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Julien Losa

Julien Losa

Julien Losa is a French full-time performer since 2008, as well as a magic/mind-reading consultant for various shows in Paris. He has worked on cruise ships all over the world, as well as for corporate events and produced his own show three times per week during two years in a theater in Paris.

In 2014 he released two booklets in French, limited to 250 ex. each and sold out in only a few weeks, which was acclaimed by his peers.

Julien is widely known for his "out of the box" way of thinking as well as his takes on classics of magic and mentalism.

He is now based in Brasil, working on new projects.

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Bestselling Products for Julien Losa


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★★★★★ $14.90
Julien Losa
Billets for the Modern Mindreader 2 by Julien Losa

[Note: You do not need to own volume 1 to be able to perform the routines explained here.

Welcome to volume 2 of my Billets for the Modern Mindreader course. You will learn three switches and three routines for close-up, parlor, and stage situations, as well as casual settings.

Billet Chi (Nestor Dee): Probably the holy grail of predictions with billets. Borrow three business cards and you can do the routine. Trust me, this is great.

Telepathy Plus (Theodore Annemann): A classic revisited. A three-phase mind-reading routine. (Also doable with three borrowed business cards.)

S.E.E. (Julien Losa): A practical and quick routine to get...

★★★★★ $29
Julien Losa
Billets for the Modern Mindreader by Julien Losa

5 novel techniques, 4 variations. A crash course on billet reading/peeking techniques. You get a full peek of the billet every time.

"I can confirm, it contains the best full peek done with a folded billet that I am aware of." - Nestor Dee

"Julien's work with billets is sensational! His techniques are beautiful, elegant and extremely deceptive. This is some of the finest billet materiel available today." - Marc Paul

"Julien has made significant advanced to billet work. This video course contains what I consider to be real breakthroughs. If you are proficient with classic peeks and switches...

★★★★★ $14.90
Julien Losa
[S]witch by Julien Losa

[S]Witch is a great impromptu billet technique, created by Julien during years of performances on cruise ships and in theatre shows. The effect is simple: You ask someone to draw or write anything on a small paper/business card. In only two very fair moves, you can duplicate their thoughts.

Yes we're talking about a switch, but such a good one. It's done in front of your spectator's eyes, and even though you magicians know there is one in play, you can't see it. It is that strong. This method is a real worker, performed hundreds of times by Julien for real audiences. A powerful secret kept underground...

★★★★★ $25
Julien Losa
True Detective by Julien Losa

True Detective is a liar/truth-teller type routine, based on an old game that everyone knows. (This effect is based on an effect by Leo Boudreau called: "Lie to me".) The plot makes sense, you can do it 'impromptu' with an image 'found' on Google Images. this is a winner!

Comes with additional ideas (close up and stage) and complete script.

First published in french in 2015. 1st English edition 2016, 21 pages.

★★★ $0
Julien Losa
Ice Peek by Julien Losa

Some theoretical thoughts on peeking and meaningful spectator interaction. In particular Julien Losa discusses what personal information to ask our spectators during a routine.

1st edition 2015, 4 pages.

Julien Losa
Silly Surgery by Julien Losa

The mindreader invites four women to join him on stage. Together, they will create the man of their dreams, while picking up elements on Plastic Surgery Center's flyers... At the end, the mindreader shows in a funny way that he knew about the price they would come up with!

Yep, this routine is a "menu trick-like" with a good bunch of ideas, subtleties, and it is an entertaining moment in your show with a strong funny potential. It finishes on a "wow!", and yes, you will instantly love it and have your imagination working on other themes.

1st edition 2015, 10 pages.

Julien Losa
Silly Surgery (French) by Julien Losa

Effet : Le mentaliste invite quatre femmes à monter sur scène. Ensemble, elles vont créer l’homme de leurs rêves en choisissant des éléments sur des flyers d’un centre de chirurgie esthétique. A la fin, le mentaliste aura prévu le coût de l’homme de leurs rêves d’une manière rigolote !

Cette routine est une respiration très sympathique au milieu d’un set complet de close-up ou de scène. Il s’agit d’une routine à FORT potentiel divertissant, qui finit sur un WOW et sur un rire… C’est une routine ultra modulable, reposant sur un principe classique de la magie...

★★★★★ $28
Julien Losa
Sherlock (French) by Julien Losa

Watson (un spectateur choisi au hasard) et Sherlock (crever mentalist) vont enquêter pour découvrir une victime, un tueur et un modus operandi de crime… De l’humour, du mentalisme et plein de possibilités ! Texte complet, démonstration vidéo live, explications complètes, alternatives et idées autour d’un numéro que Julien Losa a joué plus de 400 fois entre mai 2012 et octobre 2013.

"20 minutes de scène… Très drôle, et tout bien expliqué… pour quelques euros! Very Good!" - Gaetan Bloom

★★★★★ $11
Julien Losa
BCT: Brazilian Center Tear (French) by Julien Losa

Dans cet ebook, Julien vous explique pas à pas le BCT (Brazilian Center Tear) mais SURTOUT vous livre des idées de présentation et d’utilisation. En bonus, vous recevez le chapitre « peek à glace » (extrait du livret Conspiration(2) ) qui se veut être un essai sur les différentes manières de peeker une information, ainsi qu’encore plus d’idées de présentation.

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