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Magic of Merriment
by Solyl Kundu

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Magic of Merriment by Solyl Kundu

In this ebook Solyl gives you an assortment of practical entertainment, from clever close-up with a plug for a prospective booking, to colourful, entertaining, and very impressive conjuring and stage magic. All simple to perform, and enjoyable to watch.

Excerpt from the introduction:

I do not claim that this book is full of novel notions which are mind boggling and which will set the magic world ablaze. But I must say, keeping modesty aside for a moment, that the contents are all 'practical goodies'. Not always very original, but their dressing has fetched me laughs, applause, rewards, friendships, and above all, my bread and butter.

Gift of the gab or patter is the 'life' of my creations. I add gags, one liners, bits and pieces whenever possible, or opportunity permits. I only wish, I could give you my own patter and presentations in detail with every effect described in this book, but I work in my mother tongue (Bengali), so it is virtually impossible to paint a true picture.

  • Introduction
  • The Tools of the Trade
  • Floating Matchbox
  • Balance
  • 21st. Century Torn & Restored Card
  • It's Me
  • Colours In Flight
  • The Rainbow
  • Confetti Caper
  • The World's Best Magic
  • Indian Cups & Balls, Nu Style
  • Good Bye
  • Elmsley Count
  • Meet Solyl ... Again!

1st edition 1993, PDF 38 pages.
word count: 8703 which is equivalent to 34 standard pages of text