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Linguistic Deceptions
by Dee Christopher


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Linguistic Deceptions by Dee Christopher

Anate: The full work on Dee Christopher's Anate force, many routines and other techniques that will allow you to force a number, card, or other object by using your words alone. Also featuring work from Titanas, Chris Lafferty, Lloyd Barnes and more. (Anate has been released as individual ebook before.)

Linguistic Bending: The full work on using linguistic techniques to strengthen or create metal bending and psychokinetic effects. Also featuring work from Ireland's Sean McCarthy. (Linguistic Bending has been released as individual ebook before.)

Falling Coins: An amazing effect that shows your powers of influence over matter as using your words, you cause three coins to fall heads/tails in the direction of your choosing.

The Person Subtlety: Also appearing in Fraser Parker's Memoria booklet, this technique allows you to use playing cards to create amazingly accurate mind reading as your spectator thinks of someone close to them or anything else.

Dee considers this ebook the definitive compilation on his work in prop-light and verbal mentalism.

"Dee Christopher has an applied sense of a linguistic principle here not unlike my own. His approach in this work is one to which I not only relate, but applaud." - Kenton Knepper

"Dee Christopher is of a new breed of mentalists who transcend contrivance and hack the human brain itself to create deception." - Andrew Mayne

"This is insanely awesome. It's something that's so simple you'll smack yourself for not thinking of it. I will definitely be using this." - Matt Mello

"'scuse my language but you clever b*stard! That is extremely good!! Why the hell didn't I think of that?" - Ken Dyne

"I have worked for years to be able to place a single card face down on a table and have the spectator name it and never hit the nail on the head. Dee took a sledge hammer and forced the nail right though the wood with this one. This is the most stunning mental effect I do!" - Alan Rorrison

"I've been using Anate for about two weeks now among friends, and co-workers and I must say that when this effect is done properly; it slays. No card indexes, no setups and the most bare bones blazing subtle force I've ever used create a spellbinding moment that has left my audiences grasping for comment. Simply brilliant!" - Wayne Phelps

"Wonderful! This rounds out the idea taking it to a whole new level. Congratulations!" - Ben Harris

"This, for me, is what mentalism is all about; beautiful." - Jack Curtis

"................" (speechless) - Eric Ross

1st edition 2014, 94 pages.
word count: 14973 which is equivalent to 59 standard pages of text

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