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Eric C. Lewis

Eric C. Lewis

(Northampton, England: 23rd November 1908 - 6th June 1993)

Inspired at age 11 seeing a busker. Semi-pro to pro magician. Aka "Yung Lu" 1936-39. Operated Magikraft Studios, a small workshop in Northampton making small apparatus 1946-52 when switched to mechanical display work. Aka "The Great Zonzo" 1952-60. Moved to California in 1968. With Jim Simon of Worth Magic Novelty Company in Sun Valley 1968-70; in own workshop 1970-72, as builder for Hollywood Magic, Albo, and Mark Wilson; worked on Robert Albo's apparatus collection in Oakland 1972-73; again with Simon 1973-75; with John Gaughan and Associates in Los Angeles 1975-81 when retired from active public performing. Thence busy as consultant, lecturer, researcher, and writer. SAM Hall of Fame. Father of Martin Lewis.

AMA Best Stage Magician 1970 (shared) and 1975. 1974 AMA Literary Fellowship. 1985 AMA Masters Fellowship. 1985 SAM Hall of Fame. 1989 H. Adrian Smith Literary Award (shared with Peter Warlock).

Invented Fantastic Frame (1940), co-invented (with Cyro) Lighted Bulbs from Mouth (1941), and the Twister illusion (1978). Prolific author (21 books), including Well I Never! (1931), Magical Mentality (1934), Magic As We Do It (1935, 28pp, with Dan Bellman), The Magic of 1936 (1936, with Dan Bellman), The Magic of 1937 (1937, 73pp), Magic for Moderns (1937, 39pp), Studies in Mystery (1941, 35pp), More Studies in Mystery (1941, 41pp), Modus Operandi (1943, 67+142pp), Magic to Entertain (1946, 72pp), Open Sesame (1947, 154pp, with Wilfred Tyler; repr 1968), Opus Thirteen (1951, 110pp; repr 1969), The Oriental Magic of the Bambergs, Vol.1 (1973, 228pp, with Albo and Bamberg), Martin's Miracles (1985), and P.T. Selbit (1989, with Peter Warlock). Edited (with Tony Branson) Personality Patter 1943-46 (30 issues) and The Masque as house organ 1947-48 (2 issues).

Memoir is Fifty Years of Magic (3 vols: 1980, 1981, 1983, 213+254+237pp), informally known from their subtitles as "The Miracles Trilogy". Illustrator of his own books as well as those by others. Wrote over 200 articles for various magazines including Abra, Genii, and Linking Ring.

Coauthors: Dan Bellman

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Eric C. Lewis & Dan Bellman
Magic as We Do It by Eric C. Lewis & Dan Bellman

Excerpt from the foreword:

Mr. Bellman has sent me many of his ideas. These I have sifted, adapted and eliminated so you get the cream. My own effects have passed through the same purging process with the result that every trick in this book is one you can work. Do not be satisfied with the mere reading of this book; follow it by practice. An effect that seems dead in the cold light of the formality of words often bursts into a flame of burning amazement when translated into Action. The true test of a trick is not how artistically it can be described, but the effect upon the non-magical...

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Eric C. Lewis
More Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

Excerpt from the foreword:

When I published Studies in Mystery, I was rather doubtful about its reception in wartime. But the first edition sold out in the first four weeks, and a second edition was found necessary. So this present book, a continuation of the first one, was proceeded with cheerfully, feeling that we had filled in a small corner in helping to brighten the gloomy hours of War.

Another twelve items, carefully explained, are again set out for your delight, and we sincerely hope, as we feel sure they will, that they come up to your expectations.

This is part two in the Studies Series. ...

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Eric C. Lewis
Further Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

A visible glass of milk vanishes, a chalk line evolves itself into a length of rope, a floating doll, a roll of ribbon changes place with a glass of whisky, a glass of milk constantly reappears unexpectedly under its cardboard tube and other effects.

This is part three of the Studies Series.

  • Introduction
  • The Queen Of The Air
  • A Quite Astonishing Cigarette
  • An Introduction To Rope
  • The Colour Hypnotist
  • The Whisky And The Ribbon
  • "Under My Hat"
  • The "Slam Down" Glass Of Milk Vanish
  • "I Forgot!"
  • Telepathic Card Projection
  • "My Card - By Tube"
  • Sympathetic Suits
  • "Never Has So Much" ...
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Eric C. Lewis
Studies in Mystery by Eric C. Lewis

Excerpt from the introduction:

In any case, you will find that the tricks in this book, and in others I hope to publish at intervals during the war, all are good practical effects. In almost every case the trick will be described fully, with all necessary details and nothing left for you to wonder about. Thus I believe that the dozen tricks fully described in this book, will be of more value to you than twice that number briefly described. None of the effects in this series are "padding". Each item is of real use to the practicing conjurer.

This is part one of the Studies Series.

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Eric C. Lewis
Eric Lewis' Rope Routine by Eric C. Lewis

This is the famous perfected rope routine - three consecutive cuts and restorations - devised by that West Coast Magician, Eric Lewis. Mr. Lewis was one of the busiest magicians in England before he moved to Los Angeles. There he has been very busy editing the Bamberg books of magic, working at the Magic Castle and doing lectures. The Triple Cut Rope Routine uses a number of original and unorthodox moves that end up in a very smooth and convincing trick. A big hit in the Magic Castle and on lecture tours, where Eric has shown it to the most sophisticated and best informed of the magicians. ...

★★★★ $9.95
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