West Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, USSR, Syria, and Iraq. Collector (over 2,000 books and booklets). Invented or improved some 300 tricks. Awarded the "Dr Teumer-Ring" 1966. 1981 East German Art Prize.
Wrote Wunderwelt Magie (1965; 7 reprints), Das grosse Buch der Magie (1968; 2 reprints), Handbuch der Magie (1978; 5 reprints), Bellachini und die Eierfrau (1981, for children), Zauber ABC (1986, for children), plus 22 booklets. Articles in Magie, Magische Welt, Magisches Magazin, Zauberkunst, Aladin, Innovator, and Hokus Pokus. Bio and tricks in Mauerspechte (1992).