This is a fairly typical magic book from the 19th century. It mixes magic tricks and illusions with science experiments. Due to the fact that back then many did not have a basic understanding of physics and chemistry, many of these exhibitions of science appeared like magic.
- How to Cut Your Arm off without Hurt or Danger
- The Basket Trick
- To Knock a Tumbler Through a Table
- To Drive One Tumbler Through Another
- The Dancing Skeleton
- To Place Water in a Drinking-glass Upside Down
- The Faded Rose Restored
- The Protean Liquid
- Eatable Candle Ends
- To Make a Watch Stop or Go at the Word of Command
- To Walk upon a Hot Iron Bar
- To Pour Cold Water into a Kettle and Make it come out Hot without the Aid of Fire
- How to Cut a Man’s Head Off, and Put it into a Platter a Yard from his Body
- To Discover any Card in a Pack by its Weight or Smell
- To Turn Water into Wine
- Magic Breath
- To Make a Party Appear Ghastly
- How to Eat Fire
- To Dip the Hand in Water Without Wetting it
- How to Shoot a Bird and Bring it to Life Again
- Hideous Metamorphosis
- How to Fill a Glass with Beer and Water at the Same Time, Without Mixing the two Liquids
- How to Kill a Fowl and Bring it to Life Again
- To Light a Candle by a Glass of Water
- To Light a Candle by Smoke
- To Freeze Water by Shaking it
- Iron Changed into Silver
- Two Cold Liquids when Mixed Become Boiling Hot
- The Incombustible Handkerchief
- Two Cold Liquids Produce Fire
- To Give a Person a Supernatural Appearance
- The Floating Needle
- Luminous Writing
- Beautiful Transformations
- To Break a Stone with a Blow of the Fist
- Magical Tea-spoons
- To Cut and Tear into Pieces a Handkerchief, and to Make it Whole Again
- How to Fire a Loaded Pistol at the Hand, without Hurting it
- A Vessel that will let Water out at the Bottom, as soon as the Mouth is Uncorked
- The Conjurer's Banquet
- A Dollar Bill Concealed in a Candle
- To Melt Iron in a Moment, and Make it Run into Drops
- To Change a Bowl of Ink info Clear Water, with Gold-Fish in it
- How to Swallow a Number of Needles and Yards of Thread
- To Make a Bird Seem as Dead
- To Make the Appearance of a Flash of Lightning when Any One Enters a Room with a Lighted Candle
- To Break a Stick placed on Two Glasses without Breaking the Glasses
- To Set a Combustible Body on Fire by the Contact of Water
- To Eat a Dish of Paper Shavings, and Draw Them Out of Your Mouth Like an Atlantic Cable
- To Produce from a Silk Handkerchief Bonbons, Candies, Nuts, etc.
- To Keep a Stone in Perpetual Motion
- To Make a Card Jump Out of the Pack and Run on the Table
- How to Tell a Person any Card He thinks of, and to Convey it into a Nut
- To Make a Cone or Pyramid Move upon a Table without Springs or any other Artificial Means
- How to Make an Egg, apparently of itself, leave the center of the Room and Traverse to a Saucer of Water placed in the Corner
- To Eat Cotton Wool and Blow Fire and Sparks out of your Mouth
- To Make a Peg that will exactly fit three different kinds of Holes
- Magic Money
- The Magic Knife
- To Bring Colored Ribbons from Your Mouth
- A Cheap Way of Being Generous
- To Make Fire Bottles
- Artificial Thunder
- The Magic Flask
- How to Let Twenty Gentlemen Draw Twenty Cards, and to Make One Card Every Man’s Card
- How to Double Your Pocket Money
- To Catch Money From the Air
- Curious Watch Trick
- To Produce a Cannon Ball from a Hat
- An Aviary in a Hat
- To See a Future Husband
- To Know what Fortune your Future Husband will Have
- To Give Eggs a Variegated Appearance
- The Wet Sleeve
- To Produce Beautiful Fireworks in Miniature
- To Construct and Inflate a Small Balloon
- The Enchanted Cock
- The Oriental Ball Trick
- An Excellent Card Trick
- The Ring and Stick
- The Hat Puzzle
- The Restored Handkerchief
- To Make a Cane or Poker Stand in the Middle of the Room
- The Trick of the Inexhaustible Bottle
1st edition 1878, 30 pages; PDF 39 pages.
word count: 17509 which is equivalent to 70 standard pages of text