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Let The Audience Do The Show
by George B. Anderson


(6 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Let The Audience Do The Show by George B. Anderson

You know how very successful those tricks are in which seemingly the spectator "does it all himself." He gets a kick out of it, his friends love it because they hope he will mess it up, and you get all the credit for having a fun show. Here's an ebook full of mental tricks and stunts that the audience does. All you have to do is give them the first push or so. Let 'em do it!

Effects taught:

  • The Floating Table
  • Burning Four of Five Envelopes
  • Rabdomancy
  • A Daylight Darkroom Seance
  • A Few Words About the Cordless Microphone
  • Poker Chip Prediction
  • An Uncanny Divination
  • The Proper Balance

1st digital edition 2012, 20 pages.
word count: 5929 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text
