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★★★★ $10
Recil Bordner
Abbott Magic Catalog #21 1976 by Recil Bordner

A massive catalog featuring magic tricks in all categories from balls and birds to cards and coins and wands and watches.

1st edition 1976, 516 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
Abbott Magic Catalog #2 1935 by Percy Abbott

The second catalog already three times thicker.

1st edition 1935, 68 pages.

Percy Abbott
Abbott Magic Catalog #1 1934 by Percy Abbott

This catalog started it all. It is the first one published in 1934, the start of a magic dynasty.

1st edition 1934, 23 pages.

★★★★ $10
KC Card Co
Blue Book 1960 by KC Card Co

Now included is the 8-page yellow supplement.

Just 15 years after WWII, life was good. As the world rebuilt itself, prosperity reigned. Returning soldiers who needed an outlet to keep their competitive edge found what they were looking for in gambling. Neighborhood poker games, back-alley craps, and illegal casinos were everywhere if you knew where to look. Grifters followed the money trail, too, and not all of them relied on skill. Many used devices such as holdouts, shiners, gaffed cards and crooked dice to ensure that they fleeced the lambs just as surely as if the marks openly handed their...

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #28 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of J.P. Jackson

Featuring American & European Magic Apparatus, Cups and Balls, Books and Vintage Posters. Complemented by a Selection of Collectible Magicana from other Consignors.

1st edition 2015, 115 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #27 by Gabe Fajuri

Fall Magic Auction

Featuring Personal Artifacts and Memorabilia From The Career of Channing Pollock and The Library of James B. Alfredson. Complemented by a Selection of Collectible Magicana.

1st edition 2014, 93 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #26 by Gabe Fajuri

Houdiniana Auction

Featuring Personal Artifacts, Posters & Playbills, Handcuffs & Escape Devices, Books, Programs, Challenges, Correspondence, Ephemera, Scrapbooks, Autographs, Photographs Apparatus & Associated Magicana.

1st edition 2014, 91 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #25 by Gabe Fajuri

The Devil's Picturebook

Featuring Rare Playing Cards, Games, and Artwork; Antiquarian Books; Ephemera and Advertising; Tiles, China, Royal Bayreuth Porcelain; Cheating Devices, Dice, and Chips; Gambling Memorabilia & More.

1st edition 2014, 145 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #24 by Gabe Fajuri

Spring Magic Auction

Featuring Posters and Playbills from the Collection of the late John Salisse, MIMC.

1st edition 2014, 81 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #23 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of Burton S. Sperber

Rare Conjuring Books & Periodicals; Magicians' Tokens and Mirror Cards; Trade, Cigarette and Throw-Out Cards; Complemented by offerings from private collections.

1st edition 2014, 103 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #22 by Gabe Fajuri

The Magic Collection of William E. King

Including Vintage & Collectible Conjuring Apparatus; Association Items; Ephemera & Posters; Magic Sets, Toys and Puzzles; Complemented by Posters, Ephemera, and Apparatus from Private Collections.

1st edition 2013, 99 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #21 by Gabe Fajuri

Magic Memorabilia

Including Apparatus, Books, Ephemera, Posters and Conjuring Curiosa.

1st edition 2013, 19 pages.

★★★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #20 by Gabe Fajuri

Shelf Sale

Including Contemporary & Collectible Conjuring Books; Ephemera & Posters; Modern & Vintage Magic Apparatus; and More.

1st edition 2013, 77 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #19 by Gabe Fajuri

A Selection of Collectible and Unusual Gambling Memorabilia

Including Rare Books; Early Playing Cards; Crooked Gambling Devices; Roulette & Gaming Wheels; Loaded Dice; Poker Chips; "Juice" Joints; Decorative Objects and Posters; Trade Stimulators; and More.

1st edition 2013, 63 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #18 by Gabe Fajuri

Cardini the Suave Deceiver

His personal property at auction.

1st edition 2013, 51 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #17 by Gabe Fajuri

Winter Magic Auction

Including Conjuring Apparatus; Books, Periodicals, and Catalogs; Photographs, Manuscripts and Autographs; Lithographs and Broadsides; And Magicians' Tokens, Medals & Mirror Cards from the collections of Gene Braig and Kevin King.

1st edition 2013, 69 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #16 by Gabe Fajuri

Magic, Featuring the Collection of Charles Reynolds

Including Apparatus, Books, Ephemera, and Posters; Complemented by Material from Other Consignors.

1st edition 2012, 79 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #15 by Gabe Fajuri

Gambling Memorabilia Crooked and Square

Featuring Selections from the Collection of Dale A. Whitman. Including Cheating Devices; Rare & Unusual Books on Poker, Gambling, Cheating & Gaming; Crooked and Fair Dice; Playing Cards; Poker Chips; Wheels of Fortune; Trade Catalogs; Prints; Decorative Objects; and Associated Ephemera.

1st edition 2012, 71 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #14 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of Craftsman, Author and Conjurer John McKinven

Including Fine Turned Wooden Apparatus, Books, and Ephemera. Complemented by Choice and Rare Conjuring Books, Houdiniana, Historical Apparatus, Posters and Ephemera From Private Collections.

1st edition 2012, 81 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #13 by Gabe Fajuri

The Collection of Larry Jennings

Including Apparatus, Books and Ephemera; together with other property from selected consignors.

1st edition 2012, 73 pages.

★★★ $0
Gabe Fajuri
Potter & Potter #12 by Gabe Fajuri

Selections from Ken Klosterman's Salon de Magie. Auction held Saturday, October 29th 2011.

Including Apparatus, Books, Ephemera, and Posters; and featuring his collection of Magical Woodcraft Manufactured by F.G. Thayer and the Owen Brothers together with property from other consignors.

1st edition 2011, 81 pages.

★★★★ $4
Geoff Maltby
Club 71: Magic Dealer Catalog Parody by Geoff Maltby

This is a parody of a magic dealer catalog. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues.

16 pages

★★★★★ $5
Martin Breese
Magicassette Catalog by Martin Breese

This is the catalog of Martin's Magicassettes from 1986. It describes about 70 of his tapes and includes price list and ordering instructions at the end.

All of these recordings are available here at the Lybrary as MP3 downloads for your iPod. Please check the Audio section for more details.

1st edition 1986; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $12
August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 15 by August Roterberg

August Roterberg was a very successfull magic dealer working from Chicago in the 19th century. His catalogs and books are collector items. One of his catalogs, number 15, is reproduced in this ebook. Catalogs help collectors identify and date pieces in their collection. Reading through catalogs is for me an exercise in creativity. When I read an effect description I try to think of a method to achieve it, not knowing the secret behind the trick sold. I am sure you will enjoy browsing through this beautiful catalog with lots of illustrations.

1st edition 1913, 216 pages.

Displaying 72 to 95 (of 95 products)
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